Neviah Younger

Neviah Younger
World: Dungeons and Dragons (5e)-1


Born in the remnants of a fading world, yet growing up in one of many early modern Englands on the World Tree, Neviah Younger pursued a feeling of exclusion and powerlessness to a career as an eminent Tree researcher. Upon discovering the broken remnants of Faerun among the Tree's branches, she has fallen from grace at the University of Cambridge - but in landing, she's found new power by embracing Zehir, the god known as the Great Serpent. Neviah wields the furious storms and healing powers of a Tempest Cleric, along with the support of the cabal known as the Cult of Rot. Brilliant and erudite, with encyclopaedic knowledge of the World Tree's inner workings, Neviah has found meaning in pursuing vengeance against a multiverse she feels has punished her and her world for too long - a desire she struggles to balance against her desire for companionship and the beckonings of a dark god steeped in poison and subtlety.


Remarkable Intellect: Neviah can quickly process information to solve very complex problems.
Neviah's strongest attributes are her mental abilities. She is wise beyond her years and has sufficient intellect that she's considered an academic expert in her early twenties. Neviah has the ability to reason and deduce her way through extremely complex problems, quickly learn about new subjects, solve difficult puzzles and memorize large amounts of information. Given access to a library of information, she's able to find what she needs quickly, and she can rapidly adjust to common languages.
Tree Researcher's Tools: Neviah's lenses and lexicons help her in studying the World Tree.
Neviah's specific field of study is the World Tree itself, particularly the history of her home branch. This is her academic specialty, and she has unique tools to analyze it, supported by a fairly strong understanding of the World Tree's known qualities. Having retained her notes from Cambridge University, she has access to specialist knowledge on top of her special lenses, fragmentary lexicons and various other devices. This makes her both very knowledgeable about the World Tree and an extremely dangerous threat to its integrity.
Furious Storms: Neviah wields offensive storm and wind magic.
Neviah is a Cleric of the Tempest, enabling her to draw on Zehir's divine power and channel it into very strong offensive spells based on stormy weather. She can use spells that create waves of thunder, powerful winds, sleet storms and concealing fog. When outdoors, she can call down exceptionally powerful lightning bolts and create localized storms.
Khopesh Rifle: Neviah has a rifle with a curved bayonet, and can use similar guns.
Neviah owns a mid-1800s Snider-Enfield rifle, which she has modified with parts from Mulhorand, namely a khopesh sword retrieved from the ruins of Sampranasz. The sword acts as a curved bayonet and undergrip. The gun fires regular bullets, but the grip has been modified to allow Neviah to swing it as a slashing weapon if someone gets close to her. Broadly, she is capable of carrying weapons typical of the 1880s and 1890s - namely, period-current rifles or revolvers, along with bayonets and slashing weapons.
Cleric Essentials: Neviah can use magic to heal and support herself or others.
Neviah has magical healing skills common to many Clerics from Faerun, powered by her divine patron. She can heal herself or groups of up to half a dozen people at one time by reciting sacred words, can create fields of sanctuary around herself or others to resist damage, and heal severe wounds with a touch. She can also cast small utility cantrips like creating magical light sources.


Cult Associate< Basic D-Tier >: Neviah can call on common thugs and occasional elites from the Cult of Rot.
Neviah is allied with the Cult of Rot, a group of fellow Faerunians desiring to damage the World Tree and recover their world's distinctiveness. She can call upon members of the Cult for help. Most often she can bring in low-level NPCs with abilities common to her world, such as simple spells or hand-to-hand combat abilities. Subject to plot applications, she may sometimes call on more elite members of the Cult as bosses. These members have abilities generally in line with mid-level characters, such as highly-skilled melee warriors, rogues, necromancers, clerics or other occupations typical to D&amp;D 5e-1, but will not exceed Neviah herself in power.


Uneasy Chaotic Evil: Neviah has anchored herself to a chaotic evil patron deity.
Neviah has taken Zehir, the former Set, as her patron deity. Zehir is a chaotic evil deity, while Neviah is mostly uncertain and bitter, with a lot of long-repressed anger at the Victorian society she grew up in. A part of her consciousness wants to do good, but her desire to cut loose and tell people how she really feels both conflicts with that impulse and feeds into Zehir's demands of her. Her need to maintain the favour of her divine patron pulls her steadily into committing evil, and she is internally conflicted about whether this is good or bad.
Hazardous Curiosity: Neviah tends to follow her curiosity into danger.
Neviah is incredibly curious and incredibly determined. This combination leads her to pursue simple inquisitiveness into very dangerous regions of the World Tree, where she is likely to cause incidents or otherwise get into trouble. In her rush to uncover knowledge, Neviah will sometimes mire herself in politics she otherwise wouldn't, make enemies she could have avoided making or end up embroiled in situations that add nothing to her overall pursuit of Faerun. These incidents serve mainly to waste her time, complicate her life and potentially get her or others hurt.
Obsessive Fixator: Neviah's single-minded fixation on Faerun leads her to burn bridges.
Once unmoored from any sense of belonging, Neviah has found purpose in her desire to restore the shattered Faerun. This desire causes her to frame moral decisions in terms of "good" being anything that gets her closer to her goal. In pursuit of her aims, Neviah will betray friends, break alliances, take insane-seeming risks and commit crimes, sometimes even pursuing acts that would damage the World Tree or harm other worlds in favour of restoring part of Faerun.
Ball of Hate: Neviah holds grudges. Long grudges.
The circumstances of Neviah's break with Victorian England have left her with deep grudges - against society, against the university that sidelined her, and really against anyone who has wronged her. She holds these grudges close to her heart and nurses them for a long time. Being severely slighted or insulted, usually by wounding her pride or sense of purpose, will lead her to lash out and turn on people who might otherwise be friends or allies. Her desire for petty score-settling can lead her to lose sight of broader goals while she chases disproportionate retribution.
Ivory Tower Exile: Neviah wants nice things and judges people by class.
While no longer a Cambridge professor, Neviah remains influenced by a relatively privileged economic status, and she has a strong drive to surround herself with luxury and money. She will look unfondly on people with more rough-and-ready demeanors and will judge people for habits like drinking insufficiently high-class alcohol, using excess profanity or dressing in a way she considers inelegant. Her tendency to judge people by indicators of class will cause her to overlook potential friends or allies.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
1212 The Lovers Apr 08 2024
1197 Terminus Post Quem Dec 13 2023
1196 Dig Plan Dec 10 2023
1178 Formation Process Oct 11 2023
1161 Primary Context May 31 2023
1160 Dungeons and Drip May 23 2023
1149 Canopic World Mar 31 2023
1143 The Sherd Mar 12 2023
1140 A Human Resources Surprise Mar 08 2023
1137 Under the Sand and Branches Mar 03 2023
See All 24 Scenes


Title Date
Ideogram Sep 30 2023
See All 1 Cutcenes