Kian Armstrong (Dropped)

Kian Armstrong
World: Rider: The Transformation-1
Actual Age: 19
Apparent Age: 20
Quote: "I'm going to cause a stampede of justice! Henshin!"
Role: Armored Cowboy of Justice
Species: Human (Augmented)
Theme Song: "Supernova" by Tetra Fang -


Kian Armstrong is a victim as much as a hero. While appearing as a normal human, he has been blessed or cursed by some standards with the power of a mythical being. Once a college student, Kian comes across as slightly jaded in personality with a 'frontier justice' mentality. He has a liking for good food, but also the beauty of his surroundings. To him, even a desert has a natural beauty all it's own. Known to carry a camera for getting he best views he can while on his trips, Kian's personality has a bit of a dark side. Instead of living for himself, Kian lives for others. If he can protect someone by throwing his life on the line, he'll do it. That, to him, is what enabled him to throw off the mystic chains that bound his form against the evil Theta-Wave Empire. When things get dire, Kian often changes to his alternate form of Kamen Rider Steed. A mystically enhanced, armored form that is capable of some super human feats including kicking down steel doors. Able to empower this form with earth or water and summon his motorcycle on the fly, Kamen Rider Steed is a formidable adversary for most out there.


Extra Skills: He is a half-trained medic, skilled rider, and photographer.
Kian grew up around a ranch in his world's Texas, so he has a good knowledge around animals that require saddles. Bulls and horses for example. This includes knowing proper care, feeding, and the like in most Earth-like worlds. Besides this, he is also an excellent photographer. He's not about to go win any competitions, but once he finds a good sight he's at least able to try to get that good shot of it to really convey things across. Lastly, and unrelated to any powers, he did take some college medical courses. He can at least give a reasonable diagnose and treat patients for such things as cuts, scrapes, bruises, and even set dislocated limbs. He can also attempt to keep life threatening injuries from bleeding out or anything else if he has the right materials at hand.
Sharpshooter: He's a very good shot with a gun, bow, or rifle.
Threw long, long hours of practice Kian has become a natural sharpshooter. While he probably can't enter competitions, he's still a good enough shot to take down cans on a fence rapidly, shoot objects out of hands, and other such things. In particular this applies to hand guns, rifles, and oddly enough bows. The latter is something he took up after becoming a Rider so he might not be as good, but is still reasonably close to being a decent shot. The best thing that he can shoot with so far is the Gungnir Lance bowgun. The specialized weapon of his Rider form is the most terrifying weapon he can pull out, and many an Invader on his world has learned not to mess with someone who has one pointed at them.
Brawler: Skilled in hand to hand brawling quite a bit, as any cowboy should be.
Shortly after becoming a Rider, Kian was taken aside by other sharpshooters and trained in how to brawl. Instead of having a formalized martial art, Kian can throw punches and kicks with the best of them. This did result in his figuring out that his Rider form enhances his kicks pretty well, too, resulting in a focus that is nearly like kickboxing or muay thai in his training, but without the formalized training of either. Kian will likely toss out primarily kicks, but also tends to mix it up with a hard punch or two as well.
Rider Form: Transforms into a strong, tough armored form with even stronger kicks.
The Rider Form of Kamen Rider Steed is a mystic form of empowerment that works through the Loki's Gift revolver and belt item. In this form, Kian has enhanced leg strength mainly with some of it going to his upper arms. He can take a lot more beating than most thanks to the protective suit, and it shows with the armor plating being able to take most things out there with hardly a dent. The suit fortunately repairs itself each transformation. In it, however, he can survive falls that would normally break legs with just a light stinging instead. His strength is enhanced in two ways. The first is his punches which are doubled in strength, being able to hurt most monsters with them. The other, however, and where most of the focus seems to be is his leg power. A kick in his rider form can crack stone or dent steel before anything enhances it.
Loki's Gift: He has his transformation belt, mystic revolver, and healing hip flask.
The key item to enable Kian to become Kamen Rider Steed is this strange item. Normally appearing as just a six-shot revolver, he can summon the belt and hip flask by spinning the barrel or use the Mach Steed's summoning barrel to summon the same. The revolver itself is more like a shot gun in force and damage to enemies alone with either barrel.

    After summoning the belt and transforming to Kamen Rider Steed, he can switch out the barrels (called Trick Barrels) to achieve his various abilities. Elemental empowerment, armoring the Mach Steed, his Stampede Finish, and summoning the Gungnir Lance fall under these. Each one has a harmonic sound when slotted.

    The last item on his belt is a literal hip flask of healing. It can not bring someone back from death, but it has enough to save one person from near death. This works by either making someone drink the liquid (which tastes like a favorite drink) or pouring it on a wound.
Gungnir Lance< Edge >: His secondary and most powerful weapon is an oddity called a bowgun.
This slightly odd weapon looks at first like your typical gun with a sideways crossbow on the end in place of a barrel. However, it has no loading chamber at all. It instead has a bolt on the back that must be pulled back before it will fire. This causes the arch of the bow to fold down against the barrel. Once fired, the arch springs open and gives an extra amount of force into the shot. The bowgun is extremely powerful, designed to pierce or lance through some of the toughest Invaders of his world with little remorse. Even then, it might take successive shots to end it but it will at least cause even an elephant sized monster to stop in it's tracks. The bowgun is also extremely sturdy and usable as a melee weapon in a pinch. The outer edges of the arch and arrow-like tip can even be used to cut and stab if needed.
Mach Steed: His personal summonable motorcycle, able to be armored as well.
The Mach Steed is a mystically created motorcycle. Summoned through a Trick Barrel (See: Loki's Gift), the motorcycle appears out of a rune decorated circle at Kian's side when he calls for it. The motorcycle itself runs on solar energy that makes fluids near non-existent in the motorcycle itself. As far as form, the Mach Steed is a sleek, fast ride meant to go incredibly fast in distance and eat up the road whenever it's let out. At least in it's base form. The motorcycle is tough enough that it can tank small arms fire easily.

