Boki Lamira

Boki Lamira
World: Zoincailla-1
Actual Age: Late teens
Apparent Age: Mid teens
Role: Wannabe Superhero
Species: Kitera


Boki is a young Kitera - a sort of anthropomorphic catlike alien. Female Kitera are very strong, have exceedingly good hearing, and possess crystalline growths on their feet that allow them to kick through solid rock. Boki is also an Entanma, a natural magic user. Her magic allows her to 'double jump', shoot basic energy blasts, and also makes her quite hardy to the point of potentially resurrecting her. Most of her magical potential has gone towards her unique ability 'Copycat', which lets her copy the supernatural abilities of other people. Boki was abandoned by her birth parents and raised by a family of a completely different species than her - a family that just so happened to include a superhero and be close family friends with several others. Boki completely idolises superheroes as a result, and wants nothing more than to be one of them - which has lead to her receiving extensive combat training in both the use of magic and a kick-based martial art that even lets her kick ghosts in the face, or reflect magical projectiles, if she has to.


Kitera: Due to her species, Boki is strong, agile, and has good senses. Also eats rocks.
The Kitera are a subterranean catlike species from the planet Rhiotara. Due to living underground, they developed very good night vision, as well as exceptional hearing and even the ability to echolocate in pure darkness. Coming from a desert planet, they don't need as much water as most mammalian lifeforms. Due to their living situation, they have a rather unique diet - while Kitera are omnivores capable of eating both animal and plant tissue, they are also LITHOvores - they eat rocks! This diet also causes them to express crystalline growths - in female Kitera, like Boki, these crystal growths focus around their feet, and, combined with their quite amazing strength for their size, allow them to kick through solid rock.
Entanma Endurance: Being a natural magic user supercharges Boki's body, making her very durable.
Boki is an Entanma, a being naturally capable of performing magic. This supercharges her entire body with power, energising every cell to make her more durable and quicker to heal than the non-magical members of her species. She can tank explosions to the face, take direct hits from orbital lasers, and even endure being cut with diamond-tipped buzzsaws. That's not to say these things wouldn't injure her - they would, quite badly, although not as badly as most people. However, she also heals very quickly, usually able to recover from serious injuries in less than a day.
Copycat< Copy-S >: Boki's unique power copies the supernatural powers of things within thirty feet.
A lifetime of reading stories about superheroes and witnessing the awesome things other Entanma can do has resulted in Boki's own magic copying the magic of everyone else. Specifically, anything supernatural within her Dominion - an area of space extending thirty feet around Boki in every direction - will imprint a copy of its abilities within Boki's subconscious, giving her access to their abilities. Boki has rather average magical power, so spellcasters much more powerful than her will see their powers greatly diminished when she uses them, although her mimicry of novice spellcasters is usually much more powerful than their own talents. Boki can only keep a given imprint in her mind for a few minutes, meaning she must remain close to whatever she's copying to continue to use its powers for long periods. Boki can only copy one aspect of a power at a time, and has to witness it in use before it can be copied, but she can easily swiftly switch between different aspects and even entirely different powers if she needs to.
Double Jump: Boki's magic lets her jump in the air! Once. Flying would be more useful.
Thanks to her love of videogames and ninjas, a small part of Boki's innate magic has grown to allow her to kick off thin air and 'jump again' while airborne - but only once before she has to touch the ground to 'recharge'. Given she can jump twice her height even on the first leap this can get her fairly high into the air, although it isn't true flight. Not only does this allow her some impressive height, but since the midair jump can be in any direction, it also grants her incredible maneuverability.
Kwondai: Boki's kick-based martial art allows her to kick ghosts and deflect projectiles.
As a high level practitioner of kwondai - she just earned her red belt! - Boki is adept at fighting in close quarters, primarily focusing on kicks over other strikes, and she knows virtually no grappling at all. Her kicks are also subconsciously infused with magic to make them hit even harder than they normally would, which also allows her to kick insubstantial things and even deflect magical attacks with proper timing.
Boki Beam!: Boki can shoot a blast of energy from her palm. All Entanma can do this.
All Entanma can project their magic into a destructive blast of energy. Boki called hers 'Boki Beam' as a child, before she knew it wasn't a unique ability. Boki's magical projectile does about as much damage as a bullet from a handgun, and she can't fire them particularly fast, but they're useful when she has nothing nearby to copy. They quickly lose cohesion once they leave her 'dominion', and have a maximum range of about ninety feet.
Dominion: Boki's magic can manifest from any point within thirty feet of her body.
Entanma do not need to make fancy gestures or wrap their mouths around archaic syllables to practice magic. They simply cause their will to become reality within their dominion, like gods. Gods with very limited dominion, mind - in Boki's case, her will is made manifest within a thirty-foot diameter sphere centered on herself. What she lacks in range she can more than make up for with control, as she can cast spells without doing anything more than thinking and can make them originate at any point within her dominion - she could even hit a nearby opponent in the back by manifesting her magic behind them, if they're within her dominion. She can fling projectiles out of her dominion, and thereby attack opponents more than thirty feet away, but once they leave her range she stops having any direct control over them.
Disruption: In extreme circumstances, Boki is capable of shattering her body to cheat death.
In desperate situations, Entanma are capable of disrupting their physical forms and ceasing to exist. Sometimes, they come back again later, their bodies completely healed from any injuries they may have had previously. Sometimes, they don't come back at all. The chance of returning is primarily based on the Entanma's desire to live - someone who's just given up probably won't be back, but someone who's desperate to survive is more likely to be resurrected. This is an instinctive reaction to life-threatening injury and can't be controlled voluntarily, and is just as harrowing as actually dying. But hey, at least you might get to die more than once!


