The World of Etheria-2


A beautiful, magical world that blends sorcery with high technology. Once controlled by the Horde, and now a peaceful planet and diplomatic Blossom.

Type: Blossom
Active Characters


Etheria is a world with a troubled past. Once controlled by the First Ones, the magical race blended technology with mysticism to transform the planet into a living weapon. A hero sacrificed herself to transport the planet into the void, where it remained for many years. Eventually it attached to the World Tree, but early interactions were very rough. The Horde were the first locals the explorers from the World Tree encountered, and it ended violently. Hordak, the leader of the Horde, believed he could spread his power to the Tree and other worlds, but he found himself fighting a war on two fronts. In the end She-Ra and the Princess Alliance defeated the Horde, and their progenitor, Horde Prime, and scattered his stellar fleet. Since then, the planet has returned to relative peace. The Princess Alliance, heralded by the very exhuberant and odd Princesses of the planet, have begun to reach out to other worlds in search of expanding the Alliance to other cultures. There are a lot of Princesses out there, after all. Meanwhile, several of Hordak Prime's clones have survived, and have begun to muster forces from those dissatisfied with the rulership of the Princesses. They've even begun pulling in allies from the cast-off miscreants of other Worlds. A new war is on the horizon, preparing to shatter the beautious peace of Etheria.