World Tree MUSH

Bell In A Cell

    After the incident in Megaville, Bell is inclined to cause more havoc.
    So she's organizing a prison break.
    For criminals both superpowered and mundane.
    With another one of Dr. X's monsters in tow, she intends to crack open the Megaville high security prison and release the detritus of society- who will inevitably file offworld to lay low and cause trouble elsewhere once escaped and become Someone Else's Problem.
Character Pose
    It's a fine day in Megaville! The people rush about in their daily hustle and bustle, going to and from work, school, and errands. It's almost as though the panic at the parade that happened just a week ago is entirely forgotten- and considering the abundance of superheroes and villains on this world-- it may just have been. Except for the fact that the apparent perpetrator of the disaster had left a message with the authorities stating that his creations and his darling daughter would return for more havoc in the coming days.
    Not all is well in Megaville.
    Somewhere... Under the ground, a plot is being executed. There's a rumble... The earth starts to shake at the Megaville High Security Prison on the outskirts of the city... And a huge, beetle-like monster with drills for hands erupts from the ground!
    An alarm sounds.
    And there is immediate chaos as the drill-handed monster begins to set prisoners free-- prisoners who overwhelm guards and stuff them into their cells. Prisoners who begin rioting and making for the nearest exit, while the monster frees more of their bretheren in crime.
Justina Thyme
    High in orbit a ship arrives, burning sublight engines to slot into a geosyncronous orbit of the planet below. "Orbital insertion complete. Scanning surface. Signal source located, locking onto a suitable deployment site... Complete. Deploying XE-MI combat Doll frame." Minerva intones. "Loading sub-persona into Mk.VII Urban combat Doll frame. Deploying support Doll.

    Justina nods. "I'll see you on the surface then... take care of the ship."

    On the surface below, two robots appear in flashes of blue-white light. One is slender, clad in shiny white plates of armour. The other is heavy-set and bulky. Both have only a single optic each which start orange then shift to blue and pale magenta respectively as their operators assume control. "Lets go get the guards out, they can help handle prisoners that get recaptured." states Justina, as she moves toward the prison with Subnerva trailing along behind.

    The pair of Dolls leap the perimeter walls, and break into the main cellblock, tracking lightsigns to the cells where guards are trapped.
Cyber Frost
Round Two!


Normally Cyber Frost wouldn't care two bits what happened to this backwater city. As far as she was concerned its people were nothing but fodder, and that was a mentality she continued having even after all her time spent with Suiren. Even after having grown a conscience, Frost still operated in a 'The Strong Surive and the Weak Die' mentality.

No, Frost wasn't here to save the day. She was here for REVENGE!

As soon as panic started happening in the nearby prison she knew it was time. That girl from before had showed up with a giant robot, chances where high that she'd get involved in something like this as well. The cyborg flew into the Kombat zone and zeroed in on the biggest target which was the beetle with the drill hands.

"Let's deal with these guys first I guess!" She muttered in annoyance, not wanting to waste her energy before running into Bell, but it seemed she had no choice. She turned her own hands into ice drills and dove from the air right at the beetle, slamming her drills into its body to try and pierce through him.
Anneka Stojespal
  In through the nearest Vine that can support it is the shape of a quinjet: A chubby little transport aircraft about the size of a small fighter jet, with downward-curved wings and a sleek profile. The jet pulls low and hovers over the prison, as though the pilot inside were looking for a safe place to land.

"I can take you as close as I can," Agent Anneka Stojespal throws over her shoulder at her passengers, "but I am going to need someplace to land where the escaping prisoners will not make things inconvenient. They are not a threat to the Valkyrie... but dealing with them would take time we do not necessarily have."

That drill thing doesn't look like much fun. Eventually jockeying earns her a place relatively higher up, where she can set down, and the ramp flicks open silently. "Sorry. I cannot get any closer than this. Go ahead, and I will be out momentarily; I had better bring plenty of rounds."

By the time she does reappear, she's carrying her ICER pistol, wearing light kevlar armour over her flightsuit, and wearing a resigned expression. "All right, I will cover you, Matsu Shuzenji."
Matsu Shuzenji
    A crisis like a prison break is kind of a big deal. There are likely to be injured parties. It makes sense to bring a healer.

