The World of The Legend of Zelda: Three Mirrors-1

The Legend of Zelda: Three Mirrors-1

A fantasy realm where monsters and bandits are becoming more common, making travel between villages unsafe, and the heir is missing.

Type: Blossom
Active Characters


    The land of Hyrule can be a dangerous place, but civilization has thrived despite this for centuries. Every few generations, a cycle has repeated, with Zelda, Link, and the greedy Ganondorf reincarnated to battle in various ways. When Hyrule is in crisis, those three incarnations are often involved, and are the bearers of the three parts of the powerful Triforce.

    Now Hyrule is in crisis again. A dark power is rising around Death Mountain, and monsters are more common than in generations. Yet the Princess Zelda is missing, and Ganondorf has disappeared, leaving the rising troubles to be addressed by whomever can manage the crisis.

    It is a dangerous land of strange beasts, mystical woodlands, and wondrous magical fairies. A land where spider-like monsters assail travellers, beast-headed knights and animated armor guard ancient ruins. A land of swords and magic, of simple farmers attempting to live their lives while the land and beasts grow sour and angry around them. Where villagers with a few simple spells are seen as wise, while more powerful sorcerers are almost entirely lost to the realm of stories.

    And the darkness around Death Mountain spreads...

    When Hyrule connected to the World Tree, it was at first a breath of fresh air. New explorers were fascinating, and new creatures useful. New technology, even when it didn't fully work, was a source of entertainment. A few developments have managed to slip through, such as a more efficient waterwheel design.

    Hyrule's current state is not good for creatures wandering in, it tends to make them aggressive. This has made the denizens of Hyrule cautious about visitors, and though friendly they will urge them to move on and avoid socializing too much. A few adventurous souls have begun to explore outward, seeking some help for local problems such as crop blights, but many worry that the illness of Hyrule will spread beyond.

    It's left the World of two minds, which is paralyzing some interaction. Only the desert-dwelling Gerudo have begun to welcome the change, in a striking contrast to their normally insular ways, and begun to trade with other worlds for food and other necessities in this time of crisis.