World Tree MUSH

Attack of the Killer Tomato Sauce

"Uh, dudes? There's so such thing as too much pizza sauce, right?"

"... Mikey? What did you do?"

The city of New York's going to find out exactly what happens when you mix pizza and mutagen.
Character Pose
Previously, on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles...

"Miiiiiikey! MIKEY! Hey! Helloooooo! Yoohoo! Pay very close attention. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT touch this bottle that says DO NOT TOUCH THIS BOTTLE MIKEY on it. It's a very important, very unstable mutagen based compound that I'm working on. Remember! DO! NOT! TOUCH! IT!"

Donatello does the 'I'm watching you' finger eye thing and reluctantly walks out of the room.

Moments later, Michelangelo pops his head up from behind the sofa. One earbud hanging from his 'ear'. He looks around a couple of times. "Wha? Donnie?" A moment passes and Mikey shrugs, slapping in his earbud and drops back down continue his portable gaming. We're talking some serious fighting game action right now. "BOOYAKASHA!" He must be winning.



Michelangelo leaps through the manhole cover and to the surface on the streets of his hometown of New York City. His speed is faster than it normally would be because he knows he's going to have to run faster than two things. The first? Well, that's something he's used to running from. His brothers and their anger. They're not that far behind and if he slows down, they'll get to him and plant a serious hurting on him.

There's a second thing, this time, though. And this thing's coming from every which way but loose. Well, every which way AND loose to be exact.

From within the sewer grates, manhole covers, faucets, fire hydrants and more... anything connected to the sewer and water systems... things are going to be a little bit different. But delicious. Because right not there's PIZZA SAUCE coming out of all these things. Thick, tomatoey, cheesy (Mikey adds cheese to his pizza sauce for some extra deliciousness), SENTIENT pizza sauce! It oozes, bubbles, grows and growls(?!) with every single thing it consumes in its path.

And right about now, it's coming from the sewers to consume New York.

The bulk of it seems to be oozing out of the alley that the giant turtle is running out of. And speaking of this turtle, we're going to cut to him one more time so he can let everyone know what this world needs right about now.

     Miwa happens to be visiting and is coming from the direction of Central Park, where she'd recently been hanging out by The Lake with a close friend, where she put on a bit of a show in both song and visual spectacle in a way that only she can. Now she's heading into the city, floating along inside one of her water balloon bubbles, singing softly to urge it along in a flight similar to a hot air balloon. She's in search of something to eat, but soon is distracted by something rather concerning, that being the sauce surging up from the sewers and into the streets. 
    "Hmm, that can't be good..." She mutters to herself as she continues to observe, wondering what on... whatever planet this is, could have caused this phenomenon. Then she hears a cry for help and blinks as her gaze follows in its direction. She begins floating her bubble over toward Michelangelo. "Never a dull moment in the tree, eh Luke?" She says as she glances to the Pokemon trainer sharing her bubble.
Josuke Higashikata
    'City covered by tomato sauce monster' isn't the first thing that comes to mind when one thinks of New York City. Some old people may think of picante sauce thanks to a run of commercials twenty or so years ago, but definitely not 'tomato sauce monsters'.

But see, before this culinary carnage, the Speedwagon Foundation smelled a rat, and had Josuke go and investigate. After all, a city with ninja/thief/whatever else the Foot are supposed to be would make a tempting target for Dio's minions to start a recruiting drive for.

    Thus it is that Josuke is on-hand when the mass of sentient tomato sauce starts bubbling out of the underground! He's tried to beat it back with Crazy Diamond, but that just splattered it. So he got the idea to try to 'fix' it.

    That said, this mass is just too big for him to take care of all at once. Josuke's not in the main area that the sentient tomato sauce blob is really coming out at, but he's working his way over there, leaving a trail of perfectly usable tomatoes and hot peppers, pieces of Italian leafy herbs, randomly-sized bits of cheese... and some kind of glowing goopy stuff. Amongst other random things that... probably shouldn't be in pizza sauce.

