
World: Claymore-1


Teresa of the Faint Smile is a 'Claymore', a human/Yoma hybrid create by The Organization, which made them to hunt Yoma, demonic creatures, in turn. She is considered by many in her own world to be the strongest ever created, possessed of superhuman strength and exceptional sword skills. And Teresa is something of an expert in this field, not to mention combat in general. Teresa herself is fairly aloof, snarky, and standoffish. She's fairly caught up in 'work', preferring to move from hunt to hunt, regardless of what it might be, given her current seperation from her world.


Claymore: A massive, neigh-indestructible sword.
Given to each warrior once they complete their training, they are all identical, except for the marking on the blade that matches the symbol of each corresponding warrior. The blades are quite large, with the hilt alone roughly 30 centimeters, or one foot, long. The swords are often nearly as tall as the Claymore who weilds it. The blades themselves are exceptionally hard, sturdy, and sharp. Even notoriously durable Yoma can't withstand a blow from one of these heavy swords.
Yoki: The demonic energy of a Yoma, used to physically enhance Teresa's body.
The demonic energy of a Yoma that Teresa can use to enhance her physical abilities. Strength, stamina, and speed can all be pushed beyond human limitations and towards the inhuman levels that Yoma display. Even at 10% of her power, Teresa is more than a match for the garden variety demons she hunts. Most notably, at this level, her pupils shift from normal-shaped silver, to slitted gold. The more she draws on, the more demonic her appearance becomes, such as muscle enhancement, fang-like teeth, and so on.
Fine Yoki Sense: Teresa can sense supernatural power in a being, giving her incredible intuition.
All Claymore can sense Yoki energy. However, Teresa's sense has been so refined, that she can actually sense the flow of this energy within the body of her opponents. Thus, she can make predictions as to what actions her opponent might end up taking, in combat. It is not particularly easy to decieve. While mostly ineffective against 'normal' opponents or those who aren't channeling any energy, any heightened energy signatures (such as magic or ki) would suffice to trigger this ability. It boils down to an extremely sensitive combat intuition, a sort of sixth sense that helps her perceive potential actions.
Warrior, Offensive Type: Teresa specializes in her swordsmanship, with decades of experience.
Teresa is an Offensive type of Claymore, and thus her abilities trend towards purely offensive skill. She has lived a very long time, and has spent virtually all of that time fighting, honing those skills and perfecting her sword skills to the very limits of her potential. When it comes to Claymore warriors, Teresa is quite simply the strongest one alive, and her versatile swordplay is a very convincing reason as to why.
Teresa of the Faint Smile< Edge >: Teresa can delve deeper into her reserve of power, at the expense of exhaustion.
All Claymore warriors can tap into Yoki energy. However.. in Teresa's case, her reserve is so insanely huge, that drawing on it past a certain amount gives exponential results when compared to most other Claymores. Should she choose to, and decides to unleash it past this amount, a noticeable 'aura' can be felt that is like a tingling against the skin, and puts her in a state where her Yoki-granted abilities become even more powerful. She's found that, since arriving here, doing so taxes and fatigues her body and requires her to rest should she push herself further than she's used to.


Knife's Edge: Teresa is reluctant to go full power, or fight a longer battle near her limit.
For a Claymore, going anywhere past 80% of their Yoki reserve is exceedingly dangerous. At this point, they essentially begin transforming into Yoma themselves, becoming more and more demonic in both appearance and temperament. Teresa is thusly very careful as to how long and how often she draws heavily on anything approaching the full extent of her power, nevermind that she will often go out of her way to avoid having to do so, in the first place.
Primum non Nocere: Claymores won't kill humans & will protect the helpless as a matter of duty.
One of the biggest taboos for a Claymore, is that they can't ever kill a human. Regardless of the circumstances, or what events may lead to such a thing. There is no tenent against /harming/ them, but to willfully put a human to the sword is absolutely forbidden. Claymore found to have violated this rule are executed, and this tenant is drilled into them as recruits. Thus, Claymores take their duty to protect helpless humans from non-human threats, especially Yoma, very seriously. While not bound to these tenents outside the reach of The Organization outside of her world, they are still deeply ingrained into her mindset. She would never violate them, outside of some very extreme circumstances, and would be very reluctant to commit to a human vs human conflict. There's also the fact that the definition of what a 'human' is within the World Tree is a grey area, to say the least.
Silver-Eyed Slayer: Claymores are naturally unnerving to normal people.
Teresa is unlikely to evoke any positive responses from local civilians, even if they've never encountered a Claymore before. They are, by their nature, somewhat unsettling. Claymores get used to being treated as such, and often respond a bit coldly to others, as a coping mechanism. They cease aging past early adulthood, and often become more detached from their humanity, the longer they live. Seen as not much different from Yoma themselves, Claymores are often feared and mistrusted. While most are accustomed to this, that might not be the same story for their allies. Others hate the Claymores, often spreading bad rumors or slander about them, regardless of whether or not it's actually true.
Did you feel that?: Teresa's vast power, and the use of it, can be easily sensed.
While it can only really be sensed when Teresa is actively using it, the release of Yoki energy is much like magic or ki. Even some technology can pick up the electro-static energy it puts out, if she draws out enough. Anyone sensitive to such things or in the possession of devices capable of measuring or tracking it, can get a general idea of where she is. This becomes easier, the more power she puts out, to the point where an exact location wouldn't be hard to obtain if she were at max power.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
1027 Hell's Bell May 20 2022
822 The Alien Overlords May 04 2021
821 Digital Drama! Analog Ambush! May 03 2021
See All 3 Scenes


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