Sonic the Hedgehog

Sonic the Hedgehog
World: Sonic the Hedgehog-3


Sonic the Hedgehog is an anthropomorphic hedgehog blessed with the gift of super speed. A renowned hero through time and space, Sonic's brash and egotistical nature is tempered by his strong sense of justice as he fights for the freedom of sapient beings everywhere. Living his life in the fast lane, Sonic races into danger at any turn searching for the next big adventure to add to his collection. Also chili dogs.


Super Speed: Sonic can move at supersonic speed.
Sonic the Hedgehog is a natural speedster capable of moving faster than the speed of sound with ease. Sonic's super speed gives him incredible reaction time. While moving at high speeds, Sonic's senses are heightened as he perceives the world around him in slow motion. It is possible for Sonic to move at the speed of light, though he needs to work up to it and can only sustain this speed for seconds at a time.
Hedgehog: Sonic's physical attributes are at superhuman levels.
Sonic possesses physical attributes that are superhuman in nature. He's incredibly durable, capable of using his body as a weapon and withstanding high levels of punishment and damage. He's strong enough to punch or tear apart robots with his bare hands, though he's even stronger in the leg department. Due to his speedster abilities, his reflexes and agility are top tier which he uses to his advantage at every turn. Sonic also possesses a ridiculous stamina that keeps him moving.
Spinjitsu: Sonic uses himself and the environment for unarmed combat.
Sonic's fighting style incorporates everything about him. He mixes his hyper reflexes and super speed with a creative and improvisational mind to allow himself to be an unorthodox fighter. He's capable of hand-to-hand and melee combat, using his environment or even himself as weapons to take down his foes. He's often very good at working with others to eliminate threats as well. Sonic's signature attack is the Spin Dash, an attack in which Sonic spins himself into a ball to break or tear through enemies and materials.
Breaking In: Sonic uses speed and wits to infiltrate bases, mazes, and lairs. Oh my.
Sonic has a knack for breaking and entering. Usually, these are enemy bases and compounds that Sonic's infiltration skills come in handy for. He's very capable of breaking security measures, avoiding traps, and navigating unknown areas and mazes.
Survivor: Sonic is a forager of food and shelter.
Sonic has exceptional survival skills when it comes to living on the move the way he does. He spends a lot of his time alone, on the road, or in strange lands and often has to fend for himself. He can forage and find food or build shelter when he needs to, whether in natural or urban environments.
Sonic X: Sonic is a natural extreme sports athlete.
Sonic is a natural athlete when it coms to extreme sports. From biking to skateboarding to snowboarding and whatever else comes his way in this regard, Sonic can perform incredibly well with natural aptitude.
Rings: Sonic can use rings to open portals and access Vines.
The golden Rings on Sonic's world are rare magical artifacts that enable the user to open up portals for transport to different worlds. These Rings also can be used to access active Vines to allow Sonic to piggyback off their intertwined network. The Rings often glow brightly and expand upon activation. Traveling through a Ring portal takes Sonic to the general location of where he is concentrating on or visualizing. Rings only allow for transporting to exterior locations, they can not be used to Ring portal into buildings, homes, or the interior of any locations.
Super Sonic< Plot Edge >: Sonic's gold form gives him flight, energy manipulation, and even more speed.
By harnessing the power of the seven Chaos Emeralds, Sonic can transform into a form known as Super Sonic. This golden-furred, red eyed form is a superpowered enhancement of Sonic in every way. His power level and physical abilities are vastly heightened. He can travel beyond the speed of light and also gains the power of (high-speed) flight. He can also channel and use Chaos Emerald energy in the form of forcefields, energy blasts, or to even empower objects and devices. Sonic's time as Super Sonic is limited as the longer he stays in that form, the more powerful the grip of the Chaos Emeralds have over Sonic so he can only do this for minutes at a time. When he does relinquish the power, the Chaos Emeralds are flown all across Mobius by their own chaotic energy.


Gotta Go Fast: Sonic rushes into every situation.
Sonic very brash and impulsive to the point that he often just runs headfirst into whatever situation arises without too much planning or thinking. He has a long history of saving the day and triumphs that has given him an ego that can barely be contained. All of these factors come together in a way that makes him believe that he can't be beat. He will take on anything and everything, by himself, without hesitation and is often in over his head.
Furgivabboutit: Sonic gives anyone a second chance. And a third. And a fourth.
Sonic has a lot of enemies and almost all of those enemies are people that Sonic will also chill and hang out with if given the opportunity. He's willing to trust and give the benefit of the doubt to even some of his most vicious rivals. Deep down, Sonic doesn't want to believe that anyone is completely evil and will even risk his own life to show kindness to others. Even others that just tried to kill him moments before.
Hydrophobia: Sonic cannot swim and is not a fan of large bodies of water.
Sonic can't swim and therefore is almost always in danger of drowning when submerged in that much water. To top that off, he has a fear of water that shows itself whenever he's in or around large bodies of it. It's not completely debilitating as he can operate on boats and canoes but once he's in water he becomes a panicking, thrashing, mess that can't function. Due to his incredible speed, Sonic does have the ability to run across water and can do so when he's traveling at a high enough speed. He needs to accelerate first.
Freedom Fighter: Sonic fights for everyone's right to party.
Sonic is a free spirit and believes that all other beings should be the same way: free. He finds rules, authority, and oppressive ideals that stifle the freedom and creativity of beings to be the worst things ever. He fights against the more vile and evil versions of these things. On a more day-to-day aspect of this, Sonic just kind of goes against the grain or bristles against those that try to contain or box him in.
Idle Animation: Sonic bored is just asking for trouble.
Sonic seems to almost always be doing something. He can't have idle hands or feet in his special case. When he gets bored he starts getting himself into trouble or looking for it. It's hard for Sonic to settle down or sit still for extended periods of time thanks to his hyperactive nature. With too much time on his hands, Sonic might even go looking for evil to fight.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
1032 Bell In A Cell May 27 2022
See All 1 Scenes


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