    On the bright side, he might be shrinking this beast, however slowly, as he works his way towards the epicenter of the trouble. It is, however, fortunate that he's not at the epicenter of it. Because that means he hasn't caught sight of Michaelangelo or his brothers yet. Which... is a good thing. It is a VERY good thing, as time will tell...
Luke Gray
     Luke was not going to miss one of Miwa's concerts, not after he finally reconnected with his friend after such a long time!. The boy is alone this time, not wanting to bring his pokemon and cause more trouble for the singing mermaid seal. "This is so cool, I need to get a proper travel pokemon sometime." he says, "But I bet anythign i get won't be nearly as neat as this.". 

    The boy goes quiet as he sees the onslaught of... sauce? rushing out of the sewers, "What is that red thing?... is it blood?... wait... it is not" the boy asks, panicking for a moment, leaning down closer, or trying to. "I hope it's not, that would be really... weird." he mumbles, before chuckling, "This is certainly a new one for me, maybe we should try to help?."
Aurelia Argent
    Aurelia looks surprised as tomato sauce starts spurting everywhere. It was supposed to be a nice quiet trip to some other New York before summer break was over. Especially after all that business with rampaging grendels and Metallia Noctis' spectacular death. No such luck. She runs along towards Central Park, trying to remember if tomato sauce has a lot of metallic elements in it or not, covering her head with a tour guide magazine thing.
    If they get sick of tomato sauce because of this fiasco, Michelangelo Hamato is going to Get It. As it was, Raphael had been minding his own business reading comics in the common room of the lair before Things Happened. The resulting had him seeing more red than usual.

    Nearly drowning in tomato sauce is definitely -not- a way he ever thought would be a thing, and he can still taste it in his mouth, and smell it just about everywhere now that it's spilled topside. He doesn't need to hear the all too familiar yelling in panic to -know- who's responsible. Usually it's a toss-up between Donatello and Michelangelo. This? This particular mess? Has Mikey's prints ALL over it.


    That's an all too familiar shout too. Raphael's managed to snag a signboard to keep afloat once the gush of tomato sauce had hit the surface, and currently he's perched on it like a surfboard, riding a tomato-red wave. "MIKEY -WHAT- DID YOU -DO-?!!" It has all the intonation of an upset older brother, complete with unspoken promises of a pummeling once he catches him.
Emily Nyx
    Emily is walking down the street in the form of an auburn-haired woman with glowing purple eyes dressed in a full tuxedo, with face-paint done up to look like seams on an android or suchlike. And by "walking" I mean "doing the Robot". Seemingly from invisible speakers, she's playing a rendition she created herself of Strong Bad's acapella/techno hit single, "The System is down." She's definitely turning heads, at least. "The system ... is down. The system ... is down. The system ... is down. Down, down, down down dodododown --"

    Then the tomato-monster appears, and without missing a (literal) beat, she abruptly switches musical genres to dubstep, and drops the bass. "Duuuuude, whatwhatwhatwhatwhatwhat whoa whoa whoa --" A clip of Patrick from Spongebob saying "wumbo." "Dude, whatwhatwhatwhatwhatwhat whoa whoa whoa --" "-- wumbo."

    While she's doing that, she projects a hologram with the text "EMILY NYX - Eudaemon of the Halcyon Remnant" in large letters, followed by "Releasing capacitor seals 3 and 2" and a diagram of three concentric circles, silver, gold, and pearlescent from outermost to innermost, with the first to blinking out. And with that, three distinct auras appear around her, one gold, one silver, and one pearlescent; the first two shatter, and the third one fades; without the slightest interruption to her acapella dubstep, she rises off the ground, and in a swirl of what appears to be silvery glitter, she transforms into a silver robot with six glowing purple eyes in two vertical rows, six arms, and six holographic demon-wings. Hands outstretched and still beatboxing, she floats over towards the tomato-monster, conjuring up five bolts of golden light. She looks over the mass of tomato sauce, looking for anything that particularly resembles a target.
It may be unclear if Mikey is running from the Killer Tomato Sauce or the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Either way, the fear on this turtle's face is completely real and right now he's trying to get as far away from this nonsense as inhumanly possible. And he's moving pretty fast. Good thing he's not a tortoise, eh?

