The World of Zoincailla-1


A futuristic setting in a binary solar system far, far away where magic and high technology go hand-in-hand, humans are unheard of, and sometimes people are born with superpowers.

Type: Bud
Active Characters
Boki Lamira


The binary solar system of Zoincailla is named for its twin suns, Zoinev and Icaillal, which are orbited by eight planets of varying size and environment. Over a dozen sapient species can be found in Zoincailla, from the simple jellyfish-like Cniydora to the scientifically-minded insectoid Ploctites and many more. Technology is at a generally high level, with things like interplanetary travel and energy weapons being commonplace.

Zoincailla has for a long time been united against a common foe in the Cybers, a mysterious organization of cybernetic beings who have been at war with Zoincailla for thousands of years. Although the Cybers' main forces consist of soulless Constructs, their command structure is made up of special Zoincallans called "entanma" that have been captured, brainwashed, and forcibly converted into cyborgs.

Entanma are those rare individuals, about 1 in 150,000, who are naturally born with the ability to use magic. Every entanma has a (mostly) unique way that their magic manifests, based on personality and life experiences, and can be anything from general elemental powers like fire or ice, to more esoteric uses such as the ability to manipulate trash. Entanma are an accepted part of everyday life in Zoincailla, subject to the same laws as any other citizen, though there is a branch of government called the IBSA that specifically regulates supernatural affairs, and it is not uncommon for entanma to take up "superhero"-like roles in society to fight crime or protect Zoincailla from the Cyber threat.

Humans are completely unheard of in Zoincailla, and as such may be subject to random staring, poking, prodding, and general reactions of 'what are you' from the populace. Some may even regard humans with suspicion, but Zoincaillan society is generally welcoming of newcomers due to its own diversity. All visitors are of course still subject to the same laws as native inhabitants, particularly in regards to any abilities that could be described as "superpowers" or "magic". Obvious robots/androids and cyborgs are treated with much more suspicion and fear due to the Cyber threat, but the government is unlikely to step in unless trouble is made.