
World: Final Fantasy 6-1
Actual Age: 100+
Apparent Age: 20
Quote: "Where did you go... wherever did you go...?"
Role: Transient Sorceress
Species: Esper
Theme Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P40LsvDhOxg
Voice Actor: Michelle Ann Dunphy (EN), Inoue Kikuko (JP)


Born into a race of magical beings known as Espers, Nythius lived a peaceful, idyllic life in the Feymarch. In a sinister move made by the Gestahlian Empire, her people were discovered and enslaved. With the aide of an unlikely ally, Nythius found her freedom in the World Tree and nowadays she roams the connected worlds, searching for kith and kin. She does so in the manner of a peaceful explorer: watchfully, carefully and steeped in curiosity. Though capable of defending herself with powerful elemental magic, Nythius is abhorrent of conflict.


Attack Magic: Aggressive magic use, utilizing the elements of Darkness and Ice.
Espers typically imbued with one or more 'favored' elementals at birth. In Nythius' case, she favors both Darkness and Ice. She is able to tap into the most basic, powerful components of both elements and use both to strike out against foes. Applications for Dark magic include fierce energy-style strikes and occasionally the 'blacking out' a small radius of her surroundings so that Nythius may hide and/or retreat. Ice magic usage can range from strikes of varying intensity, to affecting the landscape (ie. lowering ambient temperature, creating snow, freezing water to affect traction, etc.)
Shapeshift: Nythius has access to two forms, each with merits and drawbacks.
Nythius has the ability to morph between her human and lupine forms at will. While in the latter form, Nythius enjoys a significant boost to speed and stamina with teeth and claws that deal acute physical damage. On the flip-side, she loses her opposable thumbs and the versatility of human dexterity. Her magical potency does not change between forms.
Flight: She has big ol' wings! Please be gentle!
Granted wings in both forms, Nythius is capable of flight. She is very protective of her wings, and dreads any damage being dealt to them. The speed at which she flies is based on her own physical strength and stamina at the time. Nythius can cover very large distances, but she isn't exactly inconspicuous.
Alchemy: Nythius has innate knowledge on seeking ingredients for medicine and sustenance.
Nythius has a passion for creating basic (natural) medicines, either as potions or herbal tisanes. She has made it her cause to explore the various worlds to find ingredients with which to concoct her medicines. These are typically oral medicines/teas with basic curative properties, antidotes for various physical maladies (ie. nausea, sickness) and poultices for basic physical injuries. Alternatively, she has the sense of how some ingredients behave in foodstuffs.
Immortality: Barring 'Something Unfortunate' happening, Nythius will never age.
Nythius' race bestows upon her an indefinite lifespan and, to put it bluntly, you won't see her aging past an apparent '20-something' appearance. To look at her as a human is to see a young adult woman. Mundane illnesses and maladies do not affect Nythius, though certainly there are things that are applicable to her race that cause other types of problems.
Status Magic: Inflicted side-effects such as blindless, lethargy and pain.
Aside from outright damage, Nythius' magic MAY also inflict debuffs upon foes. Side-effects of utilized Shadow magic include temporary blindness, dark 'burn' (a burn that feels 'deep' and hurts incessantly), superficial poisoning (acute nausea, dizziness, maybe even paranoia) and sleepiness. When it comes to the icy side of things, there's the possibility of severe frostbite, lethargy and immobilization.


Anachronism: Nythius + modernism x technology = BAD. Don't even.
It's not just all about her 'old timey' behaviors, attire and words. Nythius fails hard at technological pursuits. If she can push a button to turn 'it on', GREAT. But if it requires navigating interfaces, putting something shiny and glow'y together and especially (THE HORROR) piloting it... just //don't// let this happen. Before Gestahl, well... 'Gestahl'ed' all over her homeworld, Nythius very happily existed in an ancient, beautifully simple world. High technology scares the hell out of her, and if she is immersed in it? High anxiety.
Overload: Strong magical surroundings? The need for frenzy strengthens.
In situations where magical energy is raw/uncontrolled, Nythius is prone to becoming TOO attuned to it. This could result in her falling 'ill' in the form of confusion, a pounding headache, dizziness. This intensifies while in the presence of many magic-users who are casting at once, culminating in Nythius actually losing control and potentially rampaging.
Fugitive Complex: Nythius is terrified of being pursued and captured again.
Nythius' biggest fear is being pursued by those who originally contained her, and returned to those 'death tubes' where her powers were tapped. It's so profound that she is hesitant to return to the Blossom of her home world.... even in knowing that Someone Important, whom she seeks may very well remain there. To be restrained and taken somewhere against her will can and will send Nythius into hysterics. Dangerous, explosive hysterics.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
614 Dusty Aftermath Feb 06 2020
612 Machinings! Feb 04 2020
608 Wanderers and Refugees Jan 07 2020
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Title Date
Those Who Wander Jun 22 2020
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