Get it?

Anyway, Miwa and Luke get to deal with the growing pizza sauce hands coming up from the ground as the sauce bubbles up into a solid enough state that something inside of it rumbles loudly! The drippy, sloppy hands almost immediately go to batting at the water balloon bubble thing because that's what scary sentient pizza sauce does! It smells GREAT even if it is terrifying.

Josuke gets to make short work of some sections of the Killer Tomato Sauce. Quite a bit of it breaks down into very delicious and edible products. Some of the people that were about to scream for their lives... decide to change their minds and grab this free food. Lots of New York Italian accents flying around.

Although, a single overly ripe tomato rolls through some of that mutagen goop and sits atop it. Soaking it up. Like a sponge. Weird.

The Killer Tomato Sauce pulls up alongside Aurelia with a whistle around its neck(?) and a New York Tour Guide cap on its head(?). The vaguely upright shaped sauce beast burbles and points Aurelia in a random direction, as if trying to show her the sights of Central Park... as they get sauced over one by one.

For Emily, or RoboEmily?, the entire thing is a target. There's really just a huge mass of sauce that's growing and bubbling and even churning. It flings and splatters sauce in all directions, seeking to grab onto things and grow. Or grab onto other things and yank them into its bulbous mass. It's just going to take over everything that is in its path and if that means Emily... that means Emily. SAUCE ATTACK!

Michelangelo takes to parkouring when the sauce gets too close... and when Raph's voice gets too close. He's up and on a taxi, then swinging off a fire escape and wall-running towards as globs of tomato sauce smack into the wall behind him, shattering brick and glass. "I WAS MAKING A SNACK!" Mikey yells back at Raph. "FOR ALL OF US!" That parts a lie but he's trying to soften the blows he's going to get later.

TRaph's about to have to deal with the pizza sauce version of the Humunga Cowabunga from Down Unda' because that sauce is building up into a crazy wave behind him and his signboard and its about to flood the streets!
Josuke Higashikata
    Josuke's not too worried about most of the stuff his Stand's reverting rampage is leaving behind. That goopy stuff is a concern... but there's not much he can do about it now. He pauses a moment in his journey, and calls up, "Roberta!"

    "Here, Master!" a spritely female voice calls down. And from the sky swoops a foot-tall robot doll, outfitted like a battle nurse from an anime!

    Josuke nods. "See if you can get ahead of it and warn people," he instructs. "If you have to, use your defibrillator to get them moving if you have to -- get their attention, but try not to hurt anyone."

    "Right!" the robot doll-girl agrees, and zooms off into the sky again. And with that, Josuke starts heading for the epicenter, using Crazy Diamond to keep him reasonably safe from drowning in the stuff.
     Miwa's eyes go wide with fear as the tomato sauce proves how monstrous it is as it forms into hands which start battering her bubble. It's a tough balloon, and stands up to a couple of hits, but Miwa knows it won't hold up to much more and her voice rises in pitch and volume as she guides the bubble upward, hoping to get out of the reach of the arms. She eventually lands the bubble atop a building that gives a nice view of the chaos developing below. She looks to Luke a moment before gazing back at the pizza sauce monster. "Well, this is something I couldn't have even dreamed up. What should we do?"
Luke Gray
    Luke is a bit unsteady as the balloon is swatted, reaching for his belt, but pausing as he regards the fact this is just.. sauce, moving sauce, but sauce. "I don't know!... I don't if my pokemon can handle this thing, but I bet you can use your water attacks on it at least, that might weaken the thing." he muses. "Maybe burning it might cause it to stay back at least?... it smells pretty good, it's almost a shame." he muses.
    "THAT IS A BIG FAT LIE-!" Raphael starts, shaking a fist after his little brother. Right now that's the easiest thing to focus on. He has no idea where to even start when it comes to gallons and gallons of tomato sauce! Mikey? He can deal with Mikey.

