
World: Fate/interrupt-1
Actual Age: mid-20s
Apparent Age: 20
Quote: There's no other way? Any solution that involves sacrificing someone...I will never accept it!
Role: Ally of Humanity
Species: Humanish
Voice Actor: Stephanie Sheh


Isanaviel von Einzbern is a homunculus - an artificially created human being, trained in the magical arts of magecraft by her family. Initially raised merely as an experiment, when her home was threatened first by the actions of rogue magi and then the various threats being brought in from other worlds, the Einzbern family decided to send the bookish, determined girl as a representative to Chaldea, an organization sworn to save the world. Wielding a silver wire she can transmute into different shapes and forms, Isanaviel stands among their ranks to find cures for her world. Hiding behind the smiling face is the imperative to find out Chaldea's secrets and true purpose as well for the glory of the Einzbern family.


Transmutation: Transform elements and objects into other shapes of the same material.
The primary magecraft specialization of the Einzbern family is their version of Alchemy, which is a branch of magecraft concerning the form and flow of substance. Magecraft itself is the magus's art of doing things that science can do, without science - using prana and magic circuits to achieve the same effect. Transmutation is the ability to control the shape and movement of things. She can rearrange the shape of other things, creating walls of earth out of the ground for example, but they tend to be far cruder and simpler than her control over the silver wire.
Healing Magecraft: Healing injuries and curing poisons the easy way
As a constructed being, and for their own improvement, healing arts in the study of magecraft are an Einzbern specialty. Primarily, these are used for transplanted organs among the family, helping the recipient ease the burden on the body. However, it can also be used to heal non-surgical wounds as well, accomplishing the same sorts of effects to save lives. It can also be used to expunge and heal the effects of natural and magical poisons, though the latter may have other side-effects that could pose their own danger to the healer. Severed limbs cannot be regrown but can be reattached, as long as the limb is still "alive" and present to be used.
Consciousness Transfer: Seeing through a familiar's eyes
In order to properly use familiars and other remote-viewing devices, it is possible for the magus to shift their mind into said familiar or artificial doll to see through their eyes. Another specialty of the Einzbern, it is a form of possession, however for creatures with a soul and personality it provides no power over the "possessed." They simply go about their day as they would normally, though they would be able to sense the magus' "presence" and fight being used as a familiar. Inanimate objects or simple animals, however, can be controlled by the magus. It is risky - the magus must not be disturbed in any way, or else the spell immediately breaks, severing the connection to the familiar. It also does not provide a way to escape death; if the magus is killed while Transferred their soul fades away anyways. This has a maximum range of several miles, allowing the magus to find a secure safe place to view from.
Silver Wire Transmutation: Animating wire to form weapons, tools, or other shapes as required.
Isanaviel uses a thin silver wire as her substance and reshapes the wire into anything she wants. Her specialty is with this wire, alchemically created weapons such as her halberd are easily wielded in battle. She can also control the wire without touching it for other shapes, be it creating binding restraints or any physical object she might need. Being infused with mana doesn't change the wire, for example, from silver into steel, but does strengthen it when it's "locked" into a shape.
Halberd Fighting: Long pointy stick stabby-whackum goodness
In combat, Isanaviel uses her silver wire to form the shape of a stylized halberd. With point, hook, and axeblade made from silver wire, it remains quite sharp and lightweight. The lack of weight makes it deceptively quick, while the wire blade makes it remarkably sharp. Her fighting style is direct and quick, seeking a fast victory from a surprised opponent.


CHALDEA DIRECTIVE: Find a solution to save the world
Given to the Chaldea organization as a contribution from the Einzbern, Isanaviel's mission is to hunt down problems that could threaten her World, determine if they are related, and either find a solution or eliminate them. As an agent of Chaldea, she is also beholden and responsible to their leadership, taking orders or missions as they're given to her. Primarily this involves researching the other worlds beyond the Vines, looking for the source of Archiveldt's artifacts and creatures, trying to found counters to them or solutions for them. It also means simply fighting monsters where they might raise their head, or leading groups of people to safe places and extracting them from ravaged zones. It may be that her companions have other plans, but the demands of the Chaldea organization are important - she can't ignore a monster terrorizing a population any more than she could ignore a book of Archiveldt's research; if it means she has to go it alone then so be it. Saving the world takes priority.
OOH SHINY: A sheltered life makes for a naieve mind.
The world is mostly new to her. While she is intelligent and capable in her thinking, she has spent her formative years as a magecraft experiment and student exclusively, with only rudimentary education in the 'real world' outside. Inexperienced and curious, there are a lot of things she doesn't understand simply because of never having been exposed to them before. Life as a shut-in means that most anything will be at least passably interesting, and something completely new and otherworldly will likely hold a childlike attention until she's given an explanation. This extends to people as well; her exposure to others has been extremely limited and as such she has no reason not to trust others.
EINZBERN DIRECTIVE: Find a solution to improve the family
The Einzbern do not trust Chaldea, and are always looking for ways to increase their knowledge and capabilities. That such an organization could have remained secret for so long concerns them, to the point that Isanaviel has been instructed to infiltrate the organization and find their true motives and goals - and, if possible, any deep knowledge that the family may be able to use, whether it comes from Chaldea or the other worlds of the Tree. This includes knowledge of the summoning of Servants, which appears to be something that Chaldea has discovered without using the traditional Grail War. Research and knowledge or toold or other devices; it doesn't matter what - if she discovers things on her quest for Chaldea, turning it over to her family is more important. This can put her in conflict with Chaldea's own orders and very potentially her immediate companions as to what she decides what to do with what she has found. Whatever it is, the Einzbern must have it, and Isanaviel knows she is the one to bring it to them. She is, after all, a loyal a point.
EVERYONE LIVES: She refuses to sacrifice lives
As a Justicia-series homunculus, built to the same pattern as her distant predecessor, there is an echo of the Einzbern matriarch's soul. While Isanaviel is young, inexperienced, and innocent, there remains in her an iron-clad determination to let no one die if she can save them, and forcibly make a way to save them if she can't. She can't ignore someone in danger, and will instinctively come to their aid, even if she doesn't always know why. Given a no-win choice between saving one or another, she will instead try to find a way to break the situation and save both somehow.

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