Usagi Tsukino (Dropped)

Usagi Tsukino
World: Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon-1
Actual Age: 14
Apparent Age: 14
Quote: "In the name of the moon, I'll punish you!"
Role: Sailor Guardian
Species: Human
Theme Song:
Voice Actor: Stephanie Sheh


Klutz, crybaby, lazy underachiever. These words apply to Usagi Tsukino. A fourteen year old middle school student from Juban Tokyo by day, she's everything a student doesn't want to be; always late, suffering grades, and a penchant to be told to stand in the hall. But this isn't all there is to her, though she can be childish and selfish she's a genuinely caring girl who tenderly holds friends and family dear to her heart and believes that everyone can have a better nature. But even beyond that, the truth is that Usagi is secretly a warrior of love and justice, she fights evil by night as the Sailor Guardian, Sailor Moon! With the strength and power granted to her by her transformation, she fights the forces of darkness together with her friends to stop the Dark Kingdom's evil plans.


Sailor Moon Transformation: Transformation that hides Usagi's identity and augments physical capabilities.
Through the power given to her by Luna, Usagi can turn into Sailor Moon, a warrior of love and justice. This transformation hides Usagi's identity via a magical disguise field that alters her appearance, unless someone sees her transform in plain sight. It also augments Usagi's physical, very basic brawling, capabilities in a fight; making her stronger and hardier in the face of evil and bad guys. Through the jewels in her hair buns Usagi can sense supernatural evil presences such as the monsters of her world, known as Youma, or other similar creatures of darkness, or hear the voices of people in need of rescue, up to several city blocks away.
Sonic Crying: Crying that can hit ranges that can stun, disorient, and shatter glass.
When Usagi cries, the jewels in her hair buns augment the sound of her voice to astounding levels, shifting her volume and pitch to a level that can stun, disorient, and render anyone that hears her in pain, as well as shatter any glass that's nearby.
Disguise Pen: A magic pen that changes Usagi's clothes into whatever she needs at the time.
A magical pen that when used can alter Usagi's outfit into those of almost any occupation she can think of. Doctors, flight attendants, bus drivers, her imagination is the limit, and the Disguise Pen will immediately give Usagi a fitting disguise to suit her needs, along with a magical disguise field to hide her true identity. Useful as it may be, however, the pen cannot change Usagi's physical features nor body type, and cannot mimic super specifics such as another person entirely; it only changes the cosmetics of her clothes to other generic occupations or disguises.
Moon Tiara Boomerang< Edge-E >: Usagi uses her tiara as a deadly throwing weapon. Usually to finish off baddies.
Using the very tiara from her head, Usagi is able to turn it into deadly weapon charged with magical energy. By reflecting the light of the moon from the gem in the tiara she can fire potent moonbeam rays at foes. The Moon Tiara Boomerang is Usagi's main weapon against the forces of darkness, and is especially potent against supernatural evil foes; and (for a point of Edge) she can throw it to become a deadly boomerang that can cut deeply into foes and destroy evil.


Luna< Named F-Tier >: Talking cat from the moon. Generally advises Usagi how to handle things.
Luna is a talking black cat from the moon. She can do everything a cat can do, plus talk! She's super smart and usually tells Usagi how to do things. ... Even if it is kind of weird to be bossed around by a cat.


Fighting Evil by Moonlight: Usagi leads a dual life, and tries to keep them as separate as possible.
Before becoming Sailor Moon, Usagi was a completely average middle school student. After meeting Luna, however, and taking on the mantle of a Sailor Guardian, she's had to be much more secretive about her heroic activities. If trouble or monsters arise and she's in her civilian identity, she'll have to find a place to hide and change before attempting to handle it. Conversely, according to Luna, Usagi can't just use her new powers to handle mundane tasks. ... Though if no one is around to see her, Usagi might cheat a little with the Disguise Pen from time to time.
Winning Love by Daylight: Usagi is a cheerful middle schooler. She's easy to make friends with!
When not fighting evil by the light of the moon, Usagi is, generally, an ordinary school girl. She has homework and tests and grades to worry about, but she is also a very social creature by nature, and is very open to meeting new people and experiencing new things so long as they're not scary. When not faced with evil, Usagi's general demeanor can make her seem childish, impulsive, selfish, and bratty to most people, but beneath that is a genuinely kind, good, and loyal friend to anyone willing to get to know her better. More importantly, Usagi is quite kind and forgiving, and likes to try and see the best that she can in people, going so far as to even hope some of her foes can have a better nature to them, which can be wielded against her by cunning enough foes.
Never Running From a Real Fight: Prone to panic, crying, and hysteria in danger.
Usagi is very new to the whole 'fighting the forces of evil' thing; a battle hardened veteran, she is not. As a result of this lack of heroic confidence in herself, she can be prone to panic, hesitate at bad moments, try to run away, outright cower, and even cry when pitted against danger.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
855 Who's On First, Youma's on Second Aug 04 2021
825 You Inspire Me May 14 2021
821 Digital Drama! Analog Ambush! May 03 2021
798 Watch The Corners Feb 22 2021
774 An Itallian Job Dec 14 2020
758 A Monster Mash? Usagi Takes Out the Trash! Oct 27 2020
747 Idols From Outer Space! Oct 07 2020
730 Break The Wall Down Sep 14 2020
729 Usagi's Dream Park? Theme Park, Scream Park! Sep 08 2020
727 Usagi Be Playin': When Good Games Go Bad! Sep 01 2020
See All 13 Scenes


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