Suka Tabito (Dropped)

Suka Tabito
World: Final Fantasy 14-1
Actual Age: 18
Apparent Age: 18
Quote: With armour and honor, we will liberate savage Eorzea.
Role: Imperialist Gunlizard
Species: Au RA
Theme Song:


Suka Tabito is an orphaned dragon-like humanoid born in a conquered city-state by a technologically advanced Empire. Raised in an Empire-ran orphanage, she enlisted in the military, where she would show a talent for her Empire's magical technology and leadership. Transferred to the XIVth legion of the Empire far from her place of birth, she would come to be known for her skill in leading armoured divisions, both in air and on the ground as well as innovations in their design. Now in the World Tree, cut off from her world, she uses soldiers, armour, guns, and gadgets to seek allies, discover new magical technology, and find lost Imperial soldiers wherever they may be. Projecting the image of a stoic soldier, but young and unsure of herself, she nevertheless has an attachment to new technologies that can lead to reckless actions in the field.


Magitek Specialist: Suka and her century specialize in use, repair, and recovery of magical tech.
Suka and her crew consist of engineers, researchers, as well as combat engineers alongside more standard soldiers that specialize in the repair, creation, and use of military-grade technology powered by fuel created from drained magic crystals and other similar sources. This allows for the repair, maintenance, and modification of similar magic-fueled pieces of technology and mechanical devices such as 'modern' rifled guns and small arms, grenades, armor, elemental-magic infused gun ammo, magic-fueled techno-swords and other melee weapons, small magical robots, as well as armored walking weapons platforms known as Magitek Armour. They are constantly looking for new magical-technology to incorporate and modify, though with the scarcity of resources, this is currently difficult. (Crafting new magitek weapons requires an upgrade application).
Superior Agility: Suka has superior speed, reflexes, and agility.
Through intense training, Suka has remarkable speed, reflexes, and agility. She can dodge bullets, leap higher than most and perform acts similar to parkour, and reacts to opponents faster than a normal imperial officer.
Sharpshooter: Suka is skilled with magic-ammo guns producing wind and fire elements.
Suka's sharpshooting skills are such that she can ricochet standard bullets to hit targets, is extremely accurate, and she also can employ fire and wind elemental magics when using magical ammo. Suka uses high-calibre handguns fitted for mundane and elemental ammo, and a larger semi-automatic rifle for long-range engagements.
Airship Ventus: Suka's personal airship. Roughly the size of a modern naval destroyer.
The Ventus is a standard Imperial troop ship roughly the size of a modern naval destroyer, capable of transporting a sizable amount of both ground troops and Imperial armour pieces. It currently serves as a mobile base and research center for Suka and her century of troops. Though it can hold its own against other ships, it is primarily used for transport of Suka and her cohorts. It's speed is only average for its size.
Customized Centurion Armor: Light armor with sensors, communications, combat assistance, and repair gadgets.
A suit of light officer's armor, Suka has customized it to her tastes and needs. Boasting only basic defenses, it makes up for that in sheer gadgetry. Linked to a pair of hardened engineer's goggles, it has sensors for viewing aether and similar magic, targeting assistants, infrared and other basic light spectrums, magitek diagnostic and scanning equipment, as well as built in short-range comms to keep in contact with her troops. She can produce small holograms, link to magitek armor systems for better control, and has several built in welding and other repair tools in the gauntlets.
Customized Magitek Armour< Edge >: Small sized armored walking heavy weapons platform.
A small-sized walking weapons platform twice the height of a standard human, used when Suka needs access to heavy weapons. It's less armored than most, in return for having four energy turrets, two rocket launchers, smoke launchers, upgraded tactical sensors and comms, and an upgraded cannon normally reserved for use on airships. In order to fire it's main cannon, however, the armor has to stop and anchor itself to the ground before firing. Using the main cannon costs a point of Edge.
Magitek Explosives and Devices: Suka is skilled with magic explosives, drones and devices.
Suka is an expert in military grade magical explosives, the use of lightly armed scouting and anti-personnel drones, as well as general control devices such as datapads and control panels.
Magitek Equipment: Suka carries magic guns, drones, and control devices.
Suka's loadout can be composed of two magic handguns or revolvers, a magic rifle, sufficient ammo for both, a small number of explosives for antipersonnel and sapping use, one unarmed scouting drone, one lightly armed antipersonnel drone, and a data and control pad.


