Steve Rogers (Dropped)

Steve Rogers
World: Marvel Cinematic Universe-1
Actual Age: Adult
Apparent Age: Adult
Quote: "For as long as I can remember, I just wanted to do what was right. I guess I'm not quite sure what that is anymore. And I thought I could throw myself back in and follow orders; serve. It's just not the same."
Role: The First Avenger
Species: Augmented Human
Theme Song:


Steven Grant "Steve" Rogers was born and raised in Hell's Kitchen New York City, and in his youth he suffered a myriad of health conditions that made him ineligible to join the fighting forces when World War II rolled around. However, Rogers' earnest, self-sacrificing nature earned the attention of Abraham Erskine, a scientist that had escaped Nazi occupied Germany. Erskine's Super Soldier Serum transformed Rogers' feeble body into that of an incredibly powerful and capable soldier, with beyond peak human strength, stamina, endurance and healing, allowing Rogers to join the war, while retaining his kind and humble nature. Fighting through World War II, Steve defeated the forces of HYDRA before disappearing. Now he returns in a much bigger world than the one he knew, Captain America joins the heroes of the World Tree to stamp out the forces of evil wherever they may rise.


Captain America: Augmented super soldier. Greater than peak human strength, endurance, healing.
Steve Rogers was augmented to be a super soldier with a special serum. As a result of this he reaches above peak human limits. He is stronger, faster, and more resilient than most highly trained human athletes, and even heals faster than most normal humans. He is able to heal broken bones and torn muscles in a day or two, and injuries such as gunshot and stab wounds heal in a matter of hours.
Vibranium Shield: Shield made from a rare metal. Highly protective. Can be flung like a boomerang.
A round shield made from the rarest metal on earth, vibranium, Cap's shield is incredibly durable, nearly indestructible against mundane means, can absorb massive amounts of shock and is incredibly protective. Steve can fling his shield as a weapon and it will return to him like a boomerang would.
Brawling: Steve is highly skilled in hand-to-hand combat.
Steve is a very capable close quarters combatant. He is more than fairly skilled in battle with his bare hands, knives, and the use of his shield as a weapon.
Firearms: Steve can wield most modern day military small arms.
Steve can wield most mundane and modern day small arms with ease. If it is in military use, he probably knows how to put it to use. If it works like a gun, aims like a gun, and shoots like a gun, he can wield it. More antiquated or advanced firearms can be put to extreme basic use, but Steve may not know their inner workings as precisely as a normal gun and cannot likely maintain them for long term use beyond a single mission.
Vehicle Training: Steve can pilot most mundane military land vehicles. And can crash most planes.
Steve can reliably drive cars, motorcycles, tanks, and other such mundane military vehicles with great skill. He also knows how to safely crash a plane so that he can survive the wreckage.


Selfless: Cap will place others before himself in a heartbeat.
Steve once thoughtlessly threw himself onto a grenade to protect a bunch of other recruits from the explosion. ... It was a dummy grenade and he obviously lived, but this goes to show the lengths to which he will go to protect others. Steve will, without so much as a second thought, leap to protect those who cannot protect themselves, defend the defenseless, rescue the oppressed, and go out of his way to do so if he has to, regardless of any danger to himself.
Strong Convictions: Steve hates bullies.
Steve has beliefs... He does not condone the use of strength and power to oppress those who do not have it, and he will not stand for such people using their power to mistreat, oppress, and subjugate others. Dictators, reviled warmongers, and oppressors all earn Captain America's ire incredibly fast, because if there's one thing Steve Rogers does not like? He does not like bullies, no matter where they come from. When it comes to these kinds of people, Steve stands firm by his guns, and does not back down. He'll protect the common folk from them wherever he can, even if it will cost him or make him a new enemy.
The World is Black and White: Steve has very hard set views on good and evil.
Steve has some very hard set views on good and evil. He comes from an era when bad guys were bad guys and good guys were good guys, and it can be somewhat difficult for him to pick up on the more subtle nature and grey zones of morality as a result.
Old Soldiers Never Die: Steve doesn't realize he craves conflict.
Steve subconsciously craves conflict. His worst nightmare was always the war ending and his not being needed anymore. He's been a soldier for so long that being a soldier is all he knows now, and as such, to feel validated and needed, Steve will throw himself face-first into battles just to avoid leading a peaceful civilian life. This results in Steve treating war and battle like a workaholic treats their job. It is something he needs to thrive, even if he does not realize it, and as a result will almost always find himself in dangerous places or situations.
Old Fashioned: Steve is an old fashioned American boy at heart.
Steve comes from an older time. He holds certain beliefs about people and society. These old fashioned views however do not always line up with current day standards and beliefs, or even the more alien beliefs of other worlds. Steve is almost always in a state of culture shock every day of his life now as he learns new things, belief systems, customs, and norms, and as such he is almost always blatantly out of his element.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
1082 Rat-Trapped Sep 20 2022
1063 Questions Sep 21 2022
1057 Placeholder Title Jul 25 2022
1055 Cut Off The Head Jul 23 2022
1052 Right Place, Right Time Jul 20 2022
See All 5 Scenes


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