World Tree MUSH

Err Superiority

Character Pose
Nort and Scar
    Nort and Scar - or technically just Nort - had promised Vanileth a look at their world. Normally this would mean dropping by the familiar Delta Fragment, but there ARE other exits for the Vines, and in this case one that opens up not to far from a vast field of goldenrod, with some rough and marshy terrain between that and a broken down highway. A little camp is not too far away, and they've set up a palisade to keep out animals and... possibly worse, judging by the broken stakes and trampled ground nearby. This isn't a surprise to some, because the locals have actually asked for help against some strangely organized raiders.

    This is where Nort and Scar are headed, the little encampment obviously set up as some kind of base near the Vine by some kind of organization. Judging by the assault rifles the guards have, they appear well-armed... but they are also wearing chain mail for armor, and their weapons are not in great condition.
Natsu Dragneel
    As these things often go, there is already someone here. 

    He is a pink-haired man of decent height, wearing a vest and a scarf, but no shirt underneath it. He is calmly talking to several of the guards, all of whom are pointing rifles at him, "Noooooo. No! I don't want to fight YOU. I said I want to fight someone STRONG. Can you go find the strong guy?"

    Despite the incredibly insulting thing he just said, he seems at least genuine about the intent of his statement such that he clearly did not mean it as an insult, "I know how it usually works! The guild sends out the weakest people first, and then a bunch of stronger people, and you have to punch through and get to the guild master or his top mages." Natsu punches his fist into his palm.

    "I wanna jump the line! So you go get the strongest guy you got and I'll fight him! Win or lose, I'll leave." He says with a ferocious and fanged grin.

    These freakin' off-worlders, man.
Juno Eclipse
  Some people will take on any job if it means a quick buck. That includes fending off some overly bold raiders from a settlement that isn't well-equipped to handle them. It's honest work; work that doesn't conflict with any ethical or moral quandaries.

So, all that to say, Juno Eclipse is here.

The Rebel General is an older woman, with the first hint of silver frosting blonde hair, and blue eyes tired in more ways than just the physical. She has simple clothes well-suited to a pilot, and the only thing to give her affiliation and rank away is her scuffed enameled belt buckle; something easily hidden.

She's also well-armed, by the look of it, with a blaster holstered at each hip in seriously heavy-duty rigging. Her hands are gloved, albeit shallowly, and she walks down the road towards the camp with the hunch-shouldered gait of somebody with too much time to think. The Rogue Shadow is tucked out of sight, powered down, with PROXY waiting at the helm.

By the time she reaches the gates, there are also others here. She'll slow to a halt, offering her hands in a show of peace to the gate guards, just in case any of them have particularly itchy trigger fingers. You never know.

The loud pink-haired guy over there is eyed very oddly while she waits for the guards to decide to let her in.

    How is a god suffering from allergies? Maybe he's forgotten he isn't supposed to. He is a little brain-addled. "Oh dear, and I thought the Age of Sorrows looked bad," he mumbles to himself, seeing the condition of the place and the mismatched equipment. "Are you sure these people are... capable?" He frets and looks around at the wide variety.

    Juno isn't concerning to him(but only because he doesn't know she's a pilot yet!), but Natsu... Natsu is acting like... like...

    The winged man waves, "Sir. Sir! Are you a Solar?" He looks at Nort and Scar. "I bet he's a Solar."
Lucia de Marli
    Is it weird to have a 'white knight' who's demonic? Because Lucia's definitely down to help with something like this. That might have been why she was here, because someone needed help. She does tend to show up at places where there are people who need help. Then again, she might just be there completely by chance. Vines are like that, they sometimes drop people in places they don't expect.

    Lucia is visibly armed, with a pair of curved short swords at her sides. Given the whole 'besieged' thing, that's probably the first thing that gets noticed. But she's not reaching for them, so there's that. Aside from that, she looks like a dark-skinned woman with bright red hair. Her hair's pulled into a ponytail but it also covers one eye; she's dressed mostly in gray, with a short white mantle over her shoulders. The collar of the mantle is tall enough to hide just the bottom of her face.