Imperial Infantry Soldiers< Basic D-Tier >: Gun and melee equipped soldiers with elemental attack and support abilities.
As an officer in the Empire's military, Suka has access to a sizable number of troops. She directly commands a force of one hundred, though usually deploys with a far smaller number. These ground troops work in small teams with a mixture of guns, magitek-enhanced melee weapons, and spell-imitating magitek-staff wielding troops. They're limited to long arms and elemental-style and light healing based magics.
Imperial Armour Troops< Basic D-Tier >: Troops specializing in small armored vehicles and melee robots.
These troops in Suka's command specialize in the use of small vehicles, such as small walking heavy weapons platforms, small but mobile hovering bike-like vehicles, and the operation of smaller magitek robots no larger than twice the size of a person. Depending on the type of vehicle, their arms range from small elemental, magic-fueled melee weapons, or mundane guns up to rockets and small anti-infantry cannons. They possess greater firepower than infantry troops, but these magitek vehicles tend to explode when dealt massive damage by above-average warriors and mages.


Young Officer: Suka wants to prove herself and takes failure hard.
Having rose rapidly through the ranks despite her youth, Suka has something of a complex. Constantly trying to prove herself worthy of her rank, she takes losses of her men and failures in the field very personally. This often leads to bouts of depression following a particularly significant loss. She also tends to be looked down upon by more experienced officers.
Magitek Obsessed: Suka seeks out technology powered by magic, guns, and magical-fuel.
Suka lives and breathes magitek. She will risk life, limb, and her soldiers to obtain and use magitek and other technologies. Both reckless in her pursuit of technology and eager to put it to use, Suka is not above starting a military campaign just to claim the technology of another nation. Typical targets include advanced styles of guns, magic-powered weapons of any variety, as well as vehicles, communications and scanners, and sources of fuel based on concentrated magic or are primarily powered by magic. Due to the need for resupply of rare and expensive materials, she also can at times be forced to salvage and raid for basic medical supplies or magical-conductive metals.
Imperial Arrogance: Suka believes Garlea is superior, and is condescending because of it
Suka was raised to believe that the Garlean Empire is superior to all nations, and that all other civilizations need to be protected. Thus, she tends to look down on non-Garleans, typically through either disapproval or occasionally treating them like children in need of correction. This can be very off putting to many.
Debts: Suka repays her debts.
Suka has a minor obsession with repaying debts, real and imagined. Save her or her men? She'll owe you a favor. Whether she finds it distasteful or not, and as long as it doesn't hurt her men or the Empire? She'll do it. This can be used against her.
Unsubtle: Suka and her division go in loud.
A magitek division is rarely a stealthy thing, and Suka's is no exception. They rely on armour, robots, and heavy use of magitek in shows of force as well as shock-and-awe tactics. Smaller forces, the stealth inclined, and sappers are a great weakness of Suka's outfit, and when not backed up by more conventional troops, can be a problem.
Work Hard Play Hard: Suka and her men push themselves on and off the field.
Suka and her century as a whole have a reputation as party animals. This isn't wholly undeserved, as much of their leave time is put to drinking, gambling, partying, and other such forms of entertainment. Rowdy and loud generally, Suka has to often reign in her men or enact discipline when they push things too far...when she herself isn't doing the same. This reputation follows them, and catching them off guard after too much partying is possible.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
397 Minor Turbulance Jan 10 2019
See All 1 Scenes


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