Elizabeth Bathory (Dropped)

Elizabeth Bathory
World: Fate/interrupt-1
Quote: The dragon's scale is the beat of love~!
Role: Idol-class Servant
Theme Song: Akogare~tion
Voice Actor: Rumi Okubo


A manifestation of a historic figure summoned by a world in peril, Elizabeth Bathory has taken up residence in her ancestral home of Castle Csejte. As an Idol-class Servant, she has decided to defend her homeland from the nearby menace of Berlin. She primarily fights with a spear and her powerful tail, though also has access to weapons such as swords, shields, and tridents. By using her Noble Phantasm, Báthory Erzsébet, she can summon her castle to amplify her voice and release a powerful sonic attack. Although her singing voice is beautiful, it also carries a curse, inflicting listeners with headaches, nausea, and other ailments. Despite her bright, cheerful demeanor, she also suffers from several crippling phobias, but a true idol never lets such things get in the way of her adoring fans!


Idol-class Servant: Enhanced power and durability, magic resistance.
Elizabeth Bathory is a Servant, a spirit given form by mana and magecraft. She's far more durable than a normal human and possesses physical strength far above what any normal human would have. She also has a high degree of magic resistance, primarily against curses and other debilitating effects, with even higher resistance against mental attacks. Rather than defining herself by any one class, she often refers to herself as an Idol-class Servant.
Unstable Spirit Origin: Reconfigure self for narrow buffs. Drain life or magic energy. Costume changes.
While most Servants are summoned into a single class container, Elizabeth possesses an unstable Spirit Origin that allows her to shift between several different classes she qualifies for as easily as one would change clothes. It requires some extra mana, so isn't something she can easily do mid-battle. While her base abilities remain largely the same no matter which class she is currently in, each has a specialty to make it more suited to different tasks, such as increased strength, increased agility, specific weapon affinity, or increased resistance to mental or magical attacks. She is also able to process mana through eating or, with even more efficiency, by draining life energy or magic from humans or other mana-rich sources. Due to her historic origins, she can also gain mana from blood.
Idol: Singing, dancing, and being the cutest~!
Elizabeth has an extremely lovely voice with an amazing vocal range. She is quite practiced at singing, though she usually sticks to upbeat pop songs, many of which she writes herself. She is also able to put on a matching dance performance and knows just what is expected of an idol: cuteness! She's very good at playing up a crowd as well.
Weaponry: A variety of attack methods, from spears and swords to bats, bombs, and beams.
While most of Elizabeth's weaponry changes depending on her current class, there are some she is able to use in any of them. She can summon iron maidens to drop on enemies or suck them in before exploding, or expel a cloud of bats to attack. She can also create heart-shaped projectiles to launch at enemies or summon speakers to amplify her voice. Her tail is also prehensile and quite powerful, able to deliver powerful blows. Most other methods of attacking are limited by her current Class. As a Lancer, Berserker, Avenger, or Rider, she wields Sárkány Csont Lándzsa (Dragon Bone Lance), a polearm that doubles as a microphone. As a Caster, she uses a trident and can use magecraft to create incendiary bombs, often in the form of bats or pumpkins, along with other magical blasts. As a Saber, she carries the legendary sword Eighteen and the legendary shield Retronia, though neither have any particularly special abilities.
Noble Phantasm< Edge-E >: Powerful sonic blast from a cursed voice that disorients and debuffs.
A Noble Phantasm is the most powerful ability that a Servant can bring to bear. In all classes, Elizabeth can use a basic version of her Noble Phantasm, Kilenc Sárkány: Dragon Cry Thundering Voice, a powerful sonic attack capable of pulverizing stone. This uses a great deal of mana and she is not able to use it very often without a means of recovering her mana. A much more powerful version, Báthory Erzsébet: Fresh Blood Demoness, also temporarily summons a phantasmal duplicate of her castle, bristling with speakers to amplify her voice more. This stronger version not only require Edge, but also has a significantly higher mana cost, requiring much more mana replenishment before using it again. She also has a less damaging version meant for incapacitating a target, Báthory Brave Erzsébet: Tornado Demoness of Fresh Blood. No matter the power, however, her voice also carries a powerful curse, capable of leaving those affected by it with headaches, nightmares, nausea, and hallucinations.
Flight: Limit flight on dragon wings or flying polearms.
Elizabeth is able to fly short distances by extending her retractable dragon wings. This is not full combat flight, and she usually uses it to aid in leaping. She is not able to hover for more than a moment. She can also throw whatever polearm she happens to be carrying and ride it for faster travel, though the trajectory cannot be changed mid-flight unless she is currently in the Rider class.
Territory Creation: From deathtraps to puzzle rooms to Castle Csejte, all created with magic.
Although Territory Creation is a skill often limited to Casters, Elizabeth is able to use it equally well in any class, though with limitations on just what it can create. As a byproduct of her summoning, her ancestral home of Castle Csejte has been restored. With a large enough supply of mana, she can temporarily recreate a duplicate as well. On a smaller scale, she is able to construct elaborate escape rooms, deathtraps, and other similar puzzle rooms, though larger ones require more mana investment, and all of them are temporary, fading away after some time or if she is no longer present in the immediate area.
Battle Continuation: The ability to return from an otherwise lethal wound.
For many other Servants, Battle Continuation allows them to continue fighting even after they should be dead. Not so the case for Elizabeth Bathory. In her case, this skill allows her to avoid an otherwise lethal or debilitating attack and attempt to escape instead of fighting on. It's not running away! It's not embarrassing at all because it's Battle Continuation!
Sadistic Charisma and Torture Techniques: Adept at stirring up a crowd or breaking wills.
Personal skills, available in any class. As a noble, she is able to use Sadistic Charisma to exert her coersive will on others. It's not like it's bullying or anything! This is less a mental attack and more a minor buff to the abilities of allies. Torture Techniques is functionally the opposite, allowing her own attacks to inflict more damage and more pain on a target. Torture Techniques is not available in the Saber class. Both of these skills are more effective on females than they are on males.