    Matsu is already half-questioning her choice to come along before they even arrive. Once she actually gets a look at the prison situation, it's no longer 'half' questioning.

    "...we're diving right into a riot," the white-haired phoenix girl grouses. Admittedly, half the grumbling is as a distraction from the Quinjet's flight. The girl is clutching her seat's armrests as tightly as she can, and when she's allowed to exit the jet, she does so hastily, despite the dangers on the ground. Matsu is smart enough not to go anywhere in all of this until her escort is there; and only once Anneka is back with a weapon to cover her, will the younger girl proceed.

    "I can't do much unless any of the prisoners here are supernatural. Better if we find wounded. I-" Matsu stops mid-sentence, whipping her hands through a series of quick gestures, unleashing a softball-sized fireball at a prisoner that's looked in her direction. A particularly big and burly one. "...Don't even think about it."
Sonic the Hedgehog
    Megaville's a pretty cool place... if you're a blue hedgehog. Right now, said blue hedgehog's sitting on the rooftop of one of the skyscrapers and he's chowing down on the seventh of a pile of chili dogs he may have previously ordered from one of the stands around the land of Megaville. He's making a bit of a mess too which could be why he's eating on a skyscraper.


    Megaville is treated to a loud belch from the hyperactive blue creature as he hops up to his feet and stretches. "Delicious. Almost as good as home." Some leg stretches are next. "Now for a little jog. Work off a couple of these bad boys." There's some gloved hands patting his full stomach. And then he's off! A blue blur racing down the side of the skyscraper, to the streets below, racing around cars and pedestrians alike as he takes off towards where some OUTSKIRTS where he can really move.

    The Blue Blur (or maybe Blue Justice, he hasn't decided yet) speeds onto the prison scene because he was jogging that way anyway! He comes to a skidding halt because there's a giant drill beetle thing that's kind of making the prison, well, break. Get it? "Whooooooa! Hey, this looks pretty cool! Giant Bug Drill Thing! Very nice! Except it looks like it could kill us!" The hedgehog zips quickly into the direction of others that are not here to free prisoners. They each get a quick, "Hi, I'm Sonic. And you are?" but he's not there for the answer because he's blurring off again to do the same thing to someone else, then someone else, then someone else. He'll be back to catch their names in a second. It's a lot, he knows.

    Finally, Sonic comes to a stop in front of the Drill Beetle and kind of waves his gloved hand. "Hey! Hi! Helloooooo! Hey down here!" He's short, okay? He's a hedgehog! "You know, you really should think about doing something, ANYTHING, with this whole evil robot vibe you've got going on. It's super annoying! ALSO LOUD! These drills? Way too much. Total overkill!" What in the heck is this little hedgehog doing?

    "Oh and one more thing?" Sonic brings his fingers up to his mouth and pulls the corners out to the side while going full on annoying face making mode at the Drill Beetle robot thingy. This is followed by a full on "THBBBBBBBBBBBT!"

    Sonic the Distraction, ladies and gents.
Anneka Stojespal
  "Of course we are diving right into a riot. What did you think this was, a pleasure cruise?" Anneka's question comes along with a sour grin, but she's right there behind Matsu, hovering close with her ICER at the ready. In fact, she's forced to take a few shots at a few prisoners who are uncomfortably close... before they notice.

Oh, don't worry, they're dendrotoxin rounds: They'll wake up in a few hours with some really trippy dreams.

"Right. I will--"

There's fire. When Matsu turns, Anneka is just Not There. Only after the fire is very definitely gone does she reappear from around a corner, looking both highly irritated and very pale, grumbling under her breath.