    A shadow falls over him then, interrupting whatever tirade he might have continued with. The red-masked turtle glances over his shoulder, green eyes widening at the looming wall of sauce threatening to bear down upon him.

    " sewer apples."

    Looking around quickly, he abandons his makeshift surfboard, launching himself for the first fire-escape he sees. He grabs the railing and vaults on up for higher ground, determined not to get swept under by a marinara current.
Aurelia Argent
    The young woman looks at the tour guide sauce monster incredulously. "Uh, okay? How about not eating the city if you want to show it off?" Maybe she'll be lucky and it actually wants to coexist. She shows it pictures out of the guide book, pointing out the neat history bits that it's currently washing over with red sauce, explaining that maybe it could be a citizen of New York if it got itself under control.
Emily Nyx
    Emily continues dubstepping even in the face of the sauce-attack! She dodges and weaves through the air, launching golden energy-bolts into the mass before her. She follows it up with blasting it with lasers fired from each of her six hands, using the lasers to draw an elaborate flower-shape in the sauce-monster. She projects a hologram of a white flower, a lunar tear.

    Hmm. Several people are dealing with this at the moment. Including .... two turtle people? Oh hey there's Luke and Josuke, annnnd ... what was her name. Aurelia. Whatever, she's busy.

    She starts blaring ominous battle music from a giant robot anime, with the tempo adjusted to match her acapella dubstep. Or maybe she just happened to be already singing it in the correct tempo?
Emily Nyx
>> SUMMARY[Emily Nyx] >> It's Basically (Not) A Giant Robot Anime
Pizza sauce has taken to climbing the building that Miwa and Luke have landed on. It oozes up the sides and also climbs like Sauce Kong at the same time. It's really weird that way. Splatters and sploshes all around! But it's coming for those two! Coincidentally, that building happens to be a pizza shop. Weapons, anyone?

Roberta can easily get the people moving. Well, as easily as you can get New Yorkers to move. They don't exactly like it but they do know that the tomato sauce is coming towards them so that's probably not a good sign. The begrudgingly move... while also picking up the fresh produce and such.

That Mutagen Flavored tomato rolls into an alley. There's almost a snicker as it does.

Heading towards the epicenter of this nonsense will give Josuke a view of a couple of giant turtles! One flipping around parkour style and the other escaping a tidal wave of tomato sauce with skill. That tomato sauce smacks into everything beneath it, crushing cars and splattering sauce all over the street!

"Whoa! Wipeout, bro!" Mikey almost smiles because he knows he's way better surfer than his brother. And he has no idea that his brother is above his level right now. "Dodged that bullet!"

The Tour Guide Sauce actually stops and thinks for a moment. It stares at the guidebook and then looks at Aurelia and then back to the Guidebook. It clasps its not hands together and makes heart bubbles of sauce where its eyes might be. It then splatters wildly while trying to point out a I <3 NY shirt in the guidebook. TAKE IT THERE! IT WANTS ONE!

Emily's laser and energy bolts make short work of some of the sauce because it gets blasted and splattered all over the place. It is just sauce after all. There's some screeching because it does seem to feel pain but it's also just sauce. Shapes are made in the sauce monster!

