World Tree MUSH

The tournament continues!

Character Pose
Luke Gray
    The tournament continues!, several junior league matches happening at once, clearing the path for the proper tournament brackets, Aurelia and her Larvitar went through, and in the higher ranking leagues, Luke and Dynamo scored a victory against an off worlder!. Plenty of pictures, and even attempts to get statements form either of them as they go to refresh adn prepare for the next battle. 

    Luke decides to check on his friend, while his next opponent is decided, visiting one of the temporary pokecenters, with the round zapcat next to him. "Aurelia!" he calls, "I heard you won?". The big tiger moves closer to rub against Aurelia's side, likely filling her with static.
Aurelia Argent
    Aurelia is giving the Larvitar a bath while they wait for their next match. The pokemon may be a rental, but Aurelia feels compelled to make sure the larvitar doesn't feel used and discarded. The large metal battle lion is there, hanging out with his 'master'. Zero is studiously avoiding the water.
    "Yeah, I won. The kid was good though." Aurelia says as she rinse the pokemon off.
Kian Armstrong
    A mostly quiet sound of a motorcycle was heard earlier, and there had been rumors of some guy wandering around recently. Said guy is in a cowboy hat, and seems to be looking at some of the Pokemon in curiousity mostly. The man is dressed in a cowboy shirt, noticeably doesn't have any sort of pokemon like animal on his shirt but just a horse, and is currently wandering around as if looking for something. Drifting over towards the two, he's currently just looking around. With a big look of confusion on his face at that.

    Kian's in a strange, totally different world considering the animals are all different, and... apparently some can spout fire? He looks confused by that one. The sure signs of an offworlder it seems as he is busy looking around at all the weirdness..
Luke Gray
    Luke grins as he watches the small ground/rock type stoically endure the bath, yep, the little guy is not enjoying it, not one bit, tailwags mean nothing!, nor does purring!. "I'm sad I missed it, but seems you got a nice rental here! did you pick him or he was a random choice?" he asks, reaching to pet the poor little, heavy guy. Dynamo lurks nearby, also avoiding the water, and instead inspecting the lion curiously, it even tries to 'speak' to it, confused about the creature being a pokemon or not. (Basically all the cat is asking is 'hi!, what... are you?'). 

    Luke glances at Dynamo, who grooms one paw, "See, why can't you take baths like that, you crazy beast.", to which Dynamo answers by sticking out his tongue. Some loud announcements mention the matches starting relatively soon, Luke getting paired against someone from Kalos!.

    Kian is greeted by other visitors and many of the pokemon!. What looks like a 'mascot' for the event, walks close and tries to hand him a pamphlet with a schedule of the fights, basic pokemon facts, and a map!. After Kian accepts the piece of paper, the large, incredibly fluffy black and pink... was the costume supposed to be a bear?, with a ringed tail lets out a loud, sharp growl, and wanders off to distribute more papers.
Aurelia Argent
    Zero tilts his head at the electric lion. "A magical creature." Zero suppose he isn't *that* different from a pokemon, judging from what he's seen. Even has a smaller and more innocuous form. He follows Aurelia, as she finishes drying off the larvitar in the nick of time.
    Aurelia grunts as she picks up the larvitar and carries it to the next match. It's too adorable to her. "Good luck with your match, Luke!"
    The cowboy catches her attention though. "Hey there, my name's Aurelia. Did you want to watch my match, mister?"
Kian Armstrong
    Kian gets the odd encounter of... whatever the hell that suit is. It looks so life like that he almost pulls something from his coat before putting it back. Taking the phamplet, he looks unsure before saying, "Uh... thank you?"

