World Tree MUSH

A Rivalry To Remember

    Night City is known for being run by sleazy megacorps... But when it comes down to it Arasaka and Militech are the biggest of them all. And needless to say, Arasaka and Militech have never seen eye to eye; their rivalry being the source of the last Corporate War that devastated much of the area surrounding Night City.
    Now though it looks like things are rekindling and coming to a head... And as Arasaka plans to move some classified goods through the wasteland, Militech intends to make a grab for it.
    What better time to swoop in and steal the goods than while the two factions are fighting tooth and nail, too busy to notice any edgerunners that might want to make the steal for themselves during the resultant firefight?

Character Pose
    With everyone packed into the back of the car- a custom Chevillon Emperor nicknammed 'The Edgerunner' it was time to go as the car zooms down the streets s driven by the best wheelman in Night City; a former Nomad by the name of Falco. Falco himself looks like something from a bygone time, with his cowboy mustache and flair for old fashioned looking style. His car though is something else- a completely customized beast with bulletproof windows.
    "Aite! Let's do this!" Rebecca is in the back of the car practically vibrating with excitement as she bleeds manic energy and tries to focus it on reloading multiple guns at a time.
    "Okay so! Listen up chooms!" The diminutive solo calls out. "Arasaka's moving some preem goods through the wasteland. Militech hates Arasaka and is gonna try to zero the delivery team black-ops style and take the goods for themselves. So while they're duking it out tooth and nail... We're gonna swoop in, steal the junk, and then bail before they catch wind of us." She gives the details of the mission as Falco leaves the city proper and zooms down the old freeways of the wastelands.
    "Now if we get spotted... It's totally ay-okay to waste all the motherfuckers, take the stuff and still bail. Simple plan, but it's a plan. Work for everyone?"
Hyouka Kiyama
    It's been a while since Hyouka Kiyama was here in Night City. Or, well, in the vicinity. This particular job will be out in the wasteland. But nevertheless, the job is apparently intended to give a black eye to the awful corporation that runs the city. And while the faux-elven cyborg might have her issues with things like assassination, stealing high-tech goods to keep them out of Arasaka hands? She's fine with that.

    Still, the last time they had a job like this, it went very sideways.

    "One question," Hyouka says, absently staring at the ceiling, reclining as best she can in her seat. "It's not going to turn out to be 'junk' that fights back this time, right?" DARGN, for once, stays silent. Partially because she's running last-minute diagnostics on Hyouka's various subsystems. Mostly because, for once, Hyouka asked the question she would have instead.
Valerian Railton
    Of all the places to be, Valerian is not currently packed into the back of the vehicle. He is, in fact, sitting on top of it criss-cross applesauce style as Falco drives, seemingly staying balanced and steady no matter what bumps or swerves the driver may need to take on their journey. 

    Valerian is wearing what appears to be some sort of mask, though it's not actually 'on', so it's hard to tell what it is. It's all bunched up at the top of his head waiting to be pulled down. It's probably a balaclava- you know, because this is a heist and all.

    "Got it. Simple smashy-smashy, grabby grabby," He shouts from the top of the car, thudding it a couple times with his hand to acknowledge Rebecca, "Mine is not a subtle people, so this plan works fine for me. Juicers are pretty much only good for this kind of thing."

    He puts a cigarette in the corner of his mouth and lights it, smoking as the wind whips through his hair, "Leave the distraction to me. I'll keep their eyes off you."
    "Sweet ride, Charles Bronson." are the first words out of Dante's mouth to Falco. He doesn't really need to 'reload', so he just quietly helps Rebecca load her guns instead, his sword hanging on the side of the Edgerunner comically on a gun rack. He sits in the back, if only because SOMEBODY had the front seat so close to the console it's practically going to squish whoever sits there and Dante needs his leg room.

    "Yeah, good chance we'll have that overgrown toaster from before jump on us. They gotta be wise to us by now, y'know?" He points out. They narrowly survived a run-in with Adam Smasher once, twice is very unlikely.
    Crammed into the Edgerunner, is a certain Zalak with a really big sword. Said sword is resting on the floor of the car, propped up between Scavenger's legs and across one of her shoulders. She remains quiet as usual, looking out one of the side windows as the vehicle travels.
While she could be outside the vehicle being cool, Marceline is occupying a seat. Lounging, seemingly unconcerned with the potential for extreme danger. You know, like what happened that one time! There was just some dings to buff out or something no biggie, right? No axe this time, other than the literal wood cutting axe she's hauled in from somewhere. The thing looks ancient; the head is rusty, the once-red paint now dulled to brown with flecks of black and the handle almost looks partially fossilized.

