Tiana (Dropped)

World: Unchained Blades-1
Actual Age: 17
Apparent Age: 17
Quote: It's always been a personal policy to give back five times as good as I get!
Role: Phoenix Princess
Species: Phoenix
Voice Actor: Ami Koshimizu


The princess of the Phoenix Clan, Tiana has been groomed from a young age to lead. Despite her young age, she is an experienced fighter, skilled with the sword and staff, and adept in healing magic as well as wind, lightning, and fire elemental spells. Although not yet fledged as a full phoenix, she is still capable of flight, though aerial combat is not her specialty. Her inherent charisma has brought other monsters to follow her command, and she is able to Unchain those with clouded minds, cleansing them of mental degredation and curses. Despite being raised as a princess, she has a rebellious and wild spirit, often pushing allies away. Though Tiana is fiercely loyal to close friends, she has a strong temper, never forgetting even the smallest slight and vowing disproportionate vengeance. Even though she left her home to find aid for her besieged people, Tiana may have a different, more selfish, agenda in mind...


Melee Combatant: Skill with using both swords and staves.
Tiana is trained in the use of both light swords and staves in frontline combat. She prefers swift, precise attacks over heavier blows.
Offensive Magic: Fire, wind, and lightning elemental magic.
Tiana is able to use offensive magic with fire, wind, and lightning elements. She is able to focus her magic in targeted blasts or widen the effect over an area. In addition, she can apply the magic to her own body, covering herself in the given element before performing a dive of tackle attack.
Healing Magic: Healing and recovery magic.
All members of the Phoenix Clan have at least some skill with healing magics. While not as good as a specialist, Tiana is able to focus her magic to heal the wounds of those nearby. This accelerates the healing process, but is not able to regenerate lost limbs or bring back the dead.
Flight: A phoenix is a bird, after all.
Tiana's wings are fully functional. She is able to fly carrying a moderate amount of additional weight. This is true flight, rather than combat hovering, and she cannot just float in the air. She is able to use her wings to gain aerial momentum for a diving attack, but her combat maneuverability is otherwise best when she's on her own two feet.
Charisma: Leadership abilities of both a princess and a general.
Functioning as both the princess of the Phoenix Clan and one of the commanders of its military, Tiana is experienced in leading others into battle. More than just words, there is an aura around her that can influence those of weaker will to be more likely to follow her command.
Unchain< Edge >: Breaking mental holds and degredation with applied charisma.
Through her aura of charisma, Tiana is able to enforce her will to cleanse mental degredation and help return her focused target back to sanity. She is also able to clear mental holds and geases. In both cases, the application of charisma can sometimes lead to imprinting loyalty onto those she helps. For any beyond those weak of will, this can demand intense focus and concentration.


Followers< Basic D-Tier >: A varied retinue of monsters who follow Tiana.
At any given time, a number of monsters are available for Tiana to command in combat. They have pledged teir life to her will and follow her orders in battle. These monsters may range from weak slimes and gremlins to stronger chimeras and other creatures. Their primary functions are to protect Tiana and to engage in combat with other forces.


The Myth: A spreading myth claims that phoenix blood can grant immortality.
The myth as it is spread claims that drinking the blood of a phoenix grants immortality. Even more so, the blood of young phoenix maidens is especially strong. The Phoenix Clan is not aware of where the myth started, but what began as a rumor has perpetuated even beyond the World of Titans and into the rest of the World Tree. While the only truth it holds is the natural affinity of most Phoenix Clan members for healing magic, most of the rest of the myth is complete falsehood. As this rumor continues to spread, there are more people willing to act on it as if it were truth, putting a target on her. This makes her wary of others whenever the subject of blood comes up in any form.
Selfish: Tiana puts herself first.
Although she can be loyal to those she chooses as her friends, Tiana's first priority is herself. She is willing to lie and trick others if it gives her an advantage in a situation. This can of course lead to trouble should they find out she was lying to get into their good graces.
Vengeful Phoenix: Tiana does not forget those who wronged her.
Tiana does not easily let go of grudges. She vows that anyone who wrongs her will be paid back many times over, often disproportionately so for small slights.
Bugs: Ew ew ew ew! Get them off! Tiana really hates bugs.
Tiana can't stand bugs. Not the big monster insect types. The small, squirmy, wriggly ones. She's terrified of them and refuses to even touch them. Really, what kind of freak could even consider letting a bug touch them, let alone pick one up?

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
126 The World of Titans May 25 2018
See All 1 Scenes


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