
World: TMNT-1
Actual Age: 15
Role: Leeroy Jenkins
Species: Mutant Turtle
Theme Song: "One Step Closer" - Linkin Park
Voice Actor: Sean Astin


One of four turtles mutated into a more humanoid form due to contact with a radioactive substance, Raphael was named after a renowned artist of the Italian Renaissance by his adopted father and master, Splinter, just as his brothers. Of the four he is the most short-tempered and aggressive, equipped with a smart mouth and untiring sarcasm. Taught in the ancient ways of ninjutsu, he has been trained in stealth, acrobatics and the use of various traditional tools and weaponry. Raphael's favored weapons are a pair of sai.


Sai Fighter: Raphael's weapons of choice are a pair of traditional Japanese sai.
The sai are an unusual if not challenging weapon to master, a forklike, pronged baton of sorts comprised of a central slender point about the length of one's forearm, flanked by two more that are slightly less than half that length, one on each side. Raphael wields two of them, deadly on the offensive and just as effective for defense.
Ninjutsu: Trained in the ancient art of stealth and combat, honing body, mind and spirit.
Adopted by a rat who happens to also be a ninja master, Raphael has been trained alongside his brothers at an early age. Splinter has taught them various kata (forms) and a myriad of martial arts skills that range between various types of hand-to-hand combat and the use of specialized weaponry. As ninja they have learned to master the arts of hiding in shadow, of stealth, and misdirection, the latter in which involves misleading an opponent while seeking an opportune moment to strike. They know how to be quick, especially when they need to make a tactical retreat, and how to be light on their feet, performing acrobatics a seasoned gymnast could envy.
Brotherly Bonds: Raphael will do anything for his brothers, and together they're most formidable.
Raphael and his brothers have been inseparable since they were first found by their foster father and master, Splinter. There are times when they get on his nerves, but for the most part he is ferociously protective of them and will go to any lengths to do so. While there's been many an occasion that he's quit the team out of frustration with the rest of his brothers, it's always inevitable that problematic situations will arise to remind him of the respect he has for them and the things they can only accomplish together. Between the four of them they make up for what another might be lacking, even though there may be jokes about who's the A and B team. Raphael's learned how to fight alongside and with each of his brothers to know how to properly support them with his strength. When they work together, they're most formidable.
Mutant Turtle: What's green, has a shell, and can punch out your lights? This guy.
Mutated by a radioactive substance of alien origin, such is how Raphael and his brothers gained their unusually humanoid form. Trained in body and mind to be a ninja, Raphael's built up strength, dexterity and stamina, making him a force to be reckoned with. He's the strongest of the four, especially dangerous when his temper's stoked. One might think that having a shell might get in the way, but as with the rest of him he's been taught to use it to his advantage. As a turtle he's also got some water adaptability, namely in swimming skills and being able to hold his breath for long periods of time.
Tools of the Trade: From scaling walls to ninja-vanishing, one needs the right equipment.
There are only so many things that an old master of an extinct ninja clan can have on hand, and with the situations his reptile sons can get into at times, some things just need replacing, or a bit of an update. Donatello's tinkering has created his own takes on a few tools as well as throwing some modern equipment into the mix with a healthy dose of scavenged flare. This has resulted in grappling guns and an array of ninja bombs ranging in effects from smoke to flashbangs. The handheld crampons he's crafted are used for scaling walls, although Raphael can also make great use of them in combat.
Road Rage: Secondary designated driver. Also It's great when cool rides double as weapons.
Thanks to Donatello's ingenuity the Turtles have several vehicles that he's either pieced together from scraps or reoutfitted to suit their needs. Having a stylish ride is great, having one that may as well double as a tank is even better. Raphael's usually relegated to handling the weapons as applies, but is otherwise considered the Turtles' secondary driver to Leo.
Weapons of a Warrior: Raphael's favored arsenal covers pointy and ranged among other things.
While sai are his preference, Raphael has been trained in the use of other weaponry and tools of the ninja-trade, and Master Splinter has provided for them a vast arsenal. Like his brothers, Raphael is skilled in the use of the bow and arrow and throwing projectiles such as shuriken. He also carries a small, hidden knife that definitely comes in handy at times. His style for fighting tends more in favor of close quarters, so much of the other weapons he has and uses reflect that, like the blunt, baton-shaped tonfa or the clawed tekko-kagi.
Stealth Bike: Sometimes you gotta drive under fire and through walls. With an armored bike.
Raphael has dibs on the Stealth Bike, a squat but sleek little ride with a tough exterior and a dark finish perfect for sliding under the radar, or at least out of plain sight for those looking from above. It has a sliding armored canopy that seals over the driver and looks like a stylized turtle shell, strong enough to bust through walls and take a few hits. While it may seem on the heavy side, it still makes up for it in power, and anything can launch when it's got enough of an angle, right? The bike seats one and launches from the Turtles' Shellraiser, a converted subway car that serves as their main method of transport.


Temperamental: Some might say he's got a short fuse...
Of the four, Raphael can be considered the the most emotionally expressive. It particularly shows when he's frustrated and angry, and it would be no shocker to know that he's the hothead of the team. Sharp words combined with raw action often lead him to things he'll regret later, especially when it comes to unleashing his temper on his brothers. In battle his rage can be both a deadly boost or a dangerous liability.
Headstrong: If Raphael thinks he knows best then he'll do what he wants.
A constant strain against his older brother Leonardo's leadership role, Raphael hates being told what to do and usually fights it every step of the way. Oftentimes he's confident in whatever decision he makes, and he's not afraid to go against the advice of others. He'll often throw himself headlong into dangerous situations and believes in action over sitting around and planning.
Mutant Turtle: Being a humanoid turtle makes one pretty obvious. Good thing he's a ninja.
It's hard to really blend in when you've got green skin and a shell on your back. True, traveling to other worlds and places may make this not so big an issue, but sometimes you still make for quite the unusual if not startling sight.
Creepy Crawlies: Oh come on, Raphael can't be the only one who thinks bugs are the worst!
That's right, big, bad Raph has a strong aversion to bugs, especially roaches. They creep him out to the point of panic, and anything in excess of one or two is downright debilitating, and let's not even talk about monster-sized! If he's aware that there's a possible presence of roaches in his vicinity, he can't help but be thoroughly distracted.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
728 Attack of the Killer Tomato Sauce Sep 06 2020
662 Hunting a Rider May 15 2020
638 Strange Sights In an Urban Jungle Apr 01 2020
See All 3 Scenes


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