    And of course, Natsu's yelling draws her attention. But she doesn't approach; that's not a situation she wants to get wrapped up in. Though she does look in that direction worriedly. Hopefully someone's not about to be badly hurt...

    She pauses to look in Juno's direction as she eventually winds up in her general area, and offers a polite nod of greeting. Though she's also being careful about the guards, since no, she doesn't want to get shot. Or stabbed. Or clubbed. Or whatever else they do to people who they think are threats 'round these parts.

    When the mass of floating wings starts to TALK, Lucia is visibly surprised. She'd figured it to be an automaton of some kind. But when it starts talking, and asking questions, that notion goes right out the window. She blinks, a bit confused about that.
Luke Gray
    Pokemon and their Trainers need to eat!, so Luke tends to get odd jobs here and there when he is not at his native land, always exploring, and usually prefering to get the kind of things that can be assisted with the use of some physical brawn, rather than smarts. 
    So you now have a kid wandering around, searching for the people in charge of said job, shadowed by 2 unusual 'beasts'. One of them is a tall pink and black creature!, it looks... almost adorable honestly, it keeps near Luke and looks around now and then, as if concerned about the boy's safety, even if Luke keeps nudging it to relax. Next to it is likely hte roundest tiger most people ever get to see, just walking around casually and looking back and forth.
     As the group stumble to the gathering, and a couple familiar faces, Luke decides to approach, waving a hand happily , "Hi!", and casually gets closer to everyone, happily greeting everyone, with the large bear pausing to look at Lucia and Natsu, catching the mention of 'punch through', one ear twitching.
Nort and Scar
    Natsu is there and yelling, so he's getting some attention from the guard, who actually looks relieved. "Uh, we aren't really here to have the strongest guy, we're just an outpost trying to keep Timon's raiders away." He grumbles. "We aren't even the main town! Haven is hours away! Are you sure you don't want the guys out west? I hear they're pretty strong."

    Nort answers Vanileth, "I'm sure. We aren't far from Mindkeep and Haven... the former used to have a hangeer of flying machines, before it fell into disrepair, and the latter is trying to get things working again. I wouldn't go to Mindkeep now, but the flyers have made people aware through stories that manned flight really is possible. What's a Solar?"

    Nort slows when approaching. "Don't send him our way, I'm from the west," he jokes, but it doesn't sound very joking. "Timon causing trouble? Hmm..." Nort has his helmet on, so his expression isn't visible.

    One of the other guards is addressing Juno, Lucia, and Luke. "Welcome, Travellers! We have to warn you that raiders and wild beasts are very common in this area! We are representatives of Haven, a local village trying to maintain order in the area. We can't offer much, but can give directions and small amounts of supplies..." He stares at the roly poly tiger, then clears his throat. "Well, through various means you all look able to defend yourselves, so we are also offering mercenary work. Though I'm afraid our payments may have to be limited to just trade goods like food, cloth, and gold. We do not have many dolars."
Natsu Dragneel
    Natsu leans in and smells one of the men and then squints, "Well. Ya ain't lyin! So I guess I'll have to head west." He lets out a laugh and then lifts something up off his chest, "Happy! We're heading West after this!" 

    The thing in his hand, which turns out to be a blue, bipedal cat, nods its head, "Aye, sir! If you're walking, just attach me to your belt again!" It gives the paw version of a thumbs up to Natsu, who clips it to his belt by the tail and it hangs there drowsily. He pats the cat a couple times, "You got it, buddy!"