"Some warning would be good," she growls, loading a fresh cartridge into her ICER and raising it again. "I do not like fire..." Another shot or two are fired, but she's mostly keeping herself close to Matsu, and picking off anybody that looks like they're paying too much attention to the two. The end of the corridor is gestured toward with her ICER. "Should we go that way...?"
    Diving right into a riot is an apt way to put it. The prisoners are in total revolt.
    Justina's dolls make their way towards the guard cells, many of the prisoners the half-elf encounters are pretty mundane and armed wit shivs and anything they can get their hands on, and when they SEE the XE-MI and the MK.VII, they opt to give the Dolls a wide berth rather than risk getting maimed in combat with them.
    "We're here! Get us out!" The guards cry from where they bang on cell bars waiting for freedom.
    Frost arrives and goes right for the monster! It clashes with her, drill against drill, sparks fly as they duel, but the cyber Lin Kuei ultimately out-skills the beast, Sonic's distraction proving vital in making it look down when it should be looking at the chilly assassin, her icy drills punching it in the abdomen. But that's not enough to STOP it as it retaliats with swift strikes and brutal strength at the both of them!
    Matsu and Anneka arrive, several prisoners eyeing the quinjet as a viable means of escape, they start rushing it only for the biggest among them to eat a fireball to the solar plexus, the blazing hot dissuasion causing a number of them to slow their approach to be more cautious. Only for more of them to start dropping like sleepy flies as Anneka starts putting them under with her ICER, making the prisoners retreat and re-think their strategy for a moment.
    Before a pair of red-hot laser beam thin rays of light streak down from the sky and cut across the outer yard, hot enough to cut through concrete like warm butter, opening a new path for prisoners to flee from.

    "I hope you didn't forget about me."

    It'll be a familiar voice to Frost and Anneka at the very least as Bell descends from the sky. The small, white-clad, girl cracks her knuckles audibly as she lands on the ground with a soft tap of her shoes.
    Then she pops her neck.
    "Heh~. I'm here to make your lives a living nightmare." The girl says as the prisoners rally to their new savior.
    "And I'll start by killing the two of you."
    She's looking dead square at Anneka and Matsu.
Cyber Frost
"HRUUUAAAAAAA!!!" Frost forced her own drills to clash against that of the monster. She poured power into her jetpack and her foot thrusters, blasting blue power to propel her forward with all the strength she could muster. Though it was not as if she needed 100% of her power to best this creature. It was powerful but it lacked all the skill necessary to even match a Lin Kuei. Particularly when it was being distracted by some kind of.. blue Hedgehog.

"Ugh, fantastic!" Scowled the ninja as she broke through the monster's defenses and pierced through its carapace. "Another Cage representative, if it ain't Dante its some weird blue thingie." Why couldn't she just have a fight in peace without a comedian prancing around??

It didn't matter though, none of it mattered. Not even the fact that the monster was retaliating with great fury! This monster was below her notice, Frost moved from side to side letting blows merely pass next to her harmlessly, the monster would have better luck landing a punch on thin air than hitting the ninja.

"Where is she!!? I know yer working with her!!" The ninja demanded as she slipped under the monster's guard and stepped behind him. Could it even understand her? She had to try. "Where's the girl with white hair!? Where--"

There she is! There's Bell! Frost's eyes widened with fury and recognition when Bell made her appearance, and it she would have thrown herself at the little android girl if it weren't for the monster still being alive.

"Get outta my way! I can't waste time with ya!! GRAAAAAH!!" The kunoichi summoned a large two handed ice sword and tried to plunge it deep in the monster's carapace, targeting the hole she had done earlier with her drills. She needed this thing dead yesterday so she could engage against Bell.
Matsu Shuzenji
    As they proceed, Matsu briefly looks over her shoulder at her escort. "That's... that's my only offensive option for normal people," she replies to Anneka. "I'm not exactly a fighter." If fire is off the table, she's not sure what she's going to do.

    Of course, the universe decides to laugh at her misfortune by sending a murderous robo-girl.

    Immediately, Matsu drops back into a wary stance, glowering. "My life's already been plenty nightmarish. I'm not interested." There's a brief, conflicted grimace out of Matsu, as she glances back at Anneka; despite her protests, she does actually worry about upsetting the woman. But their lives are on the line here.

    So she throws another fireball, whipping through the gestures quickly and flinging it right at Bell's face.
Anneka Stojespal
  Good strategies only last so long. As the prisoners react by becoming more wary, Anneka starts to measure her shots much more carefully. She stays as close to Matsu as she can without getting in the way.

She's about to raise her ICER and fire again when--

--a laser beam snips across the area, shaving off a fractional part of the pistol's muzzle. Anneka yelps and dances backwards, waving her firearm in an effort to cool down the smoking red-hot business end.