    Looking at it, he then turns to see Aurelia and blinks a few times, "Uh, sure? Maybe? I'm a bit confused as to what's going on and stuff?"
Luke Gray
    The pink and black 'bear' waddles quickly as people announce Luke's next match, suddenly looking serious, dropping the pile of papers and dashing off to the arena, seems there was some business to attend!. Aurelia is told about her match as well, but she has a bit of time before they lead her away to her own arena, and Dynamo decides to linger next to Zero, purring as the odd lion answers!, it seems impressed it can speak like a human. 
    The cowboy draws attention of other pokemon, small brown foxes running around, followed by large butterflies, kids walking besides what looks like a devil dog, complete with horns and a tail ending with a spade!. There are signs for 'petting zoos' of different elements as well.

    Luke arrives at the main arena, as the main tv screens over it can show, and the pamphlet 'bear' is there!, with Luke tying some white scarf around it's 'neck'. On the other side of the arena, a similarly aged kid with a blue cap is standing next to what looks like a 'miniature' kaiju of some sort, or dinosaur, it's mostly covered in green armor, with spikes growing on back, neck and shoulders. (

    The announcer speaks, "For the next battle of the major league, we have Bewear, trainer Luke Gray, with the camera panning to show the bear raising it's 'arms'. "Against a visitor from the Kalos region, who only wanted to be called 'Indigo'. and his Tyranitar!. As the camera shows said Tyranitar, the larvitar in Aurelia's arms goes crazy, chirping and waving at it, clearly it likes that one!. Other people join Aurelia and Kian, catching his confusion, "It's a pokemon battle!, it's for the tournament!, winners get one step closer to the prize!" comments one, "This might be a fun battle!, think that trainer has a mega stone?".
Kian Armstrong
    Kian looks confused, then looks to Aurelia. Then around before he looks carefully. "Huh... pokemon?" He looks at the pamphlet. "... reminds me of the monsters I fight back home." He mutters more to himself than anything, although Aurelia might catch it depending upon how close she is. "Lot more friendly considering I'm not getting clawed or shot at."

    The cowboy looks over the pamphlet carefully, looking very curious about it even as he watches the fight over it.
Aurelia Argent
    Aurelia peers at the Tyranitar, then looks closely at the larvitar. "Is that what you grow up into?" She sees some similarities. She glances at Kian, carefully setting the larvitar down in the seat next to her while she watches Luke's match. "It's a tournament. They have battles with their pet creatures until one of the creatures is knocked out. I dunno what the prize is for that competition level is.
    Down towards ground level, Zero is just watching the match with Dynamo. "Rooting for your human?" He says casually to the pokemon.
Luke Gray
    The judge gives the sign to begin the battle, "Tyranitar, mega evolve and use dragon dance!". "Bewear, Swords dance!". The two pokemon roar and posture, auras flaring around the pokemon, Blue for Bewear, purple for Tyranitar, the aura engulfing it fully, as the beast growth in size, the short spikes on it's armor growing longer and... sand suddenly launching from all the gaps in it's form, a sandstorm forming around the arena!. Bewear looks... confused, and Luke doesn't look to be very sure of what is goign on. 

     "I see you are impressed, let's see what your fairy bear think about this!, Iron Tail!". Luke looks shocked, and amused as he hears what is a not very... smart assesment of his pokemon, "Bewear!, show him what you can do, Hammer arm!". The two pokemon charge at eachother, the Tyranitar's long, sharp ended tail glowing silver as the beast gets next to Bewear and swings the heavy looking thing at the pink bear. Bewear extends one arm, the thick limb glowing white as he runs right into the large, metallic looking tail, the prongs sinking into the fluffy pelt, only for the tail to bounce back, the bear not even slowing down as it clotheslines the taller monster with a resounding 'slam' noise, sending it flying away. "Bewear is not fairy type, it's fighting type, unfortunately." calls Luke.

