Gail Bunker (Dropped)

Gail Bunker
World: HoloHeart!-1
Actual Age: 18


Right after graduating from high school, Gail Bunker was a burgeoning adrenaline junkie with an artificial heart powered by Spectral Energy, a mysterious form of energy from her world. One day, after a holographic fairy named Sheen Jewel caught sight of her heroic spirit and compassion, Gail got the offer to become a type of magical hero known as a HoloHeart, invoked through the use of a smartphone app. She jumped at the chance and took the title HoloHeart Joy, based on the joy of adventure and of helping people; with it, she took the task of fighting the mysterious monsters of her world called the Specter Spawn, using a magically-constructed body with abilities optimized for that purpose. Of course, she's not the most experienced or skilled by any stretch of the imagination, but she's certainly trying to make up for it with enthusiasm!


HoloHeart Joy Transformation: A transformation with enhanced attributes, flight, and tactical HUD.
By invoking the HoloHeart App she got from Sheen Jewel, Gail can become the magical hero HoloHeart Joy; her strength and speed and precision are enhanced, and she just plain doesn't get tired. She can also hover, and fly up to the speed of an airplane. It also has an augmented reality HUD (holographic images which only she can see), providing tactical data, GPS, radio communication, and detection of dark magic, magical mind control, curses (or Spectral Energy versions thereof), and of course Specter Spawn via the "D4C" system (Dimension Distortion/Darkness Detection Computation). All her uses of magic and Spectral Energy while transformed expend her magical energy, which she recovers with food and rest; if she ever runs out of magic completely, she becomes so exhausted that she can barely move. She cannot remain transformed indefinitely: she simply doesn't have enough magical power to keep going for more than a couple of days straight, and that's with only once-a-day use of combat-magic; actually doing so would require a lot of rest afterward.
Jewel Avatar: HoloHeart Joy has a durable magical body which hides her identity.
"HoloHeart Joy" is not precisely a transformation: her real body is stored in a pocket dimension on magical life support, and a new body is created out of magic and Spectral Energy. It possesses a magical field which prevents anyone from recognizing her, unless they observe her transform in plain sight. She can customize her appearance and to a lesser extent her voice using the HoloHeart app; doing so takes time, requires reverting the transformation, and it must always have the same general "style". Her jewel avatar is more durable than her human form, and provides a buffer (which can be bypassed with extra effort) against psychic attacks, life force drains, and direct attacks on her soul. Initially, physical damage only happens to her jewel avatar, but as she takes more and more damage, the injuries start getting transferred to her real body as well, and she always feels the pain; damage to the jewel avatar regenerates, but takes hours or days, and takes much longer while she's transformed. If she ever runs out of magic completely or takes too much damage at once, the transformation is immediately reverted, leaving her defenseless and revealing her identity.
Ruby Spells: Lasers, enhancements to physical attacks, and purification.
HoloHeart Joy and Sheen Jewel can use the HoloHeart App to design magical attacks, which Joy invariably uses in stun-mode when fighting a living enemy. These can either be fired as lasers, or used to give her fists or feet an extra punch (or ... kick). Joy tends to name these spells with the word 'Ruby' somewhere in the name, i.e. Ruby Light Arrow. She can also mark them as "purifying", decreasing raw damage output in favor of scouring dark magic, magical mind control, and weak curses (or Spectral Energy versions thereof); notably, her purification cannot actually heal injuries, or reverse any other kind of negative effects which aren't caused by dark magic etc.
Ruby Shining Ray: A standard powerful attack, a spiraling laser.
A Ruby Spell consisting of a spiraling purifying laser; it came with the HoloHeart App, and she uses it all the time. Due to her relative inexperience, she doesn't have the firmest grasp of exactly how much power to put into it, nor exactly how much damage comes out of it, so its actual power rating is kind of all over the map.
Pure Ruby Elation< Edge >: A strong aura of intense purification.
A Ruby Spell which projects an aura immediately around Joy, with maximum purification and zero attack power (unless something which is directly harmed by purification is within the area of effect). It is more effective at purifying dark magic, mind-control, and curses than her other Ruby Spells; however, it can't completely heal curses which are embedded too deeply into the victim, and doesn't really work on curses which have a specific requirement for breaking them.