Mikey stops in the middle of his running away. "Hey!" Mikey's waving in Emily's direction because also that's where the music is coming from. "TURN THAT UP, DUDE!" And it is at this moment that Mikey retrieves his most esteemed: Air Guitar.
     Miwa nods to Luke. "Worth a try, as it seems the stuff is going to be coming up here to meet us shortly..." She says as she moves to the edge of the roof and begins to sing, joining Emily's musical melee as she somehow on the fly comes up with a dubstep version of her Sparkling Aria. A large orb of water forms above her mouth, and eventually several smaller ones around it, then finally go flying toward the sauce monster as her solo reaches its crescendo. She isn't sure where to hit this thing, so she's going to hit it in as many places as possible, with one hard hit going for the nearest set of arms coming out of the sauce.
Josuke Higashikata
    Josuke pauses to take stock of the area. Where the sauce is and where it isn't, making sure the people are moving somewhere safe, checking on the giant turtles...

    If it were possible, Josuke's brain would make a record-scratching sound.

    Wait wait wait wait hol' up. Turtles in this situation are bad enough... but GIANT turtles?! Giant turtles wearing bandanas over their giant turtle faces?! And they're ARMED?!

    It's very sudden -- within what might seem like the blink of an eye, Josuke goes from calm and collected to frozen in place with a 'deer-in-headlights' look on his face. Shock, disbelief, and the unmistakeable look of being scared out of his wits!

    He's also left himself wide open for attack...
Aurelia Argent
    Aurelia frowns and shakes a finger at the sauce. "I'm not taking you anywhere unless you behave yourself." She gestures at the sauce creeping all over the NYC buildings and fixtures. "You need to stop eating New York if you love it. And..." She takes a deep breath. "... if you don't stop, nobody's going to sell us a shirt."
Luke Gray
    Luke is certainly not blind, or deaf, he can see Emily already blasting at the giant mass of sauce, and can see what looks like two... turtles, screaming at eachother?. It is a bit hard to see all the details, especially with the sauce still trying to blast at them!. The boy finally settles for one of his pokemon, reaching into his belt and releasing one of them. A tiger!... well, it sort of looks like a very... round beast, proper tiger colors at least, with a lighting bolt on its chest. 

    The feline pauses to sniff the air, it smells nice it seems, given it licks his chops and looks around hungrily, "Sorry, snacks later, battle now!" he says. The boy considers a move, there is a lot of music in the air... maybe he should try that move, "Dynamo!, sing with Miwa, use Round!". The big cat pauses, tilting its head, then pads to the edge fo the building and inhales deeply, followed by the beast starting to meow and 'sing' loudly, blue rings/waves coming from it's mouth, growing in size as they fly towards the intended target, the cat might need some singing lessons.
    Raphael breathes a sigh of relief as for the moment the threat of being swept away has passed. And then he hears his brother's voice, and not too far off. He growls under his breath, grasping the rail of the fire-escape tightly as he looks down. 

    He only takes a brief moment to look around at the sound of music being blasted from somewhere or someone. He has no idea of the panic he and his brother may accidentally be causing anyone dealing with this saucey monstrosity because right now, he sees opportunity, and everything else, including the tomato threat- have been pushed second only to the target that is his annoying little brother. His brother who is now engaged in some air guitar, which gives him a perfect opening.

Raphael drops down to the level below, landing on the railing beside Mikey for only a split second before he's launched himself at the other turtle in a tackle. fire escapes hanging over a flood of tomato sauce isn't exactly the best of places to be grappling anyone, but hey, when it comes to Raphael and his temper, he doesn't exactly take into consideration such things.
Emily Nyx
    Emily is called "dude."

    She momentarily stops the music, and breaks into a grin which 1. is much wider than you can reasonably expect from a human, 2. doesn't make sense considering her face is supposed to be made out of metal, and is also 3. nasty as hell. "Not a 'dude'," she calls back to Michelangelo ... right before Raphael jumps on him.

    Oh, hey, someone else is joining in the music! She quickly resumes her musical production, with actual synth-instruments playing as well, backing up Miwa and Dynamo's vocals. (Or, well ... Miwa's vocals, and Dynamo's "vocals".) "Boop. DOOT. Boop booboop DOOT. Boop. DOOT. Boop booboop DOOT." She projects a hologram of the text "ELECTRONIC DANCE MAYHEM", and starts giving the tomato sauce rhythmic thumbs-downs with her six arms. And with each thumbs-down, she conjures up a crackling orb which looks vaguely lightning-ish, and sends it careening down into the sauce.