A brief glance is cast to it as Bell makes her appearance, and before she's scarcely had a chance to finish, Anneka raises the pistol in a braced two-handed grip and fires the thing, right for Bell's centre of mass. Two shots, in fact; a brisk and efficient double-tap of the trigger.

"Aaah, shit. Not you again."

Pleasantries? Naaah.

"I hope you are happy. This is going to cost me three days of paperwork." Grumble, grumble. She keeps her weapon trained on Bell, though, almost hyperalert for the telegraph of any attack. There won't be any do-overs with those lasers. There's no getting around the need for fire, though. A hand is waved at Matsu. "Do what you have to do," she snarls. She's not gonna like this but they have no choice.

She just might be, you know, kinda unresponsive for part of this brouhaha.

Her wristband chimes. Captain Stojespal, I am detecting heightened blood pressure and heart r--

"Not now, Val! Shut up!"
Justina Thyme
    Justina and Subnerva arrive at where the guards are corralled. The two dolls, looking rather intimidating, begin speaking in at least human-sounding voices, one far more synthetic than the other though. "We are here to help, is there a way to unlock the doors, or shall we pull them off?" asks Justina, the sinuous movements of the XE-MI juxtaposing with the young feminine voice and the singular blue optic.

    Subnerva stands in the entryway, acting like a very intimidating door to stop any inquisitive prisoners coming back in just yet.
Sonic the Hedgehog
    "Thingie?! I am not a thingie! I'm a Hedgehog!"

    Words are tossed in the direction of Cyber Frost while Sonic does his best to jump and duck the brutally swift strikes sent in his direction. "And another thing..."

    Sonic doesn't get to actually finish that statement cuz he catches a drill strike to the side. See, he zigged when he should've zagged and the distracted by distraction actions cost him precious dodging time that he won't get back.

    Sonic winces as he hits the wall and then is back on the ground. "Okay, ow! That was rude! I was in the middle of a snappy comeback to the Ice Lady!" Sonic narrows his eyes and takes off in a quick run in the direction of the Drill Beetle Robot Monster thing and leaps into the air, curling in on himself, for some top notch Spin Dash action.

    Incoming Hedgehog Ball! Three O'Clock!
    Justina finds the guards easily enough, and the lot of them babble in a jumbled mess of voices for help, before one manages to speak over the others to say that the spare keys are on a wall in the nearby guard outpost. It's literally a few steps out of their reach, so she can do that or just rip the cell doors off, whichever is more expedient in her mind. But now the prisoners rush the Dolls, having gotten their hands on a set of pipes and rebar, intending to stop her from freeing the guards.
    This probably won't work out well for them at all, but by god they'll try it.
    The drill monster does not have such a lucky time of it though. Try as it might to fend off Frost AND Sonic, it can not do so. Against one of them it would be a little more formidable, but once that ice sword plunges into the previous hole Frost drilled into it, and Sonic spin-dashes clean through it, it topples over in a heap and breaks down.
    A very confused squirrel climbs out of the wreckage.
    The ICER pistol barks twice, two rounds full of dendrotoxin scream through the air and... Bell doesn't dodge.
    Assuming the gun to be a normal pistol is her arrogant mistake; ICER stands for Incapacitating Cartridge Emitting Railguns, after all; and the twin rounds slam her in the chest. Though they spang off her body as though she were bulletproof the double impact makes her skid backward with a flinch of visible pain, right before Matsu's fireball hits her next because she was still reeling from the initial impact of the ICER rounds.
    "... Oh now you've done it..." The girl hisses.
    Anneka is waiting for Bell to telegraph an attack... The problem therein is that Bell is simply too fast for a normal human to read like that. One second she's half way across the yard.
    The next second she's in Anneka's face.
    "I'm going to make this slow." She says before swinging a breath-taking punch aimed for the SHIELD Agent's stomach, before she turns her attention to Matsu, silver eyes glowing with a menacing pair of red pin-prick lights from the center of her pupils as she charges up her eye-beams and unleashes another cutting blast of high-heat ray vision intent to cut the immortal phoenix down.
    It's right about now that several figures emerge over the prison walls! Men and women in capes and spandex, and they pause for just a moment to survey the chaos of the rioting prisoners and the battle taking place before they rush into action.
    "Is... Is that a Powerpuff Girl?!" One of the local heroes blurts.
Justina Thyme
    Justina's optic turns, locks onto the key ring and lopes over to it on a couple of long strides. The claws on one arm grab the keyring, and turn to start unlocking the doors.