    However, a special Trick Barrel can add a layer of armor to the motorcycle that enables it to keep up with heavy weaponry at the cost of it being slower and less maneuverable. The horse-like armor gives tank like protection for itself and the rider, while giving four extra wheels besides the starting two. The extra wheels allow it to gain more traction in loose terrain like an ATV, while the armor protects the rider and allows relative shots in safety.
Stampede Finish< Edge >: His most powerful move in Rider form, usually a high powered kick.
This is a triggered move that Kian has access to and is quite literally one hell of a kick. By putting the Trick Barrel in the Loki's Gift revolver, he can send mystical strength and energy down to his feet. The kick can take a lot of different forms, but is normally some sort of side or front kick. This can be a variant such as a jumping side kick, flying kick, or anything else so long as the bottom of his boot makes contact with the target. The usual effect is leaving a hoof print symbol on the target, which may then explode if it's a mosnter of the day type of variety or otherwise be seriously hurt in most cases. The kick is quite powerful and tends to be quite explosive with the energies imbued into the foot.
Water Empowerment: He can make a freezing fog, has freezing touch, and return energy with shots.
The Ings Trick Barrel enables the use and slight manipulation of water. When active he can move through knee high or deeper water as if on dry land easily for starters. Further he can generate water in a fog or spraying mist. The fog moves out from him to give himself either a smoke screen for escape or obscure someone's sight. As for the mist, he can use it for the purposes of fighting fires or cooling down someone. Putting out a burning monster or person takes a few seconds.
    In combat he can use water based shots from his revolver or the Gungnir Lance to return some strength and health to his allies. In addition he can encase his outer armor with a freezing chill that can slow or even freeze enemies that strike him or that he strikes. The last trick he has is that he can create a runic trap with the ice that will freeze the ground and anything on it upon someone stepping on it.
Earth Empowerment: He can sense vibrations, jump and land better, and give knockback shots/punches.
The Stein Barrel grants the power of the very earth. When used, the Rider form can sense vibrations in the earth enabling him to sense people around or even underground in general. He can channel earth-like strength to his legs to jump higher or down into the earth to land safely from a great height so long as there is solid ground under himself.
    In combat, the element adds a more concussive force to his blows and the shots from his weapons. Enemies are more likely to go flying from a well placed punch or shot. This can even stagger larger enemies due to the concussive force since it is not designed to penetrate, just knock back a good distance.


Self-Sacrificing: Kian will gladly throw himself away to help others.
Kian, despite what he shows on the outside as a loner cowboy-type, still has a heart of gold. He'll be one of the first to go up and offer to help someone who is dying, in harm's way, or otherwise in need of that extra bit of help. It's both endearing and helpful to those around him, but can also be a pain. Car broke down? Kian will stop to help with what tools he has on hand. Need to push that heavy piece of equipment up into place? He'll get right there with the team to help out. About to get shot by the resident monster because you're tending to a kid? Yes, Kian will dive into the way and take on said monster and his army behind him.
Fear of Falling: As a Rider, Kian has an enormous danger of going evil and fears it.
Despite the role of most of the Kamen Riders, they are inherently born of evil powers and beings in most cases. Kian is no exception to this, and quite frankly the fear of going evil, dark, or as a majority of the Riders call it "Falling" is one of the greatest fears that he has. Going that path is not something that he ever wants to do. Especially as it's irreversible and there are records on his world of the Fallen Riders, not to mention video clips, photos, and the rest of them as proof.

    Combined with his self-sacrificing nature and Kian just doesn't want to go down the path himself. This has made him paranoid and a stickler for rules, following them as much as possible. The paranoia and the idea of the falling makes him more likely to keep in contact with the Riders of his world, to take time out on a journey to destress and otherwise just relax his mind rather than think too hard on something. Not to mention this makes him seriously value friendships and what bonds he has with others to a much greater degree than the average person. If a friend is asking for help, then he's liable to head that way to see if he can help as a major example. He could be totally exhausted, ready to fall over at any moment, but he would more than likely show up just to talk to said person.
Is He Human?: Shows up as non-human on scanners and mystic spells.
Because of what happened, Kian is an augmented human. Medical scans, mystic spells, and technology that looks for such things will notice that he has something extra in his DNA or life force. The only effect this has physically is that he's got a bit cooler body temperature and slightly denser muscles. Not to mention he shows up to the good old 'I detect magic' as something possibly divine just a bit.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
662 Hunting a Rider May 15 2020
660 Boki Boki Panic! May 07 2020
654 Visitors from the Tree!? Apr 29 2020
652 One Night in What Remains of Istanbul Apr 19 2020
651 The tournament continues! Apr 20 2020
650 Along Came A Rider Apr 18 2020
See All 6 Scenes


This character has no cutscenes yet.