
World: Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap-1


Mistrael is a member of a little-known tribe that lives in Hyrule. As his people are few in number, he made it his personal mission in life to write down as many of their legends as he could, to preserve them for posterity, as well as to learn the tales of Hyrule proper and the surrounding kingdoms. While he'd like to fancy himself a famous bard, he's not quite skilled enough to earn his keep entirely and has a tendency to spend as many night foraging for his food as staying in a warm inn. Despite wearing a sword he seems to rely on his archery skills in combat, or his rather rudimentary magic.


Archery: He's a crack shot with a bow, and his trusty magic boomerang.
Mistrael is quite good with a bow and arrow, and relatively adept with a boomerang as well. He swears he was trained by Gerudo warriors, who were quite enamored with him. His boomerang is likely enchanted though, as it seems to be able to make impossible loops, and always returns to him.
Mage-in-Training: Minor control over classical elements, and rapid plant growth.
Whether natural ability or just the limit of what he studied, Mistrael seems skilled at basic elemental magic only. He can summon minor fire, water, wind, and earth magic. He has severe restrictions, though. He can only conjure fire as large as a baseball, about a gallon of water (or ice), a good blast of wind, or grow a few vines strong enough for climbing about a floor in height.
Weather Magic< Edge >: His specialty. He can control weather for a small village.
He has the easiest time with straight up weather magic. While he can't channel direct forms of wind and water as elemental blasts as easily, he has little to no trouble manipulating weather over a small village's size in area. This is particularly useful for watering local fields, or keeping a festival sunny. Normally the weather changes at about the rate of 'a sudden storm rolls in', the actual time directly related to how intense the weather he wishes to change is. A sudden minor cloudburst takes near no time at all, if there are already clouds. Conjuring a hurricane from a blue sky would take far longer, more on the scale of days, though the rain and winds would be gradually intensifying within minutes. (Edge only effective on hurricane force summoning, not base weather.)
Ocarina of Wind: This summons a bird who can fly him around places he's been before.
A pretty blue ocarina, enchanted, of course. Though odds are it could do other effects if he knew more songs, the only one he knows is the one to summon Zeffa, a beautiful blue bird strong enough to carry him around.
Bard: Mistrael is quite good at earning his keep by entertaining stories and music.
Mistrael is skilled with a lyre and ocarina, as well as singing. He's a mesmerizing storyteller as well, and has little difficulty earning his keep as an entertainer... when he can find venues.


What Focus: Attention Span? Is that a new bridge?
He doesn't really keep his attention on anything terribly long, even things that interest him. Unless it's a book. He can get lost in those for hours and forget to eat.
Fear of Chickens: They're evil I tell you.
It isn't as if he runs screaming from the things. They just always make him nervous. If you've ever been mean to a Hylian Cucco you'd know why. They have the impossible flock mind and when that many cuccos descend upon a person, it's near impossible to deafeat them, so much as just run. Running is safest.
Wanderlust: Unable to sit still. Prone to wandering off into danger.
Also known as Oooh Shiny Disorder, and Attention Deficit Squirrel, he has a bad habit of meandering off to explore interesting looking things. Problem is he doesn't always have the wilderness lore or swordsmanship skills to back up such misadventures.
Destiny: Destined for something great or terrible, he avoids drastic actions.
A wise seer from Hyrule warned him that he bore a great destiny, but to beware, because true greatness often walked on a knife's edge, and that one step either way, he'd fall. He tends to avoid things that seem too 'drastic', but the call of a true hero is in doing what must be done... and it's called Destiny because it's destined, after all...

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