    "Eh, we're headed out a ways right? There any water? Bet he can't swim for stink. Also, who's the doof up on top of the car? I thought I was the only one weird enough to pull some of that biz. Is it weird? Or just like zen or some shiz?"

    While she's wearing scuffed and ripped jeans, a tank top and chucksneaks, she's also sporting an open firefighter coat and a hat that's currently perched on one of her knees. Wherever she got the gear, it looks almost as old as the axe.
    "Not subtle! I can dig it! I don't really do subtle well, either!" Rebecca calls up to the Juicer atop the car as it speeds down the dusty highways. She's just about finished loading all the guns and some of the guns and gear that Twintail helpfully donated for the mission as she puts on a rebreather mask and passes a few around to any who need them.
    "There's supposed to be a real dust storm out there today so we'll use that for cover."
    There's a sullen beat of pause though at Hyouka's question and Dante seconding it.
    "Okay look, that time was a one-time badness deal. It can't *possiby* happen two times like that!"
    At least Rebecca hopes that's the case as the sandstorm rolls in and eventually the Edgerunner rolls to a stop, Falco chuckling due to Dante's antics.
    "This is where you all get off and walk. I'll be waiting at the extraction point." He says before speeding off once everyone's disembarked.
    "Okay, now we just-" Becca starts to say before she's cut off by the sounds of gunfire and ordinance.
    "Follow the bangs~." She declares as she slings a duffel bag of guns over her shoulder as she starts marching in the direction of the gunfire.
    It's a short walk over some dusty dunes with honest to god cacti and scraggly desert bushes before Becca drops to a knee and stops to pull out a set of binoculars.
    "Uh. Oh. Oh shit."
    It's a warzone, one Arasaka armored truck is stopped dead on the road, with three smaller jeep-like cars in front and behind it for escort duty. And further behind them are five black cars swerved to be used as cover.
    It's cute. Militech stripped all identification from the vehicles but the heavy gear and tech their soldiers are rocking make it obvious who it is as the two sides have plenty of guys unleashing lead back and forth amidst the dunes.
    "Okay plan's not changed, swoop in, kill some guys, grab the goods and jet."
    When the group is dropped off, Scavenger pulls her rebreather up over her face, and tugs a set of goggles up to protect from the dust. She looks between the others, as the warzone comes into view. "I'll pincer with him." she points to Valerian, "We'll intercept any gonkbrains trying to interfere. Just focus on grabbing the gear."

    With that said, she takes off at a run, swinging out wide to come in from a different angle than Valerian. Her sword comes free of its wrapping, the black fabric whipping around in the wind, and snapping loudly like gunfire itself. She sweeps in, and slams full force into the side of Arasaka's backline... the few guys left to tend the vehicles, and stop sneaky Edgerunners from sneaking in and sneaky sneaksneaking off with valuable stuff.
Hyouka Kiyama
    "Oh?" Hyouka's distant stare upwards becomes a focused look towards the ceiling of the vehicle. "Is that Valerian up there? It's been quite a while!" She sounds happy to hear the Juicer's voice. There's another glance around the car, and then straight over at Marceline when she speaks. "Let's not assume he's weak to water. I'm pretty chromed up, but water doesn't bother me much. Slows me down a little, that's it." Hyouka sounds extremely dubious. They're probably not that lucky.

    And of course, she just stares at Rebecca.

    But it's time to go, as evidenced by the sound of a battle in the distance. When Becca drops, so does Hyouka, staring out at the firefight. "...You know we might get shot at, right?" But she's already moving to get off the ground and start her advance... though admittedly, a good ways behind Scavenger. This is a pretty intimidating scuffle to dive in on!
Valerian Railton
    "Valerian Railton, Freelance mercenary and import/export specialist," Valerian calls back a response to Marceline as he sits on top of the car, "And the fresh desert air is way better than a packed car all smelling of BO and stale potato chips." He pauses for a moment, "No offense meant, Random 80s Pornstache." He says to Falco right after this, "And thanks for the lift." 

    When Scavenger calls the play, Valerian gives a thumbs up to her, "Sounds solid. Let's go. I'll take the opposite side." As the feline charges in, Valerian takes the opposite side and pulls down his mask. It is, in fact, not a Balaclava. It's a black and gold luchadore mask that covers his face and mouth.

