Adora (Dropped)

World: Etheria-2
Actual Age: 18
Apparent Age: 21
Quote: "I won't be controlled. I am not a piece of their machine. I am not a weapon. And I am going to end. This. NOW!"
Role: Princess of Power
Species: Eternian/First One
Theme Song: "Warriors" - She-Ra And The Princess of Power Intro
Voice Actor: Aimee Carrero


Adora is two people in one. She is Adora, the former Horde soldier and commander, raised from infancy to be a warrior in a regime of evil, now redeemed. She is also She-Ra, a being of power and light, tasked with fighting evil and defending the weak. She is headstrong and brave, foolhardy and friendly. Willing to give others the benefit of the doubt, she is also happy to draw her blade or throw a punch when the need arises. A beacon of hope and courage, Adora has walked a good distance from the darkness from which she was raised. As She-Ra she is strong, fast and incredibly durable. Armed with the Sword of Power, she cuts through steel and fires blasts of pure light to shatter defenses. She lifts tanks over her head and takes missiles to the face. She then spits out some blood, laughs, and charges back into the fray, ponytail whipping in the wind.


Princess of Power: She can transform into She-Ra. Strong, fast, tough.
Adora once needed the Sword of Power to transform into She-Ra, but she no longer does. She can manifest the blade out of the light energy she emanates. As She-Ra she grows form 5'7" to nearly 7' in height, corded with muscles. She is strong enough to lift tanks over her head with one hand and toss them over the horizon. She can kick bad guys -through- steel walls. She can tear metal doors open with her bare hands. She is faster then a normal human, but not by much. Still, the form adds supernatural speed and dexterity. She can take major hits like this, too. Heavy blasters, missiles, super punches and the like scuff her and bruise her, but not much more. While in this form she also heals at about 5x the normal human speed. She can stay as She-Ra indefinately at this point, but prefers to live as Adora.
Sword of Power: She creates a blade of power capable of major damage and lasers!
The Sword was once a physical blade that she used to channel her power. It was destroyed, however, and she eventually learned she does not need it. She now manifests the blade from her energy aura. It can cut through steel and special alloys, fire beams of light capable of rupturing the same, and deliver stun blasts if need be. She can hold out her hand and have it fly back to her hand, as well. She does not need to be transformed into She-Ra to manifest the sword.
Warrior: Brutal fighting style using small arms and basic melee, especially swords.
She was trained in multiple fighting style as a Horde soldier, and has continued to train. Her fighting style is very aggressive, and it was originally meant to be brutal and deadly. Since then she has altered it to be less deadly, but still quite dangerous. She can also wield melee weapons quite well, though she is best with a sword. Finally, she is very capable with blasters and rifles, as it was the weapon of choice for her regiment. She is not an expert sniper, but she can hit a moving target during a skirmish.
Inspiring Words: She knows how to raise people up with words.
Adora is charismatic. She can be awkward and goofy sometimes, but when it comes down to it she is a beacon of hope. She knows what to say to lift people out of despair and give them hope. She can lead small groups of soldiers, or nations, with her words and raw charisma.


Swift Wind< D-Tier Named >: A flying, talking pegacorn! Adora's mount!
He began as a normal horse that Adora encountered when she was first brought to Bright Moon. While training with her Sword, however, she accidentally blasted him with magical energy. It transformed him into a winged unicorn, and he panicked and fled. He eventually returned, revealing that he could now speak, and he had been staging a revolution to free other horses and animals from oppression! He is a loyal, brave steed for her, even if he never really shuts up and he can be a bit over the top.


Duty: She takes her duty to protect the weak and fight evil seriously.
She is a being of light, hope, and protection. She takes this seriously. Sometimes she has to put aside her own wants and needs to protect others. In addition, she sometimes has to turn away from the easier, dirtier road to walk the more dangerous, good one. Her personal code of honor, involving defending the weak and promoting justice and love, often comes into conflict with the darker parts of the world and can get on peoples nerves.
Aggressiveness: She has a very forthright way of handling things, unless held back.
She is not someone who likes hurting others, or who revels in violence. However, she grew up around violence, and she often leans towards fighting to handle a lot of situations. She tends to jump to punching as her first response to a lot of situations that would be better talked out. She CAN be talked down, as she isn't a psychopath. She simply leaps to combat first, due to being a warrior at heart.
Corruptible: Certain tech can temporarily corrupt her into evil.
There has been various forms of First One tech that has driven her briefly to violent, cackling madness. She has since discovered that similar technology in the hands some of the evil forces out there have similar effects. It causes black veins to appear on her and for her eyes to glow red. It is curable with the right tech, but usually fades after a period of time, or once she awakens from being knocked out. Generally she is still discovering what can do this to her, but the technology from other worlds generally is linked to malware or corrupting viruses. Originally, a virus in First Ones tech infected her Sword, and thus her. Now that her Sword is not physical, the tech specifically needs to target organic matter. If it does, it can make her go haywire.
Dumb?: She grew up away from normal society, and it can show. Naive.
Adora isn't actually dumb, but someone can be forgiven in thinking it. She tends to be reckless and often awkward. She has trouble understanding some situations and fancy things, having grown up in the Horde. She didn't know what a party was, or non-ration bar food, at first. She has chosen a Birthday for herseld now, and does what she can to learn other things. Still, her forthright action, awkward personality and such can often lead her to doing what appear to be dumb things.

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