
World: JJBA: Diamond Is Unbreakable-1


A member of a prehistoric species of ageless superhumans, Amaranthe was sent into hiding for a long-term hibernation when one of her own kind started showing an obsession with power and predatory dominance. Having awakened in Morioh City in 1999 after excavation assumed her to be a statue, she shows a greatly contrasting helpful and outgoing personality compared to the villainous brutes most think of when they learn about her people. Often willing to go out of her way to both interact with those she meets and help those in need, she nevertheless understands that those aware of her own species' reputation will react with strong suspicion at best and hostility at worst. Stronger, faster, more perceptive and intelligent than human limits she nevertheless has trouble adapting to the modern era as she believes it to be a strange though wondrous world by her own standards. Complicating the matter of her modern life is combusting upon contact with sunlight.


Pillar Woman Biology: Enhanced physical abilities and perception
As a member of the same species as the infamous Pillar Men, Amaranthe's natural physical abilities and to a much lesser extent her natural mental abilities are superhuman. She is stronger, faster, more durable and tires less easily than human limits would normally allow. Likewise her senses are sharper and more detailed while her intelligence allows her to adapt to extremely basic skills in various societies, though greater extrapolations like the underlying principles of a device's operation would be beyond her. She does not require sleep if she obtains regular sustenance, and is ageless but by no means immortal.
Stone Age Huntress: Stealth, survival skills, improvised traps and tools.
Amaranthe is familiar with techniques regarding hunting beasts using tools fashioned quickly from raw materials. Likewise, some of those skills translate into other contexts such as setting up ambushes, tracking the travel routes of others when they leave physical evidence, and remaining undetected.
Ancient Resilience< Edge >: Faster healing, minor body control
Amaranthe heals significantly faster than humans do, and can exert a minor degree of control over her body. Soft tissues can be moved and altered with some effort, but anything as hard as or harder than cartilege is exhausting. For the most part, this is used to expel foreign poisons, parasites, and other sources of harm from her body through an act of conscious effort. Shifting in such a manner requires the expenditure of Edge.


Who's Hammurabi?: She doesn't understand legal systems or laws
Amaranthe's life prior to reawakening predated the codifying of formal laws. Some concepts integrated into laws such as personal property and respect for life she is familiar with, but some ideas associated with laws such as predefined consequences or a lack of exception due to circumstances are bizarre at best and unjust at worst in her mind. She will attempt to act benevolently, but likewise has the capacity to carelessly violate laws simply due to a basic lack of familiarity with the concept.
Sunlight Allergy: Burns in sunlight
Coming into contact with sunlight will cause her to catch on fire, though with similar consequences to a human being lit on fire in that she can run for shelter or be put out. Full-spectrum artificial light will weaken her severely, but true sunlight will cause her to ignite.
I gave my word: Takes verbal promises extremely seriously, both hers and others.
Being from a society with localized rules and no legal system, verbal promises are functionally identical to binding contracts in Amaranthe's mind. She will not treat simple commitments as promises, but if some phrase involving emphasis such as, "I swear", "I promise" or something else similar is uttered she will view it as "Fulfill this or die trying" and likewise view those who break promises or the spirit thereof as exceptionally untrustworthy. Likewise, she will not willingly break a promise of her own free will.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
963 The Heart of Itallia Jan 17 2022
765 Where Old Things Lurk Nov 11 2020
762 Linear Tableau With Intersecting Surprise Nov 01 2020
702 Moonlight Awakening Jul 24 2020
See All 4 Scenes


This character has no cutscenes yet.