    While Scavenger goes into the line of Arasaka goons, Valerian sweeps wide over the dunes and calls out, "HEY GUYS! It's time for WRESTLEMANIA!" And then he unceremoniously dropkicks one of the Miltech jeeps hard enough to send it skidding out towards a squad of troops.
    "Famous last words." Dante says as he grabs Rebellion, stowing it on his back before following Rebecca. He peers out at the gunfight between both companies. "Welp. Guess we got competition." He says dryly before taking off in a dead, olympian-tier sprint with Rebellion in hand. "I'll go with 'em." Dante says, joining Valerian and Scavenger, Hyouka trailing behind.

    As Valerian delivers a fearsome dropkick that no doubt pulverizes an unfortunate jeep into the next week, Dante joins the fray with his sword as he swings his blade wide to take legs off at the knees. "Hope you weren't attached to your knees, fellas!"
    Tilting her head to listen, Marceline frowns up at the ceiling, then sits back in her seat, lifts an arm and turns her head to sniff twice. "Potato chips? Ain't me. I did peel this gear off a couple of ghouls the other night though." Sorry, fellow vehicle occupants!

    "Oh dang, you guys won't drown? Huh. Aight.

    The uncerimonious dropoff is taken in stride and, not feeling any particular need to be stealthy, the vampire simply takes off into the air to get a good lay of the land; she's waaaay out of range of guns n things, right? Like, nobody would think to look 'up' and in this direction at the same time? Surely not! Keeping an ear to the conversations below, she tests the heft of her axe, nods along and so, she calls down, "I guess just don't shoot up the ride with the goods. I'll get it!"

    Valerian's assault is the starter pistol, then she's a blur as she speeds off toward the fight. She plasters herself onto the windscreen of the Arasaka truck she assumes is the target, first trying to scope for anyone dumb enough not to have dismounted and then a way to get in. Anyone that comes within reach will learn how heavy her ancient axe is and how little 'being sharp' is going to matter when it bites into their face.
    Alright it's time to wreck some corporate goon's day.
    Because Scavenger and Valerian start things off- and boy to they start them off; the Zalak's blade cutting clean through one of the Arasaka cars and hacking the men using it as cover in twain.
    And then it is, in fact, time for Wrestlemania as the soldiers turn towards the sound of the Juicer's voice only to be smashed by a flying car.
    This makes the firefight kick into an even higher gear as the Arasaka and Militech soldiers realize there's a third party in play for the goods in that truck.
    "Yeah we might." Becca replies to Hyouka. "But that's what makes it awesome." She points out, unslinging a pair of assault rifles and guns down a few Militech guys that divert their attention from the main battle. "Let's go! Let's go! LET'S GO!"
    Dante joins the frontrunners, hacking off cybernetic legs much to the dismay of their owners as Marceline attaches to the front of the target truck.
    The cab looks empty- the driver probably got out to join the firefight.
    Man it's ominous how that truck hasn't gone anywhere, or cracked open to reveal a minotaur, or worse, huh?
    But that'll be a problem for whoever manages to escape with the truck and their lives, in the future.
    A 'future us' problem, as it were.
Hyouka Kiyama
    By the time Hyouka is in among the combatants, the FISTEAU system has locked itself into place. Anticipating an actual military presence this time, she's foregone her previous choice of lightning element in exchange for something a little more heavy-firepower. Emphasis on the 'fire'. The power lines along her massive forearms are glowing a bright red-orange, and the moment she swings one massive fist at a vehicle in passing, there's a burst of searing-hot magical flames.

    Her goal, however, is the same as Marceline's - the vehicle. The vampire is doing her best to find a way in, so the magical cyborg decides to aid in that job by punching as many people trying to approach as she can.
    Scavenger isn't the most agile. She's probably not even the strongest one here. But that sword swings and cuts down goons just as well as anyone else.

    What the Zalak lacks in special abilities she makes up for in combat experience. Anyone who turns to try and fire at her earns a throwing knife. Not enough to kill most likely, but more than enough to disrupt their aim so she can close in.

    Anyone who brings the fight in close by drawing a sword earns at least a modicum of respect. Scavenger gives them a duel, matching strikes before the weight of her blade overwhelms her opponent.

    Scavenger maneuvers in toward the target vehicle along with Marceline and Hyouka, intercepting and complementing the false-elf's punches with sweeping sword strikes.