    When a strange man with wings is addressing him, Natsu turns away from the guards and looks Vanileth over a few times, "Oi. Wassa Solar? Never heard of one. Type of mage? I ain't one, I'll tell ya that for sure." He confirms to the stranger, continuing to look him over, "You strong? I'm not sensing a strong pressure from you." Natsu thrusts his thumb into his own chest, "Natsu Dragneel. Fairy Tail Wizard. Strongest guild on Ishgar."

    Natsu points at Vanileth. Then the finger drifts slightly towards Nort, "That guy, though. You're given me real strong vibes. I bet you know how to throw down in a fight, right big guy?" Natsu grins fangrily as he stares at Nort, "And you're tellin' me not to go West. That mean there's more people like you there?"

    Fortunately for MOST people, actively avoiding direct interaction with someone as focused as Natsu means he won't be harassing you! Vanileth and Nort have most of his attention.
Luke Gray
     Luke is happy to help, nodding at the warning to the guards, "I heard! I actually was hoping to help with that issue." The pink bear guy waves to the guard, while the roly tiger casually grooms it's face. "OH!, don't worry, they are really strong." he says. The mention of trade goods gets a grin, "That might be better anyway... easier to trade back at home, especially just bits of gold." he says softly. 
     There is a moment as Luke looks at Natsu curiously, especially hte cat thing, "Neat!" he calls, before moving to greet the wizard, "I'm Luke Gray, pokemon trainer, these are Bewear and Dynamo.". He points to the so called large ... bear? and roly poly cat. "Wizard? does that mean you can use magic?." he says happily.
    "Oh that's a shame, the Solars really knew how to fly," Vanileth says, solidifying into his more human form. The winged man ponders what is said, and waves to Juno and Lucia and Luke then. "Hello there! So exciting, isn't it? A whole new world, looking to reconquer the skies!"

    He turns to the guard. "Tell me, my good man, how close is your Haven to manned flight? You look like a guard, not a scholar, but surely you know rumors. The military always seems to want these first." A bit of an obsession there, isn't it?


    "Oh, it is the boy. Hello boy." Waving to Luke.
Juno Eclipse
  The blonde woman watches the others while she waits, folding her arms and slouching a little to lean a hip against the nearest solid piece of wall. Her head is tilted to watch the guards, but her eyes are watching the others, nonchalantly studying the details.

Juno's eyes slide back to the guards when one of them addresses her, at least collectively.

"So I heard," she replies blandly. Her accent is clipped and neat, words well-enunciated. Worlds similar to Earth might think of it as a slightly clipped British accent. She also stares at the roly-poly tiger for a moment, before shaking her head at the guard. "Any of those options would be fine."

Evidently cleared, she sidles closer to Nort and Vanileth, staring openly at the bewildering mass of floating wings. What is that even? She glances back to Nort -- sizing him up, as one soldier to another; with the tired eyes of a long-time veteran. "I'm sorry, I couldn't help but overhear you mention flying machines. Do you think any of those would still be operational...?" Hey, she can dream. Or... "If there's a need for engineers and mechanics, I'd be happy to offer my services." For a fee. Hopefully the offer doesn't sound too desperate. "I've some background in the area." Some. Yeah.

She hesitates for a moment, before offering her hand. "You can call me 'Blackout.' And you two--" Pause. Is Vanileth one being? Many? Not knowing, Juno sweeps right past the awkward. "--are...?"
    Introductions done, Vanileth also huffs, "You certainly talk like a Solar. I am the god of artificial flight, Vanileth! Though... not so many seem to know how to fly without their own power in the worlds I have been to, so I am afraid I am not quite as ah... majestic as I once was." A hard truth to face, but a truth.

    Oooh. "Yes, please tell us more, Nort."
Lucia de Marli
    The greeting from Luke draws Lucia to look in his direction, and she pauses, looking over his 'companions'. She does seem quite plainly, if not confused, somewhat taken aback. As adorable as they are, they do seem to be as least tangentially related to wild animals, so... is that safe? Though it occurs to her that he did greet her, so she offers a nod in return. "Hello," she greets.