Sheen Jewel 44247101< Named F-Tier >: HoloHeart Joy's "mascot", who provides intel and combat support.
"Sheen" around Gail and "Jewel" around Joy, Sheen Jewel is a Digital Fairy, a fairy-like creature about a foot tall made out of hard light -- one of the zillion or so who can be found throughout Gail's world, and one of the rare few who doesn't need to be projected from a drone. Sheen Jewel can network with other D-Fairies if they're in the same Blossom, she provides intelligence and updates about Specter Spawn and can detect them from further away, and in combat, she offers a second pair of eyes for Joy's tactical system and does software debugging or (attempted) damage control i.e. when Joy redlines. However, it's mutually difficult for most humans to communicate with D-Fairies due to them having a native language optimized for machine-to-machine communication, which makes it difficult to convey information quickly; while she <em>can</em> talk in human languages, it usually gets reduced to brief sentence fragments. She can back herself up in the case of catastrophic failure (or death), but restoring herself from backup isn't always reliable, and she might lose her memories or personality or both, or might even fail entirely. She was formerly part of a group of D-Fairies which buys medical debts in order to forgive them, and Gail met her shortly after she got her artificial heart.


Secret Identity: She keeps her civilian and HoloHeart identities secret.
Gail is a fan of the magical girl anime which exists in her world, and she takes it as a matter of course that you have to keep your identity secret. (Not to mention, y'know, the practical reasons for doing so like unwanted attention, or bad guys coming after her where she lives.) Thus, she'll take reasonable precautions to make sure people don't recognize one from the other. If she's currently in one form and the situation looks like it would be best if she was in the other, she'll have to leave the scene and find someplace to transform out of sight.
Differently Lawful: She has a sense of fair play, but doesn't follow rules for rules' sake.
Gail has a bit of a problem with authority and rules. Well ... less a "problem" and more a kind of "friction." She has a sense of fair play, and of right and wrong, but these revolve around results, not authority or "the way things are"; she particularly loathes bullying and taking advantage of others. This means that she might break rules or disobey authority figures if it isn't obviously safety guidelines or game-rules and suchlike, she'll do whatever she thinks will have a good outcome even if it isn't "honorable" or "law-abiding", and she'll behave casually or at least non-deferentially towards nobility or royalty and suchlike. This general philosophy was all a result of her life experiences, such as the fact that she's transgender, and the charity she got from the D-Fairies.
Impulsive Heroism: When there's someone to help, she gets reckless, worrying even about enemies.
Gail is selfless, occasionally to the point of neglecting her own needs or even her safety. If people around her need help or protection, and it even slightly seems to be something HoloHeart Joy (or even just Gail) can help with, she'll charge right into it. Furthermore, if someone attacked Gail and she hurt them in the process of fighting them off, she'd actually feel worried about them, even if she was hurt even worse in the exchange. It will greatly bother her if she actually can't help, and actual failure could lead to a brief period of depression.
Demotivation: When there isn't someone to protect, she's reluctant.
In situations where there isn't anyone to protect or aid, Gail might not be able to handle the pressure; she might become testy or perform worse, or might be reluctant to participate at all. She's also somewhat shy, and these situations (or a lack of any other formal reason to meet someone) mean she has more trouble interacting with people she isn't familiar with.
Redline: Pushing herself too hard can have negative magical effects.
Gail's recklessness occasionally leads to pushing herself beyond HoloHeart Joy's operational limits -- putting too much power into an attack, trying to fly too fast, burning herself out. Most often, there are immediate negative effects: attacks failing, taking more damage when she gets hit, her Jewel Avatar glitching, spontaneous damage to either body, and sometimes even stranger effects -- perhaps even positive ones, but those cases are rare, and are never reliable or controllable. Worse, the systems for limiting Gail's magical output to prevent this tend to fail when they're placed under too much stress, which is to say, precisely when they're needed the most. Sheen Jewel and the other D-Fairies are somewhat worried that she might someday push herself to the breaking point, resulting in death -- or perhaps something stranger.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
905 Little Challenges at the Beach Oct 26 2021
894 A First Victory Oct 19 2021
See All 2 Scenes


Title Date
The Plutus Spectral Energy Technology Corporation Oct 22 2021
See All 1 Cutcenes