Phobias: Fear of solitude, abandonment, and enclosed spaces.
Due to her memories of her own death, Elizabeth has several crippling phobias. She fears solitude (autophobia), dark and enclosed spaces (claustrophobia), and being ignored, abandoned, or forgotten (athazagoraphobia). Her claustrophobia can be alleviated quite a lot if she is with others, especially if they are paying attention to her. Combining all three is enough to leave her frantic, to the point of even the threat of being locked away somewere causing panic attacks.
Mental Pollution: Difficulty empathizing with others or recognizing them as human.
Elizabeth Bathory's mind is a jumble. She is unable to recognize most humans as being actually human. Instead, she sees them as animals. Because of this, she will usually refer to others by animal nicknames. At times, she also has trouble remembering others she has met, unless she's had the opportunity to form a more memorable bond.
Dragon Blood: Vulnerable to anything effective on dragons.
Anything that is effective against dragons is equally effective against Elizabeth, due to the dragon blood in her veins (and the adorable dragon tail as well).
Rogue Servant: No Master, no steady supply of mana. Desperation may set in at low supply.
As a Rogue Servant, Elizabeth does not have the steady supply of mana most Servants get from their Masters. Unlike most rogue Servants, she doesn't lack in power, but rather in mana efficiency. Likewise, her mana replenishes at a much slower rate, and she must supplement it by regularly returning to rest in her ancestral homeland. Using the full power of her Noble Phantasm also leaves her drained for a longer period of time. While she could drain life energy from humans to regain mana, she finds doing so quite distasteful, as it reminds her too much of some of the terrible things she did in life. She can regain small amounts of mana through her adoring fans, but sometimes only the most hardcore fans stick with her, cursed voice and all. If she starts running too low on mana, she may become more reckless and less picky about looking for sources, despite personal safety and tastes.
Cursed Voice: It's difficult to enjoy songs from a voice full of curses.
The same cursed voice that makes her Noble Phantasm so powerful is also present just in her singing voice. While she can suppress its effects somewhat by concentrating, doing so is quite difficult, and she usually forgets. In fact, she has a hard time remembering that her normal singing carries a curse at all, leaving her perplexed when anyone has a bad reaction to it. She can alleviate this by concentrating or by focusing her mind on singing for the sake of others, and certain magic filters can sanitize it somewhat.
Innocent Monster: Demonized by the actions of her past self, sensitive of past sins.
Fresh Blood Demoness. Countess Dracula. Dragon Daughter. Blood Countess. She bears the guilt of all these titles given her. Although her spirit origin is from before she performed countless atrocities, she still has the memories of her later life and her death. It's a guilt she will never be free of, as she knows that, no matter how much good she may do, she's still a terrible murderer deep down. Although more anti-hero than evil villain now, she is often plagued by these memories, knowing she will never be able to atone. She died once still not knowing why the things she did were wrong, only that she was being punished for them. This remains now, and beneath the cheerful exterior of an idol lies a core wracked with guilt over sins she can never atone for. Any mention of these past sins is often met with denial, but it still pokes a deep wound in her heart that can never heal, and continued dwelling on the topic is likely to get a stronger reaction.
True Name: Her identity is infamous, easy to research, and a sore point.
Elizabeth does very little to hide her true name. As such, anyone with enough knowledge of earth-like histories may be aware of who she is and why she is famous (or infamous), and that may both color their initial impression of her and also give them leverage against her. In addition, she reacts very poorly to being referred to by the name Carmilla, a fictional manifestation of her wicked deeds that she regrets but can never atone for.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
743 Red Tide Sep 30 2020
729 Usagi's Dream Park? Theme Park, Scream Park! Sep 08 2020
725 Odds of Escape 1/1000 Aug 26 2020
See All 3 Scenes


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