    Dynamo nods to the metal lion, growling excitedly, leaning into the battle beast, while the Larvitar, that was so excited and happy earlier blinks adn goes silent. The people joining the pair clap and cheer, "That will teach that guy to actually check their opponent!" one says, before adding, "I heard the prize involves several gold nuggets and some prototype things for equiping your pokemon!" the other says.
Aurelia Argent
    Aurelia pats the larvitar. "It's alright, we'll just have to be more careful than that guy." She offers the pokemon a treat. "They kind of remind me of cute versions of the kind of monsters from where I'm from." She says to Kian. "Only they don't eat people... I think..."
    Zero inches away from Dynamo after getting a few static shocks across his metal hide. "Hey. Careful with the sparks." He's not trying to be rude or anything, just doesn't like static.
Kian Armstrong
    The entire exchange has Kian raising an eyebrow at it. Then he looks to Aurelia, "It looks a bit like some sort of overly specialized fighting moves... ah..." He leans over to look at Zero. Then looks around, then to Aurelia, "... did that lion just talk?" He asks.

    Apparently Kian's used to weirdness, but that's a new one it seems! Talking lions! Yay!
Luke Gray
    The Kalos trainer was certainly taken out of guard, the bear took the tail of a 550+ lbs thing slamming it right on the stomach, and it just charged through!, "Wait... what?... Tyranitar... hmmm. Crunch!". The Tyranitar seems to be doing quite poorly, shaking it's head as it gets up from being launched several feet, adn charges to the plush bear, snarling fiercely and opening it's jaws, fangs glowing as it bears down on the bear shoulder and bites fiercely!... clearly, somethign doesn't quite work as expected, since the Bewear looks just... calm about it, the larger pokemon's fangs trying to dig into the dense fur. "Bewear, let's finish this fight, Super power!". 

    The Pink and Black bear does another powerup sequence worthy of DBZ, as the fluffy thing flexes, outlined in a bright blue aura, and grabs the large rock beast, picking it up of the ground, and tossing it high into the air!. The poor Tyranitar lands with a earth shaking slam, and 'reverts' to it's standard form,laying limply on the small crater it made. "The Tyranitar can't battle anymore, Bewear wins!". Luke and his pokemon quickly rush to help take care of the wounded Tyranitar, along it's trainer.

    As the battle ends, someone approaches Aurelia and Kian, "Aurelia, right? your battle will start shortly, if you are ready." Meanwhile, poor ZEro gets hit by more static as the lion celebrates, bouncing happily, and finally charging away to join Luke, leaving a surge of static and chaos on it's wake.
Aurelia Argent
    "Yep. He's my... guardian familiar?" Aurelia says to Kian. Then she gets the notice that her battle is about to start. She hefts the larvitar up. "Well, I guess I'm up. Hope you enjoy my match." Zero will pad out to join Aurelia in her match. At least to watch.
Luke Gray
    Kian is not left alone at least, the fans quickly take over the seat, "So, new to this world then? are you here to join in the fights or just watching?" one asks, "I'm just a fan myself, glad they made this event here in Alola." he explains, while hte other guy nods, "Yeah, I considered entering but, I am not that much of a trainer, mostly keep my meowth as a pet.". Even as he says that, a curious cat moves close, carrying what looks like a corn dog, "Hey, where did you get that?". 