    She does address the guard though, once he finishes speaking. At the mention of the mercenary work -- more importantly, at the form payment would have to take -- Lucia notes, "That's all right. I didn't come here to be paid. All I'd ask would be a bit of food to keep me until my next stop." There's an accent there that sounds French. Almost. There's something else in it that makes it sound completely NOT French to anyone who's heard the accent before.

    A human form of the mass of wings is a little less weird -- at least there's (presumably?) a mouth to talk through. Hopefully. But it's still pretty clear that it's talking. She nods to the wave from Vanileth. "Hello," she also offers Vanileth.
Diantha Windsong
     Diantha has started to settle into the World Tree, it's varied weirdness and the fact that she probably won't find her way back to her home anytime soon. This has brought her to the decision that she should use her abilities to help other worlds however she can. Though the next world she arrives on certainly has a lot going on to consider. 

     It's not the first post-apocalyptic world she's been to, but something about it feels very alive to her, but also wrong, twisted, but not by the sort of corruption she's used to dealing with. She had only heard of radiation in passing as the thing that wiped out most of the gnomes on her world and isn't really familiar with what exactly it is or what it does.

     Hearing voices up ahead, she pushes on, seeing a camp, cautiously approaches, not sure if it's inhabitants will be hostile to her or not. She is dressed in a forest green blouse with golden yellow trim, and is carrying her vine-covered staff.
Nort and Scar
    Natsu gets an answer first. "I'm probably the strongest out west, but there are some pretty strong monsters. Northwest, though, in the snowbound lands, there are some pretty strong robots and their master. That's the closest guy 'like me' I can think of..." He looks at Happy. "Me, I'm a zoologist first."

    Nort also waves to Luke, "Hey kid, nice to see you again. Welcome to my world. I mean literally, this is my world, though I haven't been out in this area for... a long time."

    To Juno and the others. "I'm Nort, this is Scar." He pats the rumbling giant cyborg wolverine he's riding on. "Probably none left operational, and I wouldn't go there. Last I knew it was still pretty hot. As in uh, radioactive. It's a bad place. Pre-war research installation. If you do go there, do it in a group and plan it. Might see if Haven knows anything about it."

    The guards, meanwhile, look relieved at the lack of fighting. "Sure. We have a problem with raiders now and then, and uh... we're pretty sure that Timon, this local warlord, is gearing up for something big. Drop by Haven later if you want to know details." He looks puzzled, turning from Lucia and Juno to Vanileth. "I'm sure they'd love that. They were using balloons for a while." But what Juno says is interesting. "Oh yeah, if you know how this stuff works we're all over that!"

    Judging from the wide variety of people here, Diantha won't be met strangely. One little fact is that the guards are not human. Well, one of them looks human but with big bug eyes. The others are various furred and scaled creatures that are just human-shaped. And one appears to be a huge bush that is singing to itself.
Natsu Dragneel
    "Oh. If Flying is all you care about!" Natsu reaches down and swats the cat hanging from his belt, "Hey Happy! Do your thing, buddy!" 

    The blue cat, around the size of a toddler, yawns and then stretches before it drops to the ground. Wings almost twice as wide as it is tall sprout from its back and then it picks Natsu up and lifts him off the ground a few feet, "I can totally fly! I just need my best bud here!" He states to Vanileth.

    The cat drops him again and then sits down on his shoulder, leaning against his head sleepily, "Aye..." It murmurs before dozing off again.

    Natsu looks over, "Hell yeah I can use magic! I'm a Fire Dragon Slayer Wizard! That's my magic style." He boasts, puffing up his chest and grinning, "Nice little buddies you got there. They remind me of Happy!" He points to the cat on his shoulder, "You should take good care of em!" He notes to the young boy.

    And then finally, Nort. Natsu slowly turns his head back that way, sizing the man up, "Zoologist." He seems to be... trying to figure out that word.