    But that's when she notices Josuke's reaction, and frowns towards him. Hmm. She has her hands full right this minute, but she makes a mental note to check on him ASAP.
Singing Soothes The Savage Sauce? Because Miwa's As the water orbs soar down to collide with the sauce, there's the combination of splash and splat as the water orbs make with the washing away of the sauce! It's working easier than it probably should! But it's just sauce! No grease! So there's no soap needed to cleanse this building's palette!

Josuke being completely frozen in fear is what allows the Killer Tomato Sauce to come for him in the most radical of ways. That tidal wave of sauce drums up another afterwave that comes soaring from behind Josuke with the intent of high tiding him! What a mess!

Pizza Tour slaps its sauce hands against its sauce face and Home Alones it. That has to be the worst news it has heard in its entire short life. It freaks out, flailing sauce all around but also stops when it realizes what its doing and starts concentrating(?) or something close to it. Sauce from all over the city starts... retreating. Backward. Y'know, like how they run film footage backward for comedic effect? It's kind of like that. Tour Sauce has its hands raised like its using the Force.

Luke and his Tigermon(?) have the pleasure of joining in on the jam session that's happening. The combined efforts send what sauce didn't get splashed away into a fit of 'WHAT IS THAT SOUND!' and the little saucelets flail and scurry away from the building. Yup. Needs lessons.

"Wha?" Mikey is in mid air-riff. "Not like DUDE dude! Just like universal dude, dude! Gender Dudetral!" Mikey's all about the apologies that don't sound apologetic but also... there's a Raphael. "WAUGH! SPLINTER! HALP!" Mikey reaches for his air guitar as it is knocked from his hands when he's Raphael'd! The slow motion kicks in and Mikey's eyes go wide as he watches it fall into the tomato sauce mass below. "... Kevin." Mikey sniffs and turns to look at Raphael. "You killed Kevin! You totally owe me a new air guitar, dude." This is the part where Mikey hopes these jokes are going to keep him from getting beat up. It probably won't work.

Emily gets the pleasure of adding more pain to the saucefest that's also trying to retreat at the behest of Tour Sauce's summoning. Some of it gets fried, though.

And it seems that most of the sauce is doing what it can to retreat itself in the direction of Tour Sauce.
     Miwa smiles, getting into the music as the flippers at the end of her tail tap to Emily's sick beats. She's glad to see that Luke was right, and her water type attacks were indeed super effective against the sauce monster. She grins at him and offers one flipper for a high five. "Great call on the water Luke, it looks like it's either retreating or regrouping. I'm going to head down to the street now, let me know if you need a bubble to get down and I'll send one up for you." She says before suddenly using Aqua Jet, her entire body becoming surrounded with water as she blasts off from the roof and flies down to land near Emily with a bit of a splash as the water hits the street and creates a nice big puddle under the Primarina and probably Emily too. "That's some very... unique music." She says with a grin. "I'm Miwa."
    It's so not working. Raphael doesn't even bat an eye to 'Kevin's demise, not that there's anything to look at. Instead he shakes Michelangelo around. "Dude it's an AIR guitar, why the heck do I have to- Why'm I even trying to reason about a stupid imaginary instrument?! Look! At! What's! Happening!!" he sputters, giving Mikey a shake in emphasis of each word. 

    Of course that reminds him to have a look himself, because there's no way to really ignore that for very long. Thankfully other, perhaps even more -responsible- people are handling what they can of the situation.

