Vanileth (Dropped)

World: Exalted - The Alchemicals -1


Vanileth, the god of assisted flight. Once a powerful being when his homeworld had numerous airships and flyers, Vanileth has been horribly weakened from his glory days... first by the fall of technology in his homeworld, and then by being lost in the World Tree and forced to find similar worlds. He is still a god, though, making him stronger and faster than the average mortal, as well as commanding the immediate winds and flight. He is growing desperate to contribute to developing more flight technologies... as that would give him the worship he needs to survive.


Is A God: Stronger, faster, tougher, and can dematerialize.
Vanileth is a god on his homeworld. This doesn't make him all-powerful, it just means he has a given domain that he is an expert on the concept. It does come with certain perks though, giving him a largely superior strength, toughness, and reflexes - especially reflexes - compared to normal humans. He can also dematerialize into a spirit form, but this does not let him access anywhere that is meant to be reasonably private unless it's specifically part of his owned domain, and anyone with skill in spirits can force him to materialize. Materializing of his own will again takes a lot of his energy, so he prefers to stay in one or the other. He physically appears either as a cluster of wings, or a man with large wings. He cannot use most of his abilities without materializing, aside from controlling winds and granting blessings.
Wind Control: Can shift the winds and use them to attack.
When established in his own domain with a good number of worshippers, Vanileth has complete control over the flow of winds around his domain. In most other cases, he can only influence the winds immediately around him, except in small bursts that let him fling sharpened 'blades' of air out to attack.
Wing Clone< Edge >: Wings can split off to make a duplicate body.
By splitting off some of his own wings, Vanileth can make a 'clone' of himself to perform actions for him. This does take a level of concentration, and if destroyed the clone's energy is lost but no physical damage is done. This mostly allows him to have an extra pair of hands or to take an odd positioning, but with Edge it does let him do two things at once.
Terror of the Skies: An excellent flier, and can bring others with him.
Despite being the god of artificial flight, Vanileth is an accomplished aerobat under his own power, and can fly swiftly and with great agility. He can also summon clouds or small storms to allow others a limited form of flight with him, though Vanileth must control the flight rather than his passengers.
Wind Carries the Voice: Can attack physically or spiritually with his words, or throw his voice.
His control over the wind lets Vanileth throw his voice to anywhere within normal eyesight, but as a much greater effect it also lets him use his voice as a weapon. Vanileth's words cause small but violent vibrations that damage the physical, or have a disruptive effect on the spiritual.
Sorcery: Blasts of fire or glass, barriers of frost, and minor enchantment of objects.
Vanileth has some command over sorcery from his world. While not a vaunted mage, he can summon blasts of elemental explosive fire, streams of black glass to shred enemies, or a barrier of ice to blunt damage. He can also perform minor enchantments. These are permanent but very mild, such as clothing that mends small tears in itself, or sharpening a blade, or otherwise just minor improvements.
Inspiration of Flight< Edge-C >: Vanileth can make flying craft and their crews operate much better.
When he desires and is present, Vanileth can grant others his blessing, allowing them to maintain and operate flying craft better. This only applies to flying vehicles and their crews. The vehicle itself will also operate better and with greater tolerance to damage, but Vanileth cannot make a completely broken craft fly, nor affect non-flying craft or crews not operating in some direct means toward being skyfarers or engineers of flying vessels. This blessing may last more than one scene by committing Edge.
Master of Flight: Vanileth is extremely knowledgeable on all kinds of artificial flight.
As the god of artificial flight, Vanileth is intimately familiar with the construction and maintenance of all kinds of artificial flight, from ornithopters to hang-gliders to rockets. The limitations of his divinity prevent him from simply building these and giving them away, but he can act as an advisor and mentor to those wishing to work on those systems, and can often fix flying devices or list their properties, unless the mechanisms of flight are completely alien.


Weakened Worship: Vanileth is desperate to find ways to regain his power.
Without regular worship from people who wish to see their devices succeed, Vanileth has suffered a great loss in power and prestige. Aside from being weaker, this has made him bitter and eager to find ways in which he can bolster belief in his abilities, and to encourage the advancement of flight whenever possible. Opportunities to expand his worship will catch his interest much more easily and lead him to take more foolish risks.
Flight Fascination: Easily distracted by talk or demonstration of assisted flight.
New methods for flight, or demonstration of clever means of assisted flight, will get Vanileth's attention and then some. He will be driven to distraction or easily engaged by discussion of the topic, or the sight of a particularly clever invention of that class, to the point of seeming absent-minded.
Limited View: Being a god, Vanileth has trouble thinking beyond 'make it fly' for problems.
Vanileth is a god. This sounds great until someone has to interact with him in a way that goes outside his domain. While perfectly sapient and capable of thinking of other tasks such as watching a movie or playing golf, Vanileth's purpose is to embody assisted flight. As such, his first solution to any problem will involve flight if at all possible, and he will struggle to comprehend problems outside of that domain.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
568 Scardust (FINAL) Sep 14 2019
563 Scardust (9) Sep 07 2019
548 Scardust (8) Aug 03 2019
539 Scardust (6) Jul 13 2019
508 Err Superiority May 30 2019
499 Scardust (5) May 25 2019
489 Scardust (4) May 18 2019
See All 7 Scenes


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