    And then a heavy sigh, "Fine, fine! You clearly don't wanna fight, so I'm not gonna force ya, bud." He exhales a bit, looking forlorn, "Northwest, huh? Snowy lands?" He grumps, "Sounds like the type of place to run into Gray, so I'll head that way anyway! But if I don't get a good fight, I'mma never forgive you, man!"
Juno Eclipse
  A zoologist? Juno tilts her head, studying Nort a little more closely. It's then that Scar also earns her full attention, as well as Diantha, from the corner of her eye. To her credit, she doesn't do much more than stare at each of them for a few long seconds.

The galaxy is a good primer for unexpected elements of the World Tree.

"Mmm. Zoology. I used to enjoy xenobiology," the pilot comments, softly and wistfully. A pet passion of her mother's, at least until her mother's death... Abruptly, Juno shakes her head, pulling herself out of her thoughts. She listens to the rest of Nort's explanation with interest. So they do need engineers or mechanics. Or engineers and mechanics both, it sounds more like.

Her expression almost changes. It's almost a quirk of the corner of her mouth, but not quite. This woman's a tough nut to crack. No smile, huh?

"I'd be happy to." She doesn't look like she's been happy about much in decades, but there's definite interest in her tone, and she doesn't seem hostile or anything. "It might be interesting to see how your machines manage it. I'd even be willing to arrange a... consulting fee, shall we say?"
Diantha Windsong
     When no one attacks her as she approaches the camp, Diantha relaxes quite a bit and continues walking into the camp at a more natural walking pace. The variety of people here catch her eye, as she seems to look at each person she sees with curious interest, particularly the singing bush, which brings a bemused smile to her face as she approaches. "You remind me of the treants back home, though I don't remember hearing any of them sing, they can dance up a storm."

     For the most part, Diantha is just checking the place out, seeing what is going on here at the surface level. She doesn't want to pry and start asking too many questions, but figures if there are any real problems, they will become apparent in time. If there's one thing her long life has given her in spades, it's patience.
    "Ah, I am more interested in those who do not fly under their own power or with animals," Vanileth says. "Beast-riders... or beast-being-carried-by-ers ... are very impressive but not my domain." He smiles to Natsu though, at least able to recognize that the mage is trying to be friendly in his own way.

    "Engineering you say?" He turns to Juno. "That is what I like to hear! Manufacturing a way to soar the skies! Perhaps we should put together an expedition to this place after all! Oh, but after visiting this Haven place that seems so interested in it."

    He is in a good mood now, and waves to Diantha, even if she seems more a cautious explorer.
Nort and Scar
    "If you want an expedition to the north, be my guest," Nort says, to Natsu. "Maybe do two at once, if Blackout here wants to see Mindkeep. I'm not sure I should go back there, but if others want to, I can give you some pointers on how to get through what I remember."

    Scar, the giant wolverine Nort sits astride, rumbles deeply, "I really don't have good memories." Yes, he can talk, but he's not eying Diantha hungrily at least. Nor do the guards seem surprised at this, though the cybernetic implants give them a few worried looks.

    The shrub stops singing. "Oh? Hello there. Yes, I can sing and dance! Well, mostly. My roots aren't as flexible as legs, but I just support the guards here with my berries." The branches wiggle. The voice is reedy, like air is being forced through pipes to make it. Probably is, actually. "The name is Sash. I'm not sure what a treant is, but there are a lot of plants I don't know. Not many in Haven, we're a rare bunch."

    The guards chatter amongs themselves briefly. "You should definitely check out Haven, and soon, before Timon comes back," one of them suggests.
Diantha Windsong
     Diantha smiles to the shrub as it speaks to her. "Ah, treants are tree-folk who have a somewhat humanoid appearance. They are able to walk, but when they dance it's more a swaying of their branch-like arms and trunk of a body than moving their root feet. I'm Diantha, and I hope I don't impose too much if I ask to have a taste of the berries you provide. I can't resist good berries." 

