
World: The Legend of Zelda: Three Mirrors-1


A mysterious youth from the kingdom of Hyrule, Hawk rose up as the bearer of the mystical power called the Triforce of Courage, the mark of a destined hero. In a time of trouble, this has lead Hawk to obtain the weapons and skills needed to battle the rising evil within Hyrule. Though wielding the powerful blade known as the Master Sword and several useful magics for both attack and defense, Hawk is well aware that experience is lacking, and seeks always to improve in tactics and skill on the journey to find the source of evil, and defeat it. Largely a quiet youth, Hawk's sense of helpfulness and adventure is only held back by an unwillingness to easily trust.


Triforce of Courage: Mystical power that defends against dark-aligned magic and transformation.
Hawk is the bearer of a powerful essence known as the Triforce of Courage. This grants Hawk great courage, or perhaps is attracted to bearers who already possess it. Either way, the magic of the Triforce protects the bearer from most forms of transformation magic that would render them harmless, and also provides a resistance to dark/evil-aligned magic, though not enough to prevent physical damage, more focused on preventing corruption or other long-term side effects of such magic. This magic has to specifically be 'bad' in the context of its own world.
Master Sword: A holy sword that breaks curses and flings bolts of magic.
The Master Sword is a powerful holy weapon, light-aligned and capable of dealing grievous damage to 'unholy' or dark-aligned creatures that are vulnerable to such. It has a limited ability to break weak curses upon striking them, and helps protect Hawk from stronger curses, though very powerful ones or curses that are intended to be short-term tend to slip past this protection. With concentration and a small bit of vitality, the blade can even fire a mystical bolt, but this is weaker than an actual sword slash, it merely has a ranged attack much like a bow shot.
Attack Magic: Spells to hurl fire or blast lightning, and sometimes paralyze.
Hawk knows several basic spells, but has an innate knack for magic in many forms. While others blessed with Courage have a knack for learning weapons, Hawk learns spells. This allows Hawk to cast quick bolts of lightning or fire for short distances, and also grants them a very short term paralysis spell that attempts to hold a target in place for a few seconds. This takes focus, so Hawk can only handle one at a time with the paralysis, as an amateur but talented mage.
Defense Magic: Spells to deflect attacks or rebound damaging magic.
Hawks defensive magics are limited but powerful. Basically, Hawk can create a front-facing shield spell that blunts attacks, and if attacks hit at just the right angle, can even deflect them like an actual physical shield. Hawk has also learned to reinforce the shield for magic as well, and weak magical attacks can even be deflected or reflected, provided Hawk is properly prepared for them.
Utility Magic: Spells to enhance the body, heal wounds, levitate objects, and light the way.
As a mage, Hawk has learned some basic useful spells such as creating light, boosting strength and speed for short bursts, knit wounds, or lift nearby light objects. Hawk's skill is basic, so lifting objects can only be done to something easily lifted by normal strength, and takes concentration. Hawk's healing and enhancement can be done to others, but the healing is only for muscle and skin tissue, and serious injuries will take much longer. Healing also takes a few seconds of concentration or longer for deeper wounds, making it only useful as a quick refresh in actual combat.
Sword and Bow Skill: Hawk is very good with swords, knives, and bows.
Somehow, Hawk has gotten some very extensive training in bladed weapons, particularly swords and knives, and with the bow. While not a crack shot with the bow, Hawk is good enough to hit moving targets from far away, just not capable of trick shots. The sword, however, is a weapon that Hawk is an expert with, knowing numerous tricks to feint or attack from odd angles.
Riding: Hawk is a skilled rider who rides a stag for mobility.
Hawk has learned how to ride four-legged animals very well, and is especially skilled at horses, even though Acheron, Hawk's chosen mount, is a stag. Hawk's skill is such that even if the riding beast is something unusual like a bird or cetacean, they can ride it with at least passable skill. Creatures that are inherently difficult to ride due to uncomfortable anatomy, or untamed creatures, cannot be ridden, and this skill imparts no real ability to steer vehicles that are not beast-powered. Hawk's normal mount for getting about is the stag Acheron, a swift beast with sharp horns.


Servant of the People: Hawk can't help getting involved in little troubles and problems.
Hawk has a tendency to feel too much empathy for people in trouble, and will often go out of the way to handle a minor request despite something else pending. Basically, Hawk is easily distracted or delayed by placing small but immediate problems before them, as they are essentially a meddler at heart and try to please everyone.
Freedom of Heroes: Hawk strongly believes in people choosing their own path, and hates slavery.
Hawk strongly believes in the freedom of people to choose their own path in life, and will actively encourage anyone with duty 'forced' on them to consider if this is what they chose or not. This message can get a little muddled, because Hawk also tends to harp on the importance of that duty. A more strong reaction is when Hawk discovers people are forced into something via blackmail or slavery, and will go out of their way to stop this.
Mana Beacon: Detects as high magic all the time... and as older than appears.
As a mage, Hawk already shows some magical aura... but the aura given off is much greater than the simple talents Hawk shows. A shining beacon of mystical power, Hawk has trouble shielding this aura or hiding it in any way, making stealth against anyone who can sniff out magic very hard. Hawk also registers with divine power, perhaps because of the Triforce, and strangely also detects as being incredibly old, millenia so, to anything that senses age, at random points. At other times they appear to be in their teens.
Courage or Stubbornness: Hawk has difficulty backing away from a difficult situation.
Sometimes when confronted with a difficult challenge, Hawk will keep trying long past when it would be best to attempt a different approach, even if the situation is dangerous. This is not the same as being easily insulted... challenging Hawk to a duel is not the way this happens. Instead, an odd puzzle or difficult situation will trigger it.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
1089 An Embarrassment of Riches Oct 26 2022
789 The Enemy of My Enemy... Feb 03 2021
678 Summertide Jun 21 2020
644 The Two Bearers Nov 28 2021
558 The Suspicious Villager Oct 18 2019
502 Border Problems May 27 2019
See All 6 Scenes


This character has no cutscenes yet.