Kung Jin (Dropped)

Kung Jin
World: Mortal Kombat: Forsaken-1
Actual Age: Mid 20s
Apparent Age: 20s
Quote: "Save all questions for after the beatdown."
Role: Sniper of Snark
Species: Human
Theme Song: "Bojutsu" - Statronika (https://youtu.be/B5WjVpxY3DQ)
Voice Actor: Johnny Yong Bosch


The loss of fortune that befell the house of Kung following the death of Kung Lao forced Kung Jin, younger cousin of Kung Lao, to turn to becoming a thief to support himself and his family. Attempting to steal a family heirloom from the Thunder God Raiden (who he blamed for Kung Lao's death) pushed Kung Jin in another direction. He is an able Kombatant with his combination bo/bow and chakram, in addition to his high agility and maneuverability. Despite being a thief, Kung Jin still retains a sense of right and wrong, and his moral compass is still fully functional. However, Jin's capacity for self-loathing is quite high. He hides it with snark and dark humor -- and a more than healthy dose of egotism! But he proves a loyal friend and teammate to those who hang on... and hack through all that snark!


Dragon Staff: Summonable weapon -- staff, bow/arrows, and ballistic fire weapon, all in one
This dragon-headed bow/staff appears as a sharply curved bo staff most of the time. But when Kung Jin wills it into being, a glowing string appears for firing arrows. The carved dragon head at the top can project fire from the round gem in the dragon's open mouth. Jin can also summon or dismiss his weapon in a puff of blue smoke.
Trick Arrows: Taser, smoke, and energy-drain arrows
Kung Jin's arrows can be charged with lightning chi for a taser-like effect, smoke arrows that produce obscuring clouds of blue fog, and mana/chi/secondary energy source draining effect. Kung Jin does not receive this drained energy though; it's just "bled" off the target.
Shaolin Training: Trained in archery, long-range thrown weapons, martial arts, and bo staff
After joining the White Lotus Society, Kung Jin was taught to fight with a number of techniques which he now has at his disposal. Chief amongst these were styles covering master archery and long-range thrown weapons, martial arts, and use of the bo staff.
Agility: Jin is as agile as a trained athlete
Kung Jin's agility is top-notch, allowing him to maneuver around a battle easily. He is also able to accomplish other feats requiring great agility, such as quickly scrambling up a tree, building, or other structure with reasonable handholds. Finally, his agility leads him to be able to escape the area of a conflict with relative ease.
Skullduggery: Tracking/losing pursuers, picking pockets, breaking/entering, stealth takedowns
As Kung Jin has fed his family through thievery since his house's fall from grace, he has all the knowledge that a good thief needs. He can find places to hide and/or scout out possible routes into/out of a place, quiet his steps and his breathing to allow him to walk silently, and to quickly and stealthily take down unaware targets along the way. He specializes in breaking and entering, but he can also acquire things at five-finger discounts from shelves and pockets as well.
Silver Tongue: Kung Jin has a way with words
Jin usually can figure out the proper thing to say to improve a given situation (or at least to not make it worse), and seems to know what is and is not polite to say to people of power. He also has a propensity for remembering local laws when he's allowed to study them beforehand, and being able to use them to his advantage when the situation calls for it. That said, he has to actually be ready to THINK instead of just act, and using the law in his favor generally requires some time to prepare beforehand.


Ego Mask: Kung Jin masks his lack of confidence with arrogance
Kung Jin usually presents himself as overly confident, to the point of arrogance, particularly when dealing with people he doesn't know. However, it's a mask, and he wears it badly; he doesn't want anyone to know how vulnerable he is. He takes charge in situations he is unqualified to do so, tends not to listen to people he doesn't know or respect -- particularly if that someone tries to give him an order -- and tends to make bad decisions that can make already tense situations worse. This behavior, rather than making him seem confident, tends to make him seem arrogant, unlikeable, and undisciplined. It also has a nasty tendency to come back and bite him in the rear later.
Impulsive: "Right now" isn't always the right time to do the right thing
Kung Jin is a good man, but his impulsiveness, combined with his strong moral compass and a heavy dash of egoism, tend to make him do whatever seems like a good idea at the time, and damn the consequences. Not to mention, "the best thing at the time" isn't always the best thing overall, so he can often get himself and his allies into lots of trouble like this.
Self-Loathing: Kung Jin doesn't like himself much
As egotistical as Kung Jin acts a majority of the time, this may be hard to believe of him. His family lost much of their good name when Kung Lao died, and Jin had to watch his family's fortunes crumble. The lack of acceptance from Liu Kang, his cousin's best friend, didn't help either. Overall his lack of confidence in himself can lead him to hesitate at crucial moments, particularly where his life choices are concerned, as his hope and self-loathing war for control of his heart.
No Kill Like Overkill: He's used to using the most violent solutions to most problems
The Realms are brutal and bloody, both inside and outside the Mortal Kombat tournaments. So Kung Jin's kind of numb to death and gore. This means he's liable to meet a combat situation with the maximum amount of force, since that's always been what's required before. This can lead to both him causing more collateral damage than necessary, AND being unrepentant for it as he's numb to how unpleasant it is.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
592 Amnesia Oct 29 2019
590 What Do You Want on Your Tombstone? Oct 27 2019
580 Vine Spits Out Untasty Shaolin Warrior Oct 05 2019
See All 3 Scenes


This character has no cutscenes yet.