The World of Marvel Universe Earth-65

Marvel Universe Earth-65

Earth-65 is part of the extended Marvel Multiverse. On the surface it's a relatively normal world of early 21st century earth, yet influenced by the presence of superpowered beings and small pockets of super-science, magic, and alien contact.

Type: Blossom
Active Characters
Gwen Stacy


Earth-65 appears at first glance to be a relatively normal world of early 21st century earth, yet influenced by the presence of super powered beings and other fantastic elements. It's centered primarily on the City and State of New York. Technology is somewhat more advanced than a mundane earth though most of it is in the hands of Government or Private Organizations such as S.H.I.E.L.D. Stark Industries, or S.I.L.K. (An International Crime Syndicate and Spy Agency) Magic exists and Alien contact has happened but both are relatively subdued, the greater population being unaware of them.
Marvel Influences

Earth-65 is part of the Marvel Multiverse with it's roots closest to Prime Earth (Earth-616) However in this version Gwen Stacy was bitten by a radioactive spider and became Spider-Woman. Peter Parker became The Lizard and died because of it, wanting to be special like Gwen. The funhouse mirror reflection continues with Matt Murdock being a high ranking member of The Hand and becoming The Kingpin of Crime after Wilson Fisk was imprisoned. (Murdock was Fisk's Lawyer!) Tony Stark has his own personal army/mercenary company known as War Machine, and Samantha Wilson became Captain America then got lost in the Multiverse for 75 years while Steve Rogers had dreams of her adventures and turned them into surprisingly accurate comic books.


A recent inter-dimensional crisis has left the various worlds of the Spider-verse cut off from each other, and Earth-65 is the first known to have attached to the World Tree as a result. This world is no stranger to dimensional travel and already has it's share of strange looking powered beings. Dimensional incursions that aren't outright invasions tend to go unnoticed. To the general population dimensional travel has been something they hear about on the news but not something that affects their daily lives, though this is slowly changing as news reports of this nature seem to be on the rise. Despite this, various Agencies are attempting to keep the presence of the vines out of the media in order to try to explore and/or exploit them themselves.

SILK in particular is in a panic as their normal sources of extra-dimensional artifacts and technology have been cut off. They're now in a rush to secure and exploit new sources before the vines become common knowledge and they no longer have the market on other worlds cornered. SHIELD and other Government agencies are assessing the threat posed by them, keeping an eye on the societal and economic impacts, and trying to minimize the damage caused by SILK before the vines inevitably become public knowledge. Once the initial shock of permanent routes to other worlds has passed people as a whole should be generally accepting and even excited at the idea of extra-dimensional visitors and especially at the prospect of trade and commerce with other realities.