Valerian Railton

Valerian Railton
World: RIFTS: Dimension Book - World Tree MUSH-1
Voice Actor: Kaiji Tang


There are many paths to power in the world. For Valerian Railton, who wanted the power to leave his mark on the world, that power came with a price. In exchange for infusing him with the blood of dragons, he was indentured to the Federation of Magic: a loose-knit group vying for control of the magical energies in Eastern North America. He was a field agent and fixer, known for wielding a massive chainsaw with the same ease and brutality that a normal person would wield a sword and routing entire armies single-handedly to protect the Federation's borders. Eventually, he was deployed to a distant land, and never returned. The Federation of Magic has marked him AWOL and considers him a threat to the nation, with a sizable bounty. Despite this, he has no qualms happily traveling around the Tree and greeting people with a wave and a smile. Whatever changed for him, he resurfaced a short time later as a field agent for the Gardeners, ensuring that worlds integrate into the tree smoothly and that Thorns do not pose a threat to the Tree with absolute loyalty.


Dragon Juicer: Physical Attributes: Valerian has supernatural physical abilities and minor regeneration.
By treating the blood of a dragon with special chemicals and magic rituals, and then pumping it into a person like a stimulant, that person can gain immense physical strength, enhanced durability, and enhanced reflexes. Valerian's strength is such that he requires almost no effort to lift and throw large objects such as cars, boulders, or tanks. His body is also capable of withstanding immense amounts of punishment and continuing to function, even regenerating wounds if given a few minutes. He has enhanced speed and reflexes that allow him to move with enough speed to catch a bullet with his bare hands or catch motor vehicles. Lastly, he is highly resistant to supernatural fear, immune to environmental heat or cold, and impervious to mundane diseases.
Dragon Juicer: Supernatural Senses: Valerian has supernatural senses and the ability to see the invisible.
Another effect of the dragon blood flowing through Valerian's veins is that his senses have been enhanced beyond normal human limits. He has perfect vision out to hundreds of yards, can see at night with total clarity, and has a sense of smell that is good enough to track someone with. He can also see through invisibility (with player consent) due to magical vision enhancement.
WI-C8 Close Combat Weapon System: It's a giant chainsaw, specially designed to be even saw-ier.
More colloquially known as the 'Juicer Chainsaw', this massive weapon is designed to cut through almost any material given enough time. Each tooth is sharpened to a monomolecular edge and the weapon is so large that it requires a superhuman amount of strength to wield effectively. It uses energy clips and can run for an hour before needing a new cell. Valerian's has a customized handle to let him wield it like a greatsword in battle.
Dragon Skin Armor: Heavy duty armor made from the hide of dragons.
Valerian owns a set of body armor made from dragon hide. He has modified it to resemble normal clothes with heavy boots, but anyone with supernatural senses can easily tell what it is made of. It provides flexibility and protection to heighten his combat ability.
Dragon Vampire: Valerian's physiology allows him to drink Dragon Blood directly.
A rare mutation among Juicers, Dragon Vampirism can sometimes manifest. A Dragon Vampire no longer requires exclusively processed and treated Dragon Blood. They can consume it directly and process it within their body to extend their life force and increase their power. This becomes more effective the older the dragon is. This vampirism also means that the blood of poisonous or otherwise harmful dragons, which would normally be toxic on contact, has no ill effect on him through contact or consumption.
Military Training: Extensive training in infantry weapons, survival, and tactics.
As a former soldier, Valerian has undergone extensive military training in his past. He has trained with multiple firearms and melee weapons, learned boxing and kickboxing, studied small group battlefield tactics, learned basic demolitions skills, and survival training. He can pilot most basic military vehicles, he can wield most weapons that work off a standard firearm design, and even do all of the above in a combat situation. He is also able to survive in environments such as deserts, forests, swamps and mountains indefinitely as long as he is able to hunt for food.
Xenobutchery: The ability to disassemble and harvest from exotic creatures.
Valerian is an expert in xenobutchery. Not to be confused with biology, which would be studying how body parts work, xenobutchery is the study of how to disassemble an exotic creature and extract the organs with the least amount of damage. Given enough time to study a creature, Valerian can maximize the salvage from it and figure out which organs will be the most useful for things like spells, medicines, weapon crafting, and other uses that people may buy them for. He also knows how to properly store these parts for longevity.
Railton Imports And Exports: Valerian's personal business that focuses on selling exotic creature parts.
A small business started by Valerian, Railton Imports and Exports provides him with the spending cash he needs in his day-to-day life. It focuses on storing and selling the exotic parts that he harvests from various creatures during his missions and hunts. While it is considered a small business, and rather shady, it provides a reliable storefront for mages, alchemists, and craftsman who seek dangerous monster parts.


Psychosis: Dragon Vampire: Valerian is obsessed with drinking dragon blood.
Valerian is not just able to drink the blood of dragons, he is compelled to do so. When in proximity of a dragon, he becomes hungry. If that dragon is wounded, it becomes distracting. The more powerful the dragon, the more distracted and obsessed with its blood Valerian gets. A dragon of sufficient power or injury could cause Valerian to forgo the mission in lieu of trying to harvest its blood.
Obsession: I Am The Hero: A dangerous obsession with doing the 'Heroic' thing, no matter the cost.
A complex obsession on Valerian's part, it serves as a mental construct to justify his actions and manifests in a multitude of ways. At the simplest, Valerian wants to save people and act heroically. This means he will take the time to rescue someone being attacked, he will try to save someone from a burning car, and he wants to fight against evil. It is not difficult to get him to help you out if you seem downtrodden, in need, or particularly abused. He naturally wants to help as many people as he can.
Cognitive Dissonance: The Ends Justify The Means: Valerian treats macro-level heroism like calculus to save the most lives.
Valerian also believes that the ends justify the means, particularly in his work for the Gardeners. This means he undertakes actions which he believes will save more lives than they destroy and believes that at the macro level this makes him a hero. When it comes into conflict with his belief 'I Am The Hero', it can cause severe cognitive dissonance. If he is confronted with the tangible and real outcomes of his actions by one of the people whose lives are ruined for 'The greater good', he struggles to reconcile these discrepancies. When confronted with these contradictions, Valerian attempts to avoid the situation. If pressed, he can react violently and have a nervous breakdown as he attempts to reconcile the inherent disconnect between his beliefs.
Dragon Weaknesses: Weapons, magical attacks or powers that do extra damage to dragons affect him.
As a side effect of the Dragon Blood that has mutated his body, Valerian has a weakness to anything with a 'Dragon Slaying' attribute. This applies to magic, to weapons that are made to slay dragons, to superpowers designed to subdue dragons. All of these affect Valerian as they would any other dragon of equivalent power to him (Ancient Dragon).

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
1155 The Warden: Blitzkrieg Apr 23 2023
1148 A Rivalry To Remember Mar 28 2023
1077 The Old Ways Sep 04 2022
1075 The Warden: Backdoors Aug 30 2022
1046 The Warden Pt 3 Jul 10 2022
1044 The Warden Pt 2 Jul 03 2022
1042 The Warden Jun 21 2022
1029 Invasive Species May 23 2022
1002 Lost Colony: Betrayal Apr 12 2022
997 Nightfall on New Constantinople Mar 29 2022
See All 33 Scenes


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