World Tree MUSH

The Heart of Itallia

Character Pose
Piera Forta
    Rome, 1503, local time ~19:30.

    Traders have shut up their stalls for the day, and those few people milling the streets are either law enforcement, local militia, or ne'er-do-wells. One such of the latter is perched atop a building, watching the patrols and seemingly waiting for something. To the casual glance she might appear like some kind of statue, her body perfectly still as it's silhouetted against the final glows of the sun as it dips below the horizon, casting long shadows from the buildings.

    Somewhere above, a tiny robot is keeping an equal vigil, her wing-like jetpack the only point of light showing her black-clad bodyarmour as stars begin to appear, masking those tiny pinpricks in the wash of the night sky.
    Near one of the gates, a figure in a fairly simple crop-top and half-skirt outfit can be seen scaling the walls. She's fairly quick about it, moving from handhold to handhold and dashing past watchmen as she lands on ceramic roofing on the other side with a light clink. The odd passerby below draws her interest as she strolls quite casually along the roof, almost looking like someone visiting a neighborhood they've visited all their life... While walking on the street level at that. Occasionally when chatter picks up, she stops for a few moments to listen before continuing on. Seems this woman likes people-watching.
Piera Forta
    Piera's eyes snap to the new figure on the rooftops. She moves, standing up and backing behind a rooftop garden while emitting a sharp hawk-like whistle to signal her partner.

    Above the pinpoints of Aquila's jetpack shift, and she starts following the new figure from far above. The new person has aquired her own pair of people-watchers.
    The whistle gets an odd shift in attention from Amaranthe as she stops in her path for a few seconds then turns around and sits down with her legs crossed. She occasionally glances up, but doesn't seem to be searching all that hard. "<Hello?>" she asks, beneath translation one might hear a quite unfamiliar tongue if they focused on that sort of thing.
Piera Forta
    Aquila watches, then emits another bird cry, that seems to be a signal that it's safe.

    Piera steps out of a shadow nearby, and doffs her cloaks hood. "Good Evening Signorita(Miss). You are not local to this world, did you stumble through a vine? That can be dangerous with the Templari still trying to keep off-worlders out." she offers, perching about ten feet away on the edge of the roof. She looks over with deep brown eyes, that lim faintly with a golden light in the dimness that closes in.
    "Temp-lar-i..." Amaranthe says, feeling out the word. "Who are they? You didn't attack me... Or try to capture me. Does that mean you're not a friend of theirs?" she asks. "I heard about Rome, about the artists, and monuments like memories etched in stone. This place is beautiful... And that's why I'm here. I hope that's OK."
Piera Forta
    Piera chuckles softly, clicking her tongue and bringing a one foot tall robot girl down into view, the black-clad Raptias landing on the humans shoulder and dismissing most of her equipment. "Templar Order, dictators in all but name." she offers a smile. "The Brotherhood is no friend of theirs, no. You and all off-worlders are welcome in our eyes, though if you cause trouble we will not hesitate to stop you." she says, "Roma is a beautiful city, more so since Il Mentore(The Mentor) brought down the Borgia and their plans for it."
    "Hmmmm? Oh, I don't plan on hurting anyone." Amaranthe says simply. "If someone attacks me, they'll probably just wind up hurting themselves." she says, shrugging. "Running into walls, swinging and hitting fragile objects, that sort of thing." she states, listing the items on her fingers. "There's no reason for you to worry. I know humans can be a bit fearful but... Well, if you were fearful /all/ the time you wouldn't have cities like this." she summarizes with a smile. Maybe that horn isn't a decoration?..
Piera Forta
    "Humans fear that which they do not understand. Cowards use that fear to suppress knowledge; evil men use it to control the cowards, and brave ones seek out the unknown to make it known." replies Piera with an air of melancholy. She reaches up to gently headpat her Shinki companion, then rubs at her right wrist with a wince. "Someone must burn themselves on the fire to show others that it hurts."
    "Oh, not just humans. If someone thinks they're better, well... That's why most of my people aren't around anymore. If you find a statue with a horn in an old ruin, let me know?" she asks, pointing to her own horn. "Oh, and don't place anything edible on it until you're sure you can help them adjust... And they're out of sunlight."
Piera Forta
    Piera nods. "I'll keep that in mind... Ah, where are my manners. Mi Chiamo Piera Forta.(My name is Piera Forta). My partner is named Aquila." she offers, the Shinki touching her chest and giving a bow of her head on introduction. "Are you searching for more of your own people?"
    "If I can, I just wouldn't know where to start. We were hidden from each other so that if one of us was found by... Well, the one who killed most of his own people, that we wouldn't be guaranteed to be completely extinct." Amaranthe says, "I'm-" then pauses. "-Amaranthe. A bit like the flower. I had another name, but it translates into something that means, 'Evil' to a lot of humans now. 'Black heart of the star-bright sky'. Like... Mystery, expanse, a comforting shadow. But, 'Blackheart' means, 'Evil' or so it seems."
Piera Forta
    "Language has changed significantly, yes." remarks Piera. "Amaranthe, it is a pleasure to meet you. If you need a place to stay, I can direct you to some of our safehouses here in the city. They are guaranteed to be discrete, welcoming and safe." Aquila remains silent, her helmet visor flicking up, and finally showing her face. It's marred by two scars, one running from above the left eye, across the nose and down the right cheek, the other running straight down over the right eye and bisecting the other scar. This little robot has seen a lot of action it seems.