    A little crackle of black and red electricity flickers along the blade occasionally.
Valerian Railton
    Valerian puts up an arm to guard his face as a few assault rifle shots slam into the sleeve of his coat, punching holes in the cloth before hitting his skin and then falling off onto the ground with loud plinks. It does leave behind some welts and bruises, as though a normal person had been hit by a series of airsoft pellets or paintball rounds. 

    "I got you covered, ladies!" Valerian calls, storming forward into the fray with Dante and Scavenger to create as much bedlam as possible among the firefight to keep attention off of the truck that Hyouka, Marceline, and Rebecca are moving towards.

    With that said, Valerian is dashing towards the next group of soldiers from the Miltech side. He flies into a squad of soldiers, throwing clotheslines that are hard enough to snap necks, alongside haymakers and other punches that hit like a shotgun shot to the body armor.
    Dante tanks a few rounds, but grumbles and spits one of the bullets, having caught it between his teeth. The bullet hurdles toward the shooter, nailing his rifle and destroying it before Dante follows that up with a well-aimed shot from Ebony, the .45 barking loudly. Switching to Ivory and letting the sword hang on his back, Dante goes guns akimbo and joins the party with Valerian.

    "You sure know how I like to roll, Val!" Dante compliments, pistol-whipping an Arasaka goon before clotheslining a Militech merc with his arm, trading shots with some more Militech goons. "You and Scav both, to be honest."
    Okay cool. No warm bodies in the truck. That's a start! First thing's first, she tries the door, crawling like a spider across the front of the truck to get at it. Heedless of the stray bullets or stray pieces of vehicle, corporate goon anatomy... Anyway! She's basically just ignoring the fight, employing some of her oldest skills. Busting into cars! Though not sophisticated by any stretch, step two? Punching in the lock with the pointy side of the axe and turning, then tugging to wrench the door open! Chunk.

    "Ayyy, I'm like, good at this or something!" She slithers into the cab, chucks her ugly old axe into the passenger floorboard, then starts poking and slapping at controls. She's started cars and the like before, that's not super weird. Though if this is in any way coded, locked or tied to implants we're going to be moving very quickly to step three.

    "You crazy idiots going good out there? Not running outta bodies to stack, right? And us ladies are doing fine! Don't catch a round in the butt or I'll make fun of you for literally ever."
    It's... Chaotic to say the very least.
    Rebecca, Scavenger, and Hyouka reach the truck as Marceline busts the lock and opens the door.
    "Hol' up!" Rebecca calls over as she futzes with the truck's rear controls.
    "I wanna make sure we're not chauffering Smashypants for a ride." She says as the truck's rear hisses open, a thin mist escaping from the inside as it slowly opens.
    The interior is dark... One might be eaten by a cyber-grue.
    With Valerian and Dante handling much of the guys via WRESTLEMANIA skills or unloading Ebony and Ivory into them, the amount of viable targets is starting to dwindle- and those that do remain are now focusing on the party of so called edgerunners here to hijack the prize.
    "Cover me." Rebecca calls over her shoulder to Hyouka, as she swings herself into the back of the truck.
    There's a moment of silence...
    "Oh damn!"
    "Oh damn oh damn oh damn oh damn!" The solo calls out in a litany of profanity.
    "WE'RE GOOD!" Becca calls out as she holds open a crate and peeks inside it.
    "Everyone pile in and let's get the hell out of dodge!" Shouted out the back as Marcy gets the truck up and running.
    Time to bail.
Hyouka Kiyama
    It's become a frenzied fray of people defending the truck, people defending the people defending the truck, and Marceline and Rebecca doing the actual job. Hyouka probably ends up back-to-back with Scavenger more than once, and her huge, flaming fists are surprisingly good at melting armor with enough blows. It helps that they're not just hot - there's a burst of heat and flame every time she strikes.

    But when Rebecca calls out to her, Hyouka moves into a defensive posture immediately, fists up in (what she hopes is) an intimidating ready stance. That lasts approximately as long as it takes the tiny arsenal to declare their cargo obtained. Then, she's almost instantly climbing up into the truck behind Becca, holding it open for anyone else who wants to jump in there rather than ride in the cab.
Valerian Railton
    "I dig it. Nice to meet a like minded partier," Valerian calls back to Dante as he smashes a man in the chest before taking his pistol and shattering it across the head of another Miltech goon, the handgun falling to pieces into the dusty ground. He takes a moment to shoot Dante some fingerguns before he's back to the work at hand. 

