Gundham Tanaka (Dropped)

Gundham Tanaka
World: Danganronpa-1
Actual Age: 18
Apparent Age: Young Adult
Quote: "Giving up on life and choosing death... is nothing but a blasphemy toward life. It is a violation of the natural order! It is the arrogance of humanity!"
Role: Animal Breeder Overlord
Species: Human
Voice Actor: Tomokazu Sugita (JP)/Chris Tergliafera (EN)


Gundham Tanaka, aka TANAKA THE FORBIDDEN ONE, is the result of a demon's curse upon an angel who -- actually no. However, this is what Gundham would have others believe, that his mother was an angel and the father that he'd never met was some sort of demon. Gundham's mother was forced to raise him alone. His only true friends growing up were animals, so as he grew up, he learned to literally speak with them, and they came to trust and obey him without question. And he also decided that, since everyone treated him so badly, it must be because he was something horrible... a demon? As he grew older he began to study the occult, but his true passion was caring for the animals that had been his friends since he was a child. By the time he was in high school, Hope's Peak -- a high school renowned for producing "Ultimate Talents" -- picked him up as the "Ultimate Animal Breeder". It is there that he continues to cultivate his animals... and his dark powers!


Animal Command: Gundham can speak to animals better than to people... and they take orders
Gundham's ability to speak with animals is complete -- they can communicate everything from simple concepts such as "I'm hungry" or "paw hurts", to incredibly complicated things like "the large man with the white suit and glasses ate five of the six donuts and gave the sixth to the girl with the purple-striped hair horns; he got crumbs all over the floor as well as his tie". In addition to this, animals that do not already have owners will fall easily under his sway, and he may even be able to turn animals against their keepers and to his own causes. However, this is limited to non-sapient Earth creatures and creatures who resemble them, such as animal-based Pokemon. He could NOT command beings who are plants, not based on natural animals, or artificial in nature.
Animal Care: Gundham knows how to care for a staggering array of natural creatures
Instinctually, Gundham understands what it is that an animal needs to not only survive, but to thrive and grow strong. Animals under his care will increase in strength, their colors becoming deep and robust, as their health becomes excellent. They sometimes even become giant versions of their species (though this takes a concerted effort on his part). If born/hatched under his care, may be born/hatched as rare colorations. Gundham is also able to perfectly create food for a specific animal's nutritional needs, and meet any animal's grooming and cleansing needs so long as he has access to the proper materials. He's also able to diagnose an afflicted animal's malady and determine the best method for treating it. His knowledge in at least care and grooming can actually be extended to humans -- under the premise that humans are technically primates, so he knows what a large primate should eat -- but good luck getting him to do that, given how he dislikes people in general.
Fisticuffs: He is surprisingly good at hand to hand fighting
Owing to his background of getting into fights with multiple attackers as a child, Gundham knows how to defend himself against several human-level opponents with hand-to-hand combat abilities. This seems to do very little to make him admit that he is just a human, since he can generally dispatch them with little effort unless they're armed with a weapon or are stronger than an average human.
Ritual Magics: Cast dark spells with much prep time, wards and ability boosts
Gundham's study in the occult after he started trying to make others believe that he's a demon has afforded him a small list of ritual magics -- warding an area against demonic intrusion, or making an ally or group of allies stronger or more resilient are about all he's capable of. They're really of no use in battle unless he's had time to prepare EXACTLY what he needs (which would only be a single ritual). But their effects can be quite powerful. This has also taught him the "feel" of the occult, resulting in a mild "occult sense" that, while useful, is only slightly more accurate than "chills down the spine" -- he may sense something amiss about someone, but generally not exactly what (while he's probably BSing about feeling "a powerful evil aura" from his classmates, he's probably not so much when he feels it from a place where ritual murder has occurred).