    Aurelia is quickly led to the arena, where her opponent, a young kid with a large hat, carryign a giant net is waiting, next to the boy, is likely one of the biggest bees either Aurelia or Kian ever saw... it had... spears for hands?. "Everyone set?" asks the judge.
Kian Armstrong
    Kian blinks a few times, then shrugs, "Familiar, huh?" He looks at the others nearby, then hums a bit as he questions, "So are they good for travelling companions? I'm new to this world and all, but well... don't want to pick up one that might be in danger while I'm trying to get back to my world?" He says, looking a bit unsure of that one. Very, very unsure.
Luke Gray
    One of the guys, the one with the cat that apparently stole some food nods, "Oh, yes, pokemon trainers usually travel all over the land with their pokemon!" he explains, "They are great friends, and depending on the pokemon, can be very useful and helpful both in battle and outside of them!." he adds. The other guy nods, "Yeah, fire pokemon are great for staying warm adn well... starting fires... electric pokemon can help charge electric devices... water pokemon can help putting out fires and... well, watering things, and so on." he lists. In the pamphlet there is a listing of the different pokemon types and some examples of them. "Trust me, a pokemon usually is very good at handling himself on his own, and helping their trainer.... obviously having a magikarp in the middle of the forest might not help too much but..."
Aurelia Argent
    Aurelia nods to the judge as she sizes up the bee thing. She squats down and talks to the larvitar a bit about strategy. The thing flies, so she's going to have the little guy open up with rock slide. Bite it if it gets too close, save Brick Break for when it seems like the thing is on the verge of collapse. "Got it little guy?" She says to the larvitar. She'll help the pokemon out by calling out specific moves of course, but definitely seems to prefer co-conspiring beforehand.
    Zero just settles next to Aurelia, acting more like a huge metal version of a house cat instead of a lion.
Kian Armstrong
    Kian looks over the pamphlet, humming, "Sounds pretty interesting... I'd get one, but I'm not sure how well they would be received on my world and all." The cowboy looks a bit curious at the battles, apparently trying to figure out what is going on let alone what in the world they are. Pokemon are just so different from what he normally has seen so far. "Oh, you guys know where the nearest portal is for later?" He asks those around him.
Luke Gray
    The Judge raises the flag at their modest arena, while the kid with the giant bee starts the battle, "Twin needle!" calls the bug hunting kid, the bee buzzing loudly and quickly rushing at the Larvitar. The small rock/ground meanwhile roars cutely, engulfed in a white aura, as if answering, the ground shakes, and a largeish boulder raises from the ground, which the smallish pokemon 'punches', causing it explode into smaller rocks,which are shot at the bee!. "What?, that's cheating!" calls the other kid, "I should go first!... Ok, then let's hit that as hard as we can!... Drill Run!." 

    The bee buzzes, looking worn and angry, and resumes charging, bringing it's 'spears' to the front and starting to spin rapidly, until it looks like a yellow and black drill!. It rushes through the poor Larvitar, sending the little guy flying back, before the bee stops, looking dizzy. The little, rather wounded looking critter takes the chance to follow the orders it got, and jumps towards the bee, punching it repeatedly with those tiny arms and sending the poor thing crashing to the ground!.
Luke Gray
    Luke finally makes it back from the pokemon tent, alone this time, except for a fairly small kitten that is perched on his shoulder. He goes to the spot Aurelia was sitting on, hoping to find her, nad instead sees Kian!, he smiles and waves one hand, while the kitten meows loudly, trying to look cute. He catches the last question, grinning, "Oh, i can lead you there later, or mark it on your map, no worries.". Just as he speaks, the kitten decides to take it's chance, jumping to the ground and darting in the direction of the food stands, the other, larger cat deciding to follow, since it made quick work of it's corndog already.
Aurelia Argent
    Aurelia runs in and uses a potion on the wounded larvitar. She pats the little guy on the head as she applies the spray. "Next time it tries to get close, Bite it in the face." She says in a low voice, wearing a confident smile.
Kian Armstrong
    Kian shrugs, "Sure?" He says towards Luke. "Good fight, even if I don't know how this whole thing works and all." He says to Luke. The cowboy hums as he looks over the pamphlets as more looking up again then to the others, "That legal? The whole spray and stuff?"
Luke Gray
    Luke nods, "It is, at least for smaller league battles, I mean, it takes time and gets your pokemon in a bit of risk, since it has to wait for the potion to work." he muses, "Usually means it can get hit.". The boy seems quite interested in the battle, while the dizzy, damaged bee manages to lift to the air again, "Beedrill, Payback!". The bee doesn't do any fancy moves this time, instead, it just buzzes right to Larvitar's face and smacks it with a couple of well aimed stabs while the little guy was busy getting healed!. 

    The Larvitar falls down after the second hit, and lays there, the Bee apparently taking the time to celebrate a proper attack, only for the other pokemon to jump and bite it fiercely!. The bee panics and begins flying randomly, as the smaller pokemon keeps biting at it, until finally, it stops buzzing adn falls down the ground!. The larvitar seems quite unsteady, btu the bee is completely out. "Victory for Aurelia!". comes the judge.

