Gwen Stacy

Gwen Stacy
World: Marvel Universe Earth-65
Actual Age: 19
Apparent Age: Late Teens
Quote: Why does everything have to be so hard? I just want to save the city, help people and play the drums. It's not like I want to be a unicorn astronaut space princess. I haven't since I was five.
Role: Web Slinging Superhero
Species: Symbiote Bonded Human Mutate
Theme Song:
Voice Actor: Hailee Steinfeld


Gwen Stacy was once a normal teenager trying to find direction in her life. Everything changed when she was bitten by a radioactive spider, granting her the proportional speed, agility, and strength of a spider as well a near supernatural ability to avoid danger. She became the vigilante crime fighter known as Spider-Woman soon after, but this was mostly for fun until she caused the death her best friend, Peter Parker. Seeing how reckless she'd become, she's now driven to be a true Hero. New York and it's people are now her responsibility to aid and protect whether that might be a Super-Villain or a purse snatching. Gwen has a long history of dimensional travel, she believes she's prepared for what she'll find at the other end of the vines that have attached to her world and doesn't yet realize just how significant they are yet. Though she has an intense curiosity for the World Tree, she's reluctant to stay away for too long and leave her city unprotected.


Superhuman Physique: Gwen has super strength, stamina and durability.
Gwen's enhanced physique grants her superhuman strength, durability and stamina that are all well beyond that of a normal human. She can pick up and throw a small to mid sized car. Lifting the tractor of a semi-truck overhead is pushing the limits of her strength. She can jump to a height of a little over two stories or ten yards. She can exert herself physically for much longer than normal humans before becoming fatigued and has increased resistance to physical harm, especially blunt force trauma. She can withstand great impacts, such as falling from a height of several stories or being struck by an opponent with super strength, that would severely injure or kill a normal human.
Superhuman Agility & Wall Crawling: Gwen has enhanced agility, speed, and the ability to stick to surfaces.
Gwen's agility, balance, and coordination are enhanced far beyond the limits of normal humans. She is exceptionally limber; in combination with her enhanced strength this allows her to perform a variety of acrobatic moves with an ease that far exceeds the finest athletes. She can run at speeds far beyond the norm, exceeding 50 mph. Combined with her spider-sense, her enhanced reflexes allow her to dodge almost any attack, even gunfire in many cases. She can adhere to most surfaces, scale walls and hang from and walk on ceilings. She instinctively balances herself on almost any object, no matter how small or narrow, even while standing on walls or ceilings.
Police Procedure: Gwen is familiar with NYPD Procedures thanks to her Father.
Gwen is familiar enough with New York Police procedures that she can pass for a cop over the radio, assuming the radio codes are similar to those in her world. She knows how to tell if someone is acting suspiciously, how to case a building or area for defensible locations, potential traps and the best way to enter undetected. She's familiar with breaking and entering techniques, though this is more from the point of view of a detective or security guard.
Venom Symbiote: Venom grants regeneration, camouflage, and lots of clothing options!
An alien symbiote, known as Venom is bonded with Gwen and powers many of her abilities. It grants her accelerated healing at several times human rate, and can change Gwen's outer appearance. This doesn't let her mimic people, but it does let her blend in with her surroundings like camouflage, allowing her to remain hidden if she moves with care. It can also let her replicate just about any clothing she has seen.
Web Shooters: A pair of self-replenishing Web Shooters that cast adhesive ropes, nets, etc.
Gwen's web shooters produce spider silk-like webbing that can be used for any imaginable use of ropes or adhesives such as travel via web slinging, binding or incapacitating opponents and creating nets. She can choose whether or not they're sticky as well as their duration, lasting anywhere from an hour to a few days before crumbling to dust. The web shooters draw moisture and trace amounts of material from the air to continually replenish their web fluid. They're unlikely to run out of webbing, however they do need to be cleaned to prevent clogs.
Spider-Sense: Gwen has a precognitive sense that warns her of impending danger.
Gwen's Spider-Sense manifests as a tingling sensation at the base of her skull. Subtle variations tell her the immediacy, severity and direction of the danger. In many cases this is instinctual. She can't truly dodge bullets, she reacts just before the shooter pulls the trigger.
Skilled Fighter: Gwen practices her own brand of Faux-Martial Arts.
Gwen's combat abilities have actually been learned mostly from Kung-Fu movies and then honed through actual experience. Her superhuman abilities allow her to pull them off without the years of training it would normally require, however against a properly trained martial artist her reflexes and spider-sense give her only a small advantage.
Detective: Gwen has a keen mind, an eye for detail and extended awareness via her symbiote.
Gwen is very intelligent and possesses a high degree of general knowledge. She's also highly perceptive and notices small details that others would not, as well as being excellent at analytical thinking and deductive reasoning. She can enhance her awareness of an area by sending out bits of symbiote in the form of small spiders to search and spy on the surroundings and relay their sensory impressions back to her.


Weight of the World: Gwen has a deep sense of responsibility and desire to help others.
Gwen never had the "Power and Responsibility" talk, but after the death of Peter Parker, she didn't need it. She didn't actually kill Peter, The Lizard formula was already putting stress on his heart, but being pummeled by her didn't help and she'll always feel responsible for his death, in part because he idolized Spider-Woman and wanted to be like her. Much of what she does is trying to make up for this. She'll put almost as much effort into finding a lost purse as she does when defeating a Super-Villain. If she can figure out a way to blame herself for something, she will, then throw everything she's got into fixing the problem or righting the perceived wrong.
Venom Symbiote: Venom can amplify and respond to emotions, and heightens Gwen's metabolism.
Venom heightens Gwen's primal emotions and can push her toward rash actions. It also responds to her subconscious desires and can act on them without her knowledge. If she's worried about her father, it might leave spider probes behind to watch over him. Or they might torment someone she hates, destroying small personal possessions or causing minor inopportune accidents. It also amps up her metabolism, requiring her to about twice as much as usual. If she loses large amounts of symbiote she'll be having forth and fifth helpings for a while as it rebuilds itself.
Impulsive: Gwen often acts without thinking things through.
Between her sense of duty, justice, and responsibility combined with her Symbiote amplifying her emotions, Gwen tends to charge into situations unprepared. She'll then immediately remember all the stuff she should have done to analyze the situation and make sure it wasn't a trap.
Sound Sensitivity: The Venom Symbiote is sensitive to intense sound.
The Venom Symbiote is susceptible to loud noises and intense vibrations. Playing the drums at a rock concert won't bother it unless Gwen stands directly in front of a stage speaker that's turned up to 11. A sonic attack directed at her will have a greater than normal effect. If agitated enough by sound this can disrupt Gwen's abilities.
Vulnerable Spider-Sense: Gwen's spider-sense is second nature but can be interfered with.
Gwen relies on her spider-sense to warn her of danger before it happens. However certain frequencies of sound, drugs or specialized technology can suppress it. It also won't trigger against anything not recognized as a threat. The worst case may be when it's warning of danger coming from literally everywhere. Gee thanks, she really needed to know that! When her spider-sense is suppressed she is less capable in combat as her combat style is partially reliant on knowing when and where threats are coming from. Web-slinging becomes less natural because she has to work harder to avoid impacting buildings and falling.
When Gwen's spider sense is suppressed, she is reduced to Tier-D

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
553 Preparing for the Goblin Raid Aug 12 2019
531 Welcome Home to the Multiverse Jun 26 2019
See All 2 Scenes


This character has no cutscenes yet.