The World of Dungeons and Dragons (5e)-1

Dungeons and Dragons (5e)-1

A fantasy world that has integrated with the Tree. Those