    Finally, while Luke and Kian speak, there is a shout about coins, and the two cats begin their mad dash away from one of the food stands, the owner chasing after them for a few feet, "Hey! give me back that change!" he protests.
Kian Armstrong
    Kian, who seems pretty attentive, turns at the sound about the change. He blinks a few times, then comments to Luke, "Hey, uh... I think your cat just stole some change?" He says to Luke, looking confused about it as he looks to where the two cats went. He's at least able to try to keep track of them. "They went thatta way." He points.
Luke Gray
    Luke looks amused,and tired as he hears the shennanigans of his cat, "Yes... my cat likes... collecting coins, nto even sure how he keeps them." he muses, finally chuckling to Kian, and watching where the small cat, and the bigger cat try to hide, "I'll be back in a moment." he muses, and heads towards the cats while they try to divide the loot. 

    The owner of the meowth chuckles, "Yeah some pokemon have... certain habits, and they are smart enoguh to be able to get into a lot of trouble, or cause it, if they want to."
Kian Armstrong
    Kian shakes his head, "That's something else... also, nice to see she won. Bees are pretty nasty, from my world. I just found some wasp-scorpion monster the other day whenever I got the hard introduction to the tree and stuff." He shrugs, looking at the injured bee. "It going to be okay, though? I mean, what happens when they get hurt and all?"
Aurelia Argent
    The young woman picks up the unsteady larvitar. "It's okay little guy, you won." She hugs it, because she sure as heck can't hold it in one arm to pat it on the head. She's not as gracious to the loser because he was kind of a jerk at the start. She just acknowledges him with a "Good match." and the offer of a handshake.
Luke Gray
    Kian's question gets answered quickly, as soon as the battle is called off, the bug catcher rushes to check on the bee, applying a 'potion' to it, and then, perhaps in a very surprising move to Kian, the bee vanishes in a beam of red light, returning to a small red device the kid is holding!. The boy shakes Aurelia's hand and smiles, "Thanks!, is that your pokemon? he is really cool!". The boy heads to one of the pokemon center tents alongside Aurelia, looking fairly friendly despite earlier actions. The guys near Kian chime in. "Don't worry, we have multiple pokemon centers prepared here, they will get that bee in perfect shape very soon, pokemon are quite hardy!." he explains. 

    Luke eventually returns, dragging the kitten by the scruff, "Hey, I told you not to take that much change, I am sure people will just let you have one tiny coin or two.. but you need to stop grabbing so much!". He gets back to Kian's side and begins shaking the kitten, that starts to produce coins as if it was a piggy bank.
Aurelia Argent
    "Ah no. I rented him for the tournament. Though I might talk to my parents about maybe adopting him. He seems well-behaved enough." Aurelia sets the larvitar down so he can run about on his own. Zero doesn't seem to have an opinion about a pokemon joining him as one of the household pets. He's pretty easy going.
Kian Armstrong
    Kian looks considerate, then shrugs and starts to move around towards the Pokemon center. "I think I'd like to see how hard it is to take care of these little guys?" He mentions, looking around as he goes. That'll probably be part of the thing that makes it sure or unsure if he even remotely wants to try to get one.
Luke Gray
    Luke grins at the question, "I mean, it depends on pokemon to pokemon, usually they mostly require food, exercise and some attention, but it kind of varies, like... if you have a grass type it might need more water and sun, since they are close to plants, ground types are easier and hardier, and many can handle themselves with just some rest and food, the only ones trickier to train and care are the rarer ones, like my Electiger here, he has to discharge all his accumulated power regularly, before it hurts him.". 

    Aurelia is told that all rental pokemon have papers for adoption, if the trainer is willing to sign upfor it and promise to take care of them, it was one of the goals of this event after all, making people familiar with pokemon!. Luke manages to recover most of the stolen change, and makes sure to return it, with his kitten reluctanctly offering what might be an apology, as the booty is restored to its rightful owner.