    Meanwhile, Subnerva deploys a pair of long batons to her forearms, and starts to play Whak-a-mole with the oncoming prisoners. Her bulky frame taking impacts from the pipes and rebar, any dented plates flaring and 'repairing' back to pristine condition. "You have a 0.12139% of succeeding in this endeavour. You would be more likely to be struck by lightning, and win the lottery at the same time than defeat me. Surrender and I will not have to beat you to within an inch of your lives." the motherly sounding voice giving the verbal beat-down likely adds to the intimidation factor.
Anneka Stojespal
  There's nothing to telegraph because suddenly Bell's right there.

"Oh, fuck." Anneka's observation is perhaps surprisingly resigned. She knows this little girl is going to deck her hard enough to break a rib or two, and there isn't a thing she can do about it. Nah. There's really no way out of this one. No clever last-minute plans, here.

Predictably, the blow lands with all the subtlety of a dump truck. Predictably, Anneka Stojespal folds in half with a gruesome sound, both an expression of pain (cursing in at least two languages, unfit for reprint) and the hearty crack of what must be several ribs that are abruptly not where they're supposed to be.

Predictably, Anneka drops like a stone, wheezing and curled up in the fetal position. She's... probably not gonna get up for a few minutes.

Retrieving last registered tracking data.

Val's voice chimes over the wristband.

Transmitting encrypted coordinates.

That's probably not good.

SHIELD retrieval teams responding in T-minus twenty minutes.

Oh. Automatic retrieval. Neat.

Static crackles, before Coulson's voice can be heard over the wristband. "Just hold tight, okay? I've got somebody headed out there."

On the ground, Anneka wheezes, appreciatively.
Cyber Frost
"Hm.. not bad." Said Frost approvingly as Sonic finished off the drill monster. Normally she'd be thoroughly annoyed at someone stealing her kill like that, but this guy was small potatoes. Nothing in comparison to the big prize that was Bell.

"You may not be completely useless." Said Cyber Frost as she ignored the squirrel popping out of the defeated robot monster and focused back on the Shadowpuff Girl. Frost was no fierce leader, she was much preferred to hog as much of the glory as she possibly could and leave her supposed allies fighting for the scraps. This was the time to rally the forces and focus entirely on Bell.

Frost was not going to do that. Instead she preferred if everyone just left the little android alone so she could have the glory of defeating her.

"I got you now you little twerp!!"

The Cyber Kunoichi launched herself into the attack, feet thrusters and jetpack engaging to fly towards Bell's back. As much as she wanted to make this a one on one Konfrontation, Frost also had very little honor and did not mind at all doing a cheap shot in order to achieve victory.

She was not going to make the same mistake as last time. This time, she was finishing off Bell with a single strike so she couldn't retaliate. Flying behind Bell's back, she stuck out her arms to grasp her once again from behind as she had done a week ago.

Except this time she didn't go for the Full Nelson.

This time Frost poured frozen chi into Bell to freeze her solid. Try and absorb that!
Matsu Shuzenji
    The heroes have arrived. Matsu doesn't have time to berate them... at least, not immediately. She's busy stumbling back in surprise at the inhuman speed of Bell's attack - and then calling out in alarm. "Lady Stojespal-!" But the robot girl turns around and looks right at her - and Matsu has seen those laser eyes once already. She leaps aside with a half-panicked yelp; her quick reaction times thankfully result in only a searing burn across her right thigh.

    Curiously, as she rolls to a stop, the girl hisses, "Tch. Not again..."

    But she's already knee-walking her way with surprisingly urgent haste towards Anneka's body. As she goes, the silver-haired girl yells up at the heroes, "Don't space out in the middle of a prison break! Stop the prisoners or something!" Then, she goes about hastily calling up a barrier, murmuring prayers to Genbu to conjure up a translucent magical wall that looks almost like a tortoise shell. It's not likely to stop a directed effort from Bell, but it should keep the two of them safe from stray attacks.

