The World of Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap-1

Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap-1

This world is full of magic and monsters, legends and nightmares... from giant dragons and demons to tiny benevolent spirits.

Type: Blossom
Active Characters


Hyrule is a sizable kingdom, mostly medieval tech with touches of steam and magitech here and there. It is known for its legends, particularly surrounding a magical wish granting artifact known as the Triforce, and the sword to seal evil, the Master Sword. This land has been touched by the Goddesses and their influence is still felt. The cycle of reincarnation keeps bringing the Hero of legend, the King of Evil, and the princess carrying the blood of the Goddess Hylia, back to the world. The Master Sword is used as a seal on the King of Evil's spirit to hold him at bay, but other evils are periodically attracted to the power of the Triforce.

To help safeguard the land without needing the use of the use of the Master Sword, the Goddess Hylia sent emissaries bringing gifts meant to repel evil. The Minish, tiny, mouse-like elven folk whose realm was connected to that of the Goddesses. They came to the world through a portal that only opened once every hundred years. They granted the Royal Family with the Minish Blade, a sword with similar evil sealing power to the Master Sword, as well as the Light Force, a mystical purifying power. The sword was granted to the Hero's reincarnation and the Light Force passed down along the royal line through the Princesses.

Evil has come and gone, but always been turned back when all seemed lost, by the combined efforts of the Hero and Princess. One of the most notable was a wicked mage seeking the power of the Light Force, only to be defeated and sealed by the Minish Blade.

For now, peace seems to reign in the realm again, but there are always stories and prophecies. Some say that the world's connection to the World Tree will only invite more danger from new threats seeking the Triforce. Others reject the idea, sure that other lands may mean more heroes they could call if ever they're needed again. The Light Force and Minish Blade seem nearly forgotten by most outside the Royal Family. Still, the occasional monster is still spotted in the wild parts of the kingdom, which many think is a sure sign that dark times are on their way.