Colour Blind: Kitera cannot see the colour red. This can cause some minor inconvience.
Kitera are dichromatic - they only have two types of colour-detecting cells in their eyes, and as a result cannot see the colour red. Red objects appear to be blueish, greenish, grey or even black to Boki as a result. This is inconvenient in places designed for trichromatic individuals like humans, causing Boki to ocassionally miss warning signs because they're red. She also can't tell just by looking when things are ridiculously hot, at least until they get so hot trichromats see them glowing bright white.
Superhero Fixation: Boki is a massive fan of superheroes, and shows off to prove herself to them.
Boki has always loved superheroes ever since she was little. Whether in comics, on TV, or in the news, Boki has fixated on stories of epic heroics and amazing powers, to the extent that her own magical abilities have been shaped by her desire to be just like them. When she actually encounters a superhero out in the world, Boki is often absolutely star struck, even if she's never heard of them, and does her best to show them how awesome and superheroic SHE is, too. She often goes way too far trying to show off and makes things worse as a result.
Small Steps Hero: Boki focuses on the here-and-now of people in danger, not the big picture.
Boki isn't used to heroics in the real world yet, and her empathy for people in trouble often makes her ignore the 'bigger picture' to help those right in front of her instead. This mostly involves stopping to help bystanders while the villain escapes, or pausing to rescue someone while on the way to stop a villain from poisoning the water supply. When she has allies with her, her short-sightedness doesn't usually result in anything catastrophic, although it can make her late to the final showdown.
Easily Bored: Boki can be impatient at times, and tends to get bored of doing the same thing.
A lifetime of having instant access to any information she wants, and dozens of various VR sims to play and cartoons to watch, has resulted in Boki having a severely atrophied attention span. She gets impatient when made to stay still for too long, and hates long drawn out planning sessions, prefering to be spontaneous in how she handles emergencies and missions. She also quickly grows bored after copying a power, and will switch to another one at the first opportunity even if it's tactically unwise.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
660 Boki Boki Panic! May 07 2020
See All 1 Scenes


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