    "Someone cover me," she yells out as she settles in above Anneka, brow furrowing. "...Lady Stojespal. Close your eyes. You don't want to see this." And of course, if the pilot does close her eyes, she will have only the sensation to go on. The sensation is gentle, warming - a soothing warm wind, bathing her body, easing aches and pains, repairing damage, all with a soft 'wooshing' sort of sound. It feels rather pleasant.

    Naturally, if Anneka makes the mistake of keeping her eyes open, she'll have to see the tiny little white-haired teen bathing her body in healing flames. That might not be the most pleasant sight, no matter how nice the flames feel. Best not to look.
Sonic the Hedgehog
    Sonic might as well be seeing the world in slow motion for a moment because as he tears through the Drill Beetle, he uncurls and looks pretty happy with everything that's happened. He even turns around in mid-air to spot the Suddenly Squirrel. There's a wink and a fingergun pointed in Suddenly Squirrel's direction.

    Just in time for Sonic the Hedgehog to hit the ground and slide. When he comes to a stop, he's in front of a random prisoner and twirling a pair of high security cuffs or shackles on his finger. He just looks up with a big smile. "Made you look."

    For a moment, Sonic the Hedgehog's green eyes glow blue as he once again takes up residence as The Blue Blur. And that means he's blurring around the prison in a manner that pretty much makes him exactly what he sometimes calls himself: a blur. As he's doing this, there are random rioting prisoners that may find themselves disarmed, shackled and/or shoved back into cells and the like because during one of his blurring moments, Sonic noticed that a lot of people were fighting a little girl. "Weird." And then back to Blur Town.

    Sonic's own personal slow motion moments kind of end as he plants himself back down in front of that original prisoner he slid in front of what seems like moments ago but is really actually 'now-ish' and he gets back to twirling those high security shackles. When time catches up to him in the next Sonic Second, those shackles are no longer on his finger and aimed at the legs of the prisoner he's quipping at and maybe a bunch of other prisoners will find themselves dealing with the hilarious after effects of a hedgehog with super speed.

    Oh, by the way, Sonic's no longer laying on the ground. He's off to the side, tapping his foot and looking at his watch as if it was taking forever for time to catch up to him. Even though it already had. Has? Listen, slow motion is confusing. Just go with it.
    This doesn't go well for the prisoners. Those attempting to beat down Minerva slow to a halt when they are met with nothing but gentle scorn for their valor, unable to scratch the self-repairing doll, they give up-- only to find themselves suddenly back in their cells thanks to a blue blur too fast for them to even percieve. The local supers and capes join in, rustling the escaping convicts as well, while Bell...
    With Anneka down, she doesn't want to give Matsu time to do anything, and she's already turning, ready to assail the head of the Shuzenji Clan up until Frost happens.
    "--The hell!?"
    Frost may think Bell to be some unskilled scrapper that relies on brut force...
    This can't be further from the truth as Bell-- alternates her styles. Judo, Aikido, Krav Maga-- even Greek pankration, trying to fend the kunoichi off her and throw her off.
    "Get. OFF. OF. ME!" Bell shrieks.
    But for all she tries, the ninja's years of training surpass the little brawler's and Bell's movements start to grow sluggish as her body cools.
    Cool- cooler- cold- cold!-- TOO COLD!
    Eventually, as frost, rhime, and hoary icr start to coat her skin, Bell slows to a grinding halt, eyes wide, wild, and furious as she's trapped in her own body for a moment, and that seems to be the end of it.
    Before there's a CRACK.
    The ice coating her starts to fracture like glass. And with a loud SNAP Bell shatters free of her icy entombment, tumbling herself away to land on her knees.

    "That HAS to be a Powerpuff Girl!" Another of the locals says.