    "...crap." He releases Michelangelo as he spots some poor sap staring in abject terror- poor guy's obviously never seen a tidal wave of tomato before. Giving a warning shake of his finger at his brother, Raphael rushes onto the railing and fires off his grappling gun, dropping down to swing towards Josuke's aid. Because that's obviously what this guy needs, right? Help via giant mutant turtle.
Luke Gray
Luke Gray seems a bit surprised when the retreating?, but he is not one to look at a gift horse's teeth, "I think we won!". He high fives Miwa, and blinks as she rushes back down, leaving him on the building, part of him wants to ask for help, part of him tries to figure how tall this is and if Bewear can jump it. Finally, he goes for the later, petting the 'singing' cat a bit, and calling a different pokemon, this one a 7+ foot, very soft looking 'bear' of some sort, "Think you can help me get down to the street level, Bewear?". The large creature reaches down, grabs Luke, bridal style, and simply steps of the building, "Wait I changed my miiiiind." the boy manages, before they hit the ground, the large pokemon letting out a soft chirp and crouching down to let Luke down. "Thank you.". He is already making notes to be more careful in the future.
Josuke Higashikata
    Josuke freezes in place. He seems unaware of anything else around him. He's... honestly not too terribly afraid of regular turtles, just creeped out by them. Unless they do something to startle him, like jump up out of the water. But this? This is... this is on a whole new level. It's like someone afraid of birds being faced with a literal bird person, with a beak, and feathers, and everything.

    Clearly it's the tomato sauce he's scared of, right? Gotta be. But when Raphael swings down towards him... he emits a scream of abject terror! He does, however, manage to not give one of those sissy high-pitched shrieks. And the terrified look is aimed at Raphael! But he's frozen too much to react! On the bright side that means he's easily picked up out fo harm's way.
Emily Nyx
    Emily smiles as the sauce starts to retreat, or something, and starts floating after it. She ... completely disregards the splash from Miwa, and nods in greeting. "Emily Nyx," she says. "I was going to ask if you were one of Luke's, but I guess not." She nods in greeting to Luke as well.

    She floats to the ground, and in a swirl of silvery nanomachines, she changes into a woman in a black trench coat and a wide-brimmed hat which casts an unnatural amount of shadow over her face, with dark gray hair only a shade lighter than her trench coat. From nowhere, she produces a cane which obviously contains a sword, and gestures in the direction the sauce went -- towards Aurelia and the tourist-sauce, in other words. "Shall we?"

    But then she gets distracted by Josuke getting carried off by Raphael! She pauses, and looks at Josuke, then at the direction the sauce is flowing, then at Josuke, then at the sauce, then turns back to Miwa and Luke. "Should we help him?" she says, gesturing towards Josuke. She sounds like she genuinely isn't sure.
Aurelia Argent
    Aurelia glances around. She then turns to Tour Sauce and says "Look, keep it up. I'm going to go find a shirt *and* a hat for you." She traces I<3NY in the air to indicate what kind of shirt and hat she's talking about. Then she stalks off towards Emily, Miwa, and now... Luke.
    "Hey, uh, we need to find the biggest I heart NY shirt and hat ever, because the sauce boss is trying to get itself under control in the hopes of getting one." She explains nervously, pointing towards where Tour Sauce is commanding the tomato sauce ala USE THE FORCE pose. "It just *really* loves New York."
The Sauce Boss is such a better name and right now it is trying its hardest to make sure that said sauce comes back from all over the city. And here it comes. It's a slow and gradual process that looks way better in a montage sequence but slowly and surely the sauce collects itself into a huge pile where it just kind of sits and waits and breathes(?) while trying to hold itself together in hopes of getting that I <3 NY shirt.

Meanwhile, as our collective heroes have an opportunity to conversate, Mikey decides to use this chance of not being Raphael'd to roll off the fire escape and make an exit of the most ninja of styles. Y'know, vanishing.

"That is the last time I try to make my own pizza sauce from scratch. From now on, I'm just calling Antonino's."

Mikey's feet run past a set of trash cans as he knows he better put as much space between himself and Raphael as possible right now. As he passes, there's a snicker that turns into a chuckle as something round, red with a leaf-patch over what seems to be an eye peeks out from behind the trash can.