Four Dark Devas of Destruction< Named F-Tier >: The four hamsters of the apocalypse
Hiding most frequently in Gundham's scarf, or other places on his person, are the Four Dark Devas of Destruction. To "mortal eyes", they appear as four hamsters; their names are Cham-P, Jum-P, San-D, and Maga-Z. Of course Gundham has longer, more ostentatious names for them. They have little use in battle aside from distractions, as they are very small; however they are quick and can deliver painful bites.<br/>* Cham-P, the "<span style="color:#484840" >Invading Black Dragon</span>", is a large, round male golden hamster who usually appears to have a docile expression; he is the largest and strongest, and possibly the smartest.<br/>* Jum-P, the "<span style="color:#ffb040" >Mirage Golden Hawk</span>", is an average-sized white-and-brown male hamster that is almost constantly asleep. Despite this however, he can move with surprising quickness, sometimes appearing to run and jump while still asleep.<br/>* San-D, the "<span style="color:#ffff4f" >Supernova Silver Fox</span>", is a white and orange female hamster of average size. She is cheerful and encouraging, and is the most agile of the four. However, she can be aggressive towards the others regarding territory, particularly Jum-P.<br/>* Maga-Z, the "<span style="color:#ff4040" >Crimson Steel Elephant</span>", is an average-sized male hamster with primarily brown fur and a notched ear. As one might expect, he is the most aggressive of the Four Devas -- and he looks it, with his narrowed, beadier eyes -- and the one most likely to bite someone for messing with Gundham.


Chuunibyou: He pretends he's half-demon/half-angel, and refuses correction
Gundham has created a false backstory for himself, that his mother was an angel who was captured and seduced by a demon, who then left her with child and cursed her -- both with the inability to touch food without rendering it into actual poison that only he has sufficient "astral strength" to consume, and with the Earthly family she is now shackled inexorably to. Why else would someone claiming to be "family" have been so abusive towards him -- and more importantly, towards his mother. Surely he MUST be some sort of demon, if his existence created so much pain for his mother. And she must be an angel since she bore it all without a word. If he comes across anything that doesn't fit this worldview, he decries it as sorcery, trickery, or a lie to confuse him. And it CAN confuse him, leading him to hesitate at crucial moments.
The Evil That Never Was: Gundham is convinced that he is evil
As the "Supreme Overlord of Ice" (or some permutation thereof), his is surely the kingdom of the hells. All those who rise in his path will face the wrath of TANAKA THE FORBIDDEN ONE! Never mind that he's NOT actually a demon. However, he does interact with the world as if he were evil. To a point. He excuses honorable acts as "taking pity upon a foe of clearly inferior strength", or excuses that he doesn't actually do underhanded things as it being "beneath his station". It's pretty sad, really -- he's actually a good, honest man... he just has no idea how to deal with the world and the people in it (ESPECIALLY the people in it) normally.
"I Name Thee...!": The Oprah of ridiculous fake magical titles
If Gundham likes you, finds you a worthy opponent, or maybe even despises you... then to him, you're not human. Even if you are. You are CLEARLY of some otherworldly origin -- perhaps one of your parents was secretly an angel, or a demon... or worse, an ABYSSAL FIEND! -- because clearly nothing as LOWLY as a MERE HUMAN could stir his emotions so! People who are at least visibly human, who manage to impress Gundham, will generally find themselves saddled with some sort of "dark"-sounding nickname -- for instance, Sonia Nevermind is the "dark queen", Gonta Gokuhara is the "gods' colossus", etc. If he's really impressed with you (even if he doesn't like you), you might get two -- Kokichi Ouma is both "The Clown Prince of Lies" and "the spawn of Loki's blood".
Ugh, Humans: He really doesn't know how to People
Gundham grew up with a single mother and didn't have a lot of friends. In school he avoided most activities that would require him to touch or interact closely with others. Since he didn't have a lot of experience in dealing with people, he's quite awkward around them. Which he of course fits into his worldview that he's a demon, by translating it as an incompatibility with, and a dislike for, "lowly creatures" such as humans (or whatever the world equivalent is). He is, however, full of it -- he's actually lonely and can't get himself to admit that he, TANAKA THE FORBIDDEN ONE, actually wants to be friends with "mortal creatures".

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
363 Pokemon festival/exhibition! Mar 26 2019
289 Monster in the Woods (No, Not That One) Oct 12 2018
See All 2 Scenes


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