    But that's it. Outnumbered, prisoners getting wrangled, Bell has no more reason to stay here.
    "I won't forget that!" She snaps, glaring hatefully at Frost, "I won't forget this at all!" She shrieks, as she raging glower turns on the others, before she takes off with a girlish cry of impotent fury, fast enough to shatter the sound barrier in a miniature sonic boom as she streaks away, contrails of white light left in her wake as she flies off.
>> SUMMARY[Bell] >> Telltale Prompt: [Bell will remember that.]
Anneka Stojespal
  Hey, the floor looks kind of interesting from this angle. Is that a piece of chewing gum, or just debris from some explosion or another in the midst of all this rioting? That rock over there looks like it might have a neat pattern if it were immersed in water--

The sound of Matsu's voice is too distant, distorted, as though from the end of a long, long hallway. The agent's eye flutters but doesn't quite open. Passing out would be a lot more fun than whatever comes next... but duty calls.

Oh, and fire.

Close your eyes.

"...Don't wear eyepatch for fun." It's not much more than a pathetic croak. She doesn't really mean it, but she is in a considerable amount of pain and stress now! It's really not so bad with her eye closed, though. It doesn't feel like fire. It's not nearly the same sensation as when she earned those scars. In fact, it's pretty pleasant, and after a half-second or so of wary resistance, she stops trying to fight it.

And no, Anneka is not going to look. That eye is screwed shut so tightly that she can't even see any suggestions of light.

...When she gets back home, she's so going to demand hazard pay for this nonsense.
Cyber Frost
Judo, Aikido, Jiu Jitsu, Krav Maga- every form of grappling in the world wouldn't save Bell from a very determined ninja grappling from behind. Cyber Frost appeared to know every trick in the book too, she pushed when Bell pulled and she pulled when she pushed, resisting every attempt to throw her off.

In the end, this was why Cyber Frost was the superior model. This was why she was better than all the others before her, better than Sektor, Cyrax and Smoke. They had lost all their fighting instincts and where replaced by hard programming. Frost still fought like a human and adapted quickly like a human. She had honed her skills in years of fighting them in the streets and perfected them under Sub-Zero. Grappling someone from behind for her was like breathing or eating. It wasn't something Bell could match with just having her martial arts coded into her.

Oh, Bell was a very advanced android, maybe she could learn- but not fast enough to avoid getting turned into a popsicle.

As Bell was fully encased in ice, Frost eventually released her and saw her staggered forward, shattering the ice but too cold to continue fighting. The Lin Kuei's eyes met Bell's and hers where delighted triumph whilst Bell was hateful glares.

'I won't forget that!' Screamed Bell as she fled from the battle, and Frost could only cackle and yell after her.

"You better not!!"

"Remember that I, Frost, am the best!!" She pumped her fist up triumphantly, utterly unaware of the injured all around her, all that mattered to the ninja was that she got her revenge.

"I win!"

Matsu Shuzenji
    Matsu has little that she can focus on other than her efforts in healing Anneka. She occasionally glances up, but as long as Frost and the locals are distracting Bell, she's going to keep working. Eventually, she stops, though; sitting back a bit and letting out a breath of effort. "'s done. You should be fine," she says. There's a pause, and then the phoenix girl pushes herself to her feet with a soft hiss of pain. "Nnn... Lady Stojespal. I'm going to see to anyone else that needs healing. Please don't leave me here." When she walks over towards one of the nearby superheroes, she does so with a limp. "Hey. You. If there's anyone injured, bring them here. Or bring me to them if they can't be moved safely. I'm a healer."
Sonic the Hedgehog
    Sonic the Hedgehog dusts off his gloved hands and takes a moment to look around. "And let that be a lesson to all of you! Don't mess with a hedgehog, you'll get the quills!" Sonic's even making sure to do the 'eyes watching you' motion to a couple of prisoners as he wanders past their cells on his way to somewhere that is not in here with all these prisoners.

    A couple of the prisoners don't get to see the hedgehog due to atomic wedgie recovery but hey.

    Sonic gives a quick salute to the local supers and authority figures. "No need to thank me. All in a day's work for..." Sonic makes some trumpetous fanfare sounds with his mouth. "BLUE JUSTICE!" Some more fingerguns are aimed at the local supers and authorities. "No, seriously, if you guys ever need a hand, just like give me a ring. There's some really awesome chili dog spots here. I love this place, really, I do. Let's do lunch!"

    Sonic makes the 'call me' motion to any and everyone that's looking at him in the moment and then proceeds to disappear in a burst of blue blurring sonic speed, catching his own SONIC BOOM as he races away from the prison! JUICE TIME!