"Antonio's, eh?" And cue the tomato flavore maniacal laugh.
    For the record, Raphael is not at all surprised that Michelangelo takes the opportunity to make like a ninja and vanish. Typical Mikey. It's fine, he knows where he lives.

    But at the moment he's getting screamed at.

    "Okay, I get it! Aaah, mutant turtle! -get over it!" Raphael groans, rolling his eyes as he swings with Josuke to an adjacent rooftop. He deposits the man unceremoniously once they've landed, offering a flat, "You're welcome," as he turns to look over the ledge at the receding sauce mass.
Josuke Higashikata
    Fortunately Josuke doesn't take a swing at Raph. He gives a grunt as he's 'deposited' on his ass on the roof. And he immediately scoots back! He is not in enough of a terror fit to fall off the roof, but he's definitely getting some space between them.

    Ever seen a phobia before, Raph? Well, not you have! Or if you already have, now you've seen another one!

    Josuke will actually try to come back, in all likelihood, to apologize for his behavior. But right now his adrenaline isn't listening to his brain's messages of 'hey stupid, he just saved your ass'. But he'll feel bad about it later.
Aurelia Argent
    Not really finding a shirt in Sauce Boss' size, Aurelia grabs a banner with the right logo on it and takes it back to the Sauce Boss. "They didn't have a shirt in your size, so I though you could use this as a belt or sash thing?"
     Miwa chuckles and shakes her head at Emily. "Nope, Luke's a friend, but I'm an independent Pokemon, used to belong to the owner of a musical theater troupe, but he let me go a while back, and I've gone solo since then. As for the shirt for the tomato sauce monster? That's insane, but it does seem to be calmly waiting... I'm new to the city though, so I couldn't tell you where a shop could be, even if this city does feel eerily familiar to me somehow like I've been to a place like it before..." 

     She turns to Luke and grins, reaching out with a flipper to pet Dynamo. "We made a good team back there, but I may need to give you some lessons in pitch and tone... Granted, Round kinda works by hurting your foe's ears, so I guess it's fine." She grins.
Luke Gray
    Thanks Bewear again adn moves to join Miwa, just in case either needs help!. He waves to Emily, managing to catch the end of that conversation, "Yeah she is just a friend from Alola, a good friend." he replies. Dynamo leans into the petting, somehow purring despite being apparently based on a tiger, pokemon are weird. The mention of lessons causes an earperk. "Maybe you can teach some of my pokemon." he says, "I think Bellboyant has a good ear for music, but needs to learn how to sing as well." he adds. "Josuke is a tough guy, I am sure he is fine... but perhaps we should offer help getting back down anyway."
Emily Nyx
    Emily nods to Miwa as if she doesn't fully understand everything she said, and shrugs. "Well, all's well that ends ... not covered in tomato sauce, I guess," she says. "Reapplying capacitor seals 3 and 2." She's surrounded by the pearlescent aura, and the gold and silver auras reconstruct themselves before all three fade away as she reverts back to the tuxedo-and-robot-facepaint form she had before.

    At the comment about Josuke needing help, she looks up at where he and Raphael are, and then holds out her hand. After a second or two of concentration, a dark portal with static at the edges appears, with the other end right next to Josuke.

    She still hasn't figured out why Josuke is so scared ...
     Miwa smiles to Luke. "Sure, I mean I can't teach ability, but I can help sharpen it if that makes any sense." She replies while still petting Dynamo. At the mention of Josuke, she looks up in his direction. "I could send up one of my balloons to bring him down gently."
    Raphael hasn't quite put together that it's a very specific thing that's triggered Josuke. He's seen plenty enough humans freak out upon seeing himself and his brothers, and he doesn't expect thanks so the man's retreat doesn't particularly surprise him. 

    Casting a glance over his shoulder, the turtle ninja leaps down and away to make for the nearest manhole. He has a feeling there's going to be a lot of cleanup to see to, back in the lair.

...after he deals with Mikey.