    "A Black Heart does bring to mind one with evil living within them... though some of us welcome the darkness... We walk in the dark, to serve the light." Piera glances at Aquila, who finishes, "We, Are Assassins."
    "I've heard that used to refer to someone who kills for pay, though rarely for authority as well." Amaranthe says, "...Disappointing. Hunting for... Tokens or goods, I could understand. Some need to eat and can make things, or know things, but can't hunt. But hunting other people... That's too much for me. Unless they were very, very twisted then I could understand. Not enjoy it, but understand."
Piera Forta
    "Our work is dirty, but necessary. We hunt those who would make the world in their own image." replies Piera. "Payment is only taken to strengthen institutions that benefit all, not just a few."

    She looks down at the patrolling guards, a few ruffians stalking up to them, lightly lifting their coin purses from their belts, and then melting away into the shadows. "Our hope is that the world can become a better place, by the will of the people, not the will of one man."
    Pause. "...Whose warriors were those?" Amaranthe says, with a pensive look on her face. "I think you had a reason for not stopping those thieves." she states.
Piera Forta
    "Borgia troops, they still hold some power, even if they are not /in/ power... see the crest on their tabards." points out the assassin. "Those thieves are part of the Brotherhood, they target Borgia holdings and cause as much discord as possible to stifle their movements and limit their reach."
    Frowning, Amaranthe nods. "Better not to risk open conflict if you can help it. But if you need my help, I'd like to explain something." she says, reaching for a fragment of the rooftop that had broken off from wear and tear... And crushing it in her hand. Opening, she lets the clay dust fall to the rooftop she's standing on. "I'm stronger, faster, and more durable than a human. I'm familiar with the ways of hunting, remaining unseen and laying traps. A group called the, 'Speedwagon Foundation' near Morioh will be able to find me. I'm letting them know about where I go and what I do because... Well, the first of my people they saw was my peoples' butcher and his few followers. I need to show them I can be trusted."
Piera Forta
    "If you had arrived six months ago, you would have been unique and dangerous." remarks Piera, "Now, though, we have encountered superhuman individuals, I have personally faced a monsterous humanoid creature, and other seemingly impossible things... now you are not unique, but still dangerous. I will inform Il Maestrae, of this 'Speedwagon Foundation', and have them send contacts to meet with them. As for you, Signorita, I hope your stay in our city is pleasant, and you enjoy the sights... for now, I should continue my patrol. A man of import with information the Brotherhood needs is due to make a courier run, and I must intercept him."
    "Bye." Amaranthe says, raising her hand in a brief wave with a smile. She's careful not to be too loud, all the better not to spoil her acquaintance's approach.