     Diantha can't help but overhear Vanileth and turn her gaze toward him as he speaks exuberantly of beast riders and flight, and an expedition involving soaring the skies. As he waves to her, she takes that as an invitation and moves closer, adding her own input to the conversation.

     "If you are in need of some who can soar the skies, I may not look like I flier, but as shapeshifting into animals is one of my talents, I can take the form of a bird to fly by my own wings, a form which I can't deny I enjoy and have spent truly countless hours flitting around in purely for enjoyment and to see what my limits are, not to mention for travel over long distances on many occasions."
Juno Eclipse
  "Engineering," Juno agrees, in a languid drawl. She may seem aloof, but there's very real interest in the way she watches Vanileth and, to a lesser extent, Nort. "I wouldn't be opposed to an expedition. I might need a bit more time than this to prepare, but I have things I could potentially bring to the table... for the right compensation," she adds, mildly. She eyes Nort speculatively. "Haven, however, I might be interested in."

On a more immediate and less threatening basis.

She eyes both Vanileth and Nort again, lips thinning thoughtfully. "Here. I'll leave you my contact information, Nort. If you have a group planning to explore, I might be interested in accompanying." She looks to the others again before shaking her head. "If we're going to face these raiders, though, I've got preparations to make." She gestures to indicate the courtyard. "Nort. Would these people panic if I brought a ship closer to this garrison? I've got supplies aboard that may help. And personnel." Mostly PROXY, but he's pretty surprisingly useful!
    "Wonderful!" That is Vanileth to Juno, excitedly hearing about ships and the like. "An expedition it is! I can perhaps gain some of the faith of the people here if we recover a flying machine! A not-Solar, an engineer, and any others who want to come with!"

    Diantha is also trying to be friendly! Sure, turning into a bird isn't his domain, but she can appreciate the freedom of the skies! "Oho. Yes, the sky is a wonder. I'm not familiar with your kind, but these are new worlds. Hello."
Nort and Scar
    Sash extends a branch. "Oh sure, have a few of the red ones! Not the purple ones though, those are the ones that explode." It shakes a branch full of reddish-purple berries.

    Nort seems to take this in stride, "Well at least it's friendly with that," he points out to Diantha.

    Then Nort nods, "I won't go to Mindkeep with the rest of you, but I'll take you as far as the basin when you're ready. This place has changed a lot since I lived here, but it's my world, and Timon won't bother me." A pause. "Or if he does, he'll remember pretty quickly why he doesn't. I've been meaning to talk to him anyway, but I don't think he knows who I am, so putting it off."

    Scar answers Juno with a shake of his head. "They wouldn't be scared, these are Restorationists. They'd think it was amazing. I'd be careful not to park it where it can be easily seen though. Raiders love to grab vehicles. If your ship is in top form you could probably scare them off, but who wants the annoyance?"
Diantha Windsong
     Diantha accepts the offered berries, though raises an eyebrow at the fact that the purple ones explode, how interesting. "Thank you very much." She offers with a respectful bow, then pops one into her mouth and the rest into her little cloth pouch to save for later. "Mmm, not like any berry I've had before, but good flavor." She nods and smiles. 

     Turning back to Vanileth, she explains. "I am a dryad from the land of Azeroth. Though my ability to take the form of animals, comes not from my species but because I follow the path of druidism. I can also harness nature magic to various ends. I'm Diantha if you didn't hear me introduce myself to Sash earlier."
    "Interesting, interesting... like a Lunar, I see, but less... unpredictable I hope." Vanileth nods severeal times, and then claps his hands together. "Oh, this is going to be exciting. Between this and the Kaguyahime, I think things are finally looking up. In the sky. For me. And everyone who wants to fly."

    Looks like someone is happy.

    "Vanileth, god of artificial flight. We should talk sometime!"