Paine (Dropped)

World: Final Fantasy X-1
Actual Age: 18
Apparent Age: Late Teens/Early 20s
Quote: "Here comes the hurt."
Role: Warrior of Snark
Species: Human
Theme Song: "Nemuru Omoi" - Megumi Toyoguchi (
Voice Actor: Megumi Toyoguchi


Once a member of a group of elite hand-picked warriors, Paine survived a double dose of betrayal from both her squad's superiors and one of her own possessed comrades. Thanks to a group of machine-using exiles, she recovered -- physically, at least. Paine is snarky and cynical, and tends to keep to herself. It's not until one gets to know her that one realizes just how much she cares about the world around her. Being a consummate warrior and very skilled with a greatsword, she can appreciate a strong opponent. But she's not stupid enough to get in over her head, and tends to toss sardonic quips at those who she feels are jumping into something without thinking. But under it all, she values friendships, and goes to great lengths to protect those who she cares about. Not that she's gonna TELL you that, of course...


Warrior: Paine is excellent with a sword, particularly her own.
As part of her training with the Crimson Blades, Paine learned to handle a sword. Her sword is similar to a cross between a zweihander and a katana -- a large, wide, single-edged sword with a handle long enough to bring both hands to bear. She rarely does however, and her easygoing, lazy-looking fighting style with this weapon can take opponents off-guard for how hard she hits.
Swordplay (Elemental): Fire, water, lightning, ice, holy, or gravity powered strikes.
Paine is able to infuse her blade with fire, water, lightning, ice, holy, or gravity energy, and then make a single attack against a single enemy to cause damage of that specific element to said enemy. Note: "gravity" is equivalent to "darkness", and causes extra damage to light or holy enemies.
Swordplay (Break): Damage an enemy's ability to fight directly.
Another ability of her "Swordplay", Paine can focus energy through her blade to hinder an enemy's ability to fight to the best of their abilities. This is partially aiming at the appropriate part of the body, and partly focusing energy through her blade. She can attempt to decrease the amount of damage an opponent can deal or hamper the ability of an opponent to defend themselves physically via striking at pressure points on her opponents' arms, strike at the head to lower an enemy's ability to concentrate on their magic/similar abilities or interfere with their concentration for willpower and resisting the magic/similar abilities of others, or strike at the legs to hamper an opponent's ability to act or escape quickly.
Weaponless Fighting: Paine is still a strong opponent in hand-to-hand combat.
Even without her sword, Paine is still a force to be reckoned with. She favors a kick-based style that depends on momentum to inflict damage. It's quite flashy, but despite that, it aims to disable an opponent as quickly as possible -- first aiming for disarming of weapons if possible, and then for a quick knockout.
Blitzballer: Super swimmer, can hold breath for long periods even under stress.
Paine is able to play alongside professionals in the Spiran sport of Blitzball, a sport similar to rugby. It is intense and frenetic, can get violent, and it all happens underwater. Players must essentially play keep-away with the ball to get it into the opposing team's goal, while the opposing team attempts to tackle, block, and bodycheck them -- and all while the players all hold their breath for at least five minutes (the length of a standard quarter). Owing to this, Paine is an excellent swimmer, and can hold her breath for incredibly long periods of time. The less intense the activity, the longer she can stay underwater -- pitched fighting may see her only able to stay under for close to her five minute mark, while a leisurely exploration swim may see her able to stay under for more than an hour.


Prickly: Paine is often standoffish at first blush.
Due to having been betrayed by someone she believed was a friend AND by the organization that once sheltered her without question, Paine is very slow to trust others. In fact, she often goes out of her way to push people away so they don't get close to her, not wanting a repeat of that betrayal. Thus she often comes off as prickly at best, and downright mean at worst.
Distrusts Authority: Paine always fears that those in power will let it go to their heads.
Having been betrayed by the Church of Yevon -- at one time the authority of Spira that was in control of the only method to calm Sin temporarily -- and by her immediate superior, who she trusted implicitly, Paine now fears letting another person or group have power over her. Of particular dislike to her are organizations that proclaim to lead people religiously as well as by laws -- these two things should never be allowed to be combined, in her view.
PTSD: More deeply affected by instances of betrayal/possession.
Watching the Crimson Squad decimate itself as its members went insane and turned on each other in the Den of Woe left a lasting mark on Paine's psyche. She often has nightmares of this event when she sleeps. Certain events or situations can trigger her PTSD -- supernatural dealings with ghosts/undead, incidents of mind control, ally betrayal... and possibly even large groups of fireflies (since they resemble pyreflies).
BFS Syndrome: In tight quarters Paine's fighting is hampered.
Between her very large single-bladed sword and her flashy kick-based hand-to-hand techniques, Paine needs room to move around during a battle. In tighter confines -- such as inside small buildings or establishments, Paine may struggle to keep up with any allies' fighting. And if she's alone in such tight confines, she may find that she's not able to defend herself or get the job done.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
825 You Inspire Me May 14 2021
821 Digital Drama! Analog Ambush! May 03 2021
817 The Easter Texas Massacre Apr 17 2021
814 Into the Spider's Lair Mar 27 2021
787 Friends in Low Places Jan 26 2021
784 Monster Pox Jan 21 2021
See All 6 Scenes


This character has no cutscenes yet.