Sin Kiske (Dropped)

Sin Kiske
World: Guilty Gear Xrd-1
Actual Age: 4
Apparent Age: 19
Quote: "Aw man... it sucks to be you."
Role: Vagabond Bounty Hunter
Species: Human/Gear Hybrid
Voice Actor: Issei Miyazaki


It is 11 years after the Holy Wars in which the battle between mankind and their creations the Gears were finally brought to an end with the sealing of Justice. With apprehensions still high about existing Gears in the world for their sometimes monstrous appearances if not frightening capabilities as living weapons, the First King of Illyria Ky Kiske, chooses to send away his young son, born of a half-Gear mother, to be raised by Sol Badguy. Sin Kiske's true potential for power is yet unknown, although being related directly to Gears of devasting ability, he has already proven his aptitude to be following fast towards the league of his mother and grandmother. Thankfully Sol has quickly taught him about trying to keep that under control, but the young bounty hunter still has plenty to learn.


Tough as Nails: Being raised by Sol isn't for the weak of heart, but it's toughened Sin up.
Although modern parenting would call it abusive, Sin's upbringing by one Sol Badguy has been to an extent, effective. Sol's learning system seems to have mainly consisted of beating it into the kid, whether it be keeping his power under control or drilling fighting techniques. As a result Sin's able to shake off what might floor most people, his time with Sol and his being a hybrid Gear having toughened him up considerably.
Flagged: Sin took Sol's advice literally but has proven flags to be deadly weapons.
Sin took Sol's suggestion seriously, so that's why the boy carries around a flag on a pole, and he actually does fight with it! For the most part the flag portion is kept wrapped and bound, and Sin's fighting style is akin to a spear or staff fighter. Laugh all you want, he's gotten pretty good at using it.
Super-Charged: Like his parents, Sin has an aptitude for magic and an affinity to lightning.
While he's capable of using magic, he's not adept enough to be considered a fullblown mage. At most it appears he puts most of his ability into embuing his attacks with a lightning charge, just as his father can, if not necessarily to the same extent. Unlike Ky's, the lightning that Sin calls is red and black-tinged. Aside from this, he's also able to pull off a low-level summon, creating what he calls a magehound, although his tends to appear and act like your average puppy dog. There's probably more useful applications for a magehound but Sin's creation has only ever really been used for having a pet.
Gear Hybrid< Edge >: Even as a quarter Gear, his power unleashed can still cause a massive explosion.
While it's not specified what Sin's eyepatch hides, or rather how exactly his right eye appears, it is hinted that it's likely this eye is the most obviously inhuman thing about him. Not only that, but its revelation, either due to some trauma or simply for what it is, triggers his access to the superhuman Gear powers that echo the destructive capabilities of his mother Dizzy and his grandmother Justice. If in the instance that he's driven enough, he'll use this (perhaps excessive) power boost as a finisher with the intent of taking out his opponent by slamming into them, ending in a massive explosion of black lightning.


Naive to a Fault: Sin looks like an adult but he doesn't think that way.
He might come off as simple-minded, and to an extent it's a fair assumption. True, he's naive, but the way Sin thinks and processes things speaks of the childlike innocence he still possesses. Adults like over-complicating things in ways he can't really keep up with or understand, but sometimes he'll offer surprising insight from his perspective. Other times he's just absolutely clueless about what might be considered the most mundane of things, such as being absolutely amazed that one can put sugar in tea to make it sweet.
High-Protein Diet: It's hard to concentrate on a fight when your stomach's growling.
Fighting takes a lot of energy, and Sin's intense moves don't come without consequence. In fact, it's pretty draining! He tends to get pretty hungry especially after he's pulled off some of his more signature attacks, and depending on the situation it might be enough to become a distraction as he tries to power through things. So much so that he might even try to sneak a bite in the middle of a battle, provided he's got any meat on hand!
Not So Well-Rounded: Sol taught him how to survive. Kind of neglected everything else.
Sin hasn't had the most basic of education, and despite Sol's genius, the man has put such schooling secondary to teaching the boy how to fend for himself. It's understandable when one considers the potential power that Sin's inherited as even just a quarter-Gear, the importance of learning how to control it. However his lack of knowledge regarding what people may consider day-to-day business makes things awkward for him. At least Sol's started teaching him how to do multiplication...
Overconfident: When you're young and know you're strong, you can take on the world.
Likely another unintentional trait developed under Sol Badguy's tutelage, when the only thing that scares you is your own parental figure and teacher, then what can possibly stand in your way? It doesn't help that Sin knows he has the power to usually back up his words if he's faced with a fight, and generally for most problems that he's faced with, the potential of failure just never seems to be an option, which just makes it all the more difficult to stomach when things don't go the way he thinks they will.

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