    "Easy for you to call out not to get shot in the ass! You're not out where the bullets are!" Valerian calls back to Marcie as she slithers into the car. When Rebecca shouts out that it's time to get moving, Valerian fireman kicks a man right in the chest and grabs his assault rifle before it can hit the ground, "Seems like the part isn't gonna run all night, though. Our Lyft just got here."

    Stepping up onto the back of the truck, Valerian hangs off the back with an assault rifle under one arm, firing it at people as he kicks the back a couple times with a boot, "I'm on and good. I'll cover the rear." He shouts.
    If there's anybody still in the fight, Dante clonks 'em on the forehead with the butt of his pistol. "Take a nap." Action hero one-liner delivered, he gives a huge thumbs up and grin to Rebecca when he hears the smolo's voice.

    "Alright, let's beat it." Stowing his guns Dante takes off towards the truck, rushing into the vehicle and quite literally leaping onto the top and slipping in through the top opening.

    Once they're aboard, Dante fistdaps Valerian.
    Scavenger is silently glad for the backup, even if she won't say it. She throws the last of her throwing knives as she backs up, hopping on top of the truck and hunkering down. "Gun it!" she bellows, stabbing her blade into the outer layer of armour and hunkering down behind it, letting the blade take the incoming bullets for her.
    "Heh, Smashypants. Imma call him that to his face sometime. Don't worry, I'll make sure to credit my source!" Marceline turns the key and the truck rumbles to life. "Hnh. Alright, this grumbly thing's rollin!"

    She'll wait a few beats for people to swarm into or onto the truck but longer than that and peeps are gonna have to run and jump! Anyone inside will quickly realize they're riding with a leadfoot that has basically zero fear of death or concern for her own wellbeing at least in the context of automobile performance! That, coupled with the utmost confidence that everyone on board will be 'fine' and that nothing will go sliding out as she stomps the throttle, this is going to be a Ride.

    No wonder every vehicle she's ever touched has only ever survived a single episode.

    The truck shudders as it's thrown into gear, roars as the accelerator gets that punch, then they're off. "Yo, I wasn't paying attention! Where we going again? Tell me quick or I get to pick!"
    Once everyone piles onto the truck for getway, the last of the remaining soldiers pile into their own cars to chase!
    It doesn't last long with Valerian hanging off the back, held in place by one of Rebecca's gorilla mitts while her other hand busies with unloading an AR of her own at the pursuers. Anyone else who wants can also join in on the action, but a few well places bullets in the engine block makes the chasing cars go up in explosive flames as the CHOOH2 fuel ignites and goes off.
    "Woo!" Rebecca crows, because the team is home free.
    "Take us north- we're gonna meet Falco a few miles that way." The solo replies to Marcy as the truck speeds along.
    "We'll put the gear in the Edgerunner, ditch the truck in the dirt and call it a day!"
    "Don't tell him I called him Smashypants, you gonkbrain, he'll kill me!"
    "Gotta say... that mission was a special one." remarks Scavenger as the last persuer goes up in a fireball. She leans against her sword, until they meet up with Falco and load the Edgerunner with the stolen goods.

    It's about then, that the Zalak's commpadd starts ringing.

    "Up and down up and down, can you feel it? Up and down up and down, music's playin'. Tonight we are awake. This is why we fuckin' hate Mondays."

    She answers, "Busy---, Doctor? Right... Oh, bollocks, right.... Be back ASAP... yeah..." She rides in silence until they get close to a Vine offworld, and then leaves with only. "You know where to wire my cut."
    Dante blasts away at the pursuing hordes when he pokes out of the window, Ebony and Ivory making quite a bit of noise. "Hey, Becca, you sure Marcy's got a driver's license?" He asks, before shrugging and laughing at his own dumb question.

    The call Scavenger gets does make Dante more than a little curious, and also concerned, leaving him wondering just what that was about.
    "Hey, nobody around to hand those out where I'm from." Partially true, though Marceline could probably just get one elsewhere. Though the matter of her age will cause some raised eyebrows. Good luck getting her to behave long enough in a DMV to actually get that done. Anyway!

    Despite her seeming recklessness, she can follow directions and roads just fine and with all pursuit left behind stranded or dead, it's an easy trip.

    Once everything's offloaded, she pats the side of the truck, "I think I'll take this thing on a spin, see if I can make it to a good place to dump it back in Ooo. If they track it down there ain't much they're gonna be able to do, cept maybe die. Whaddya think? Radioactive crater lake? Sentient volcano? Mad haunted wasteland? Guess I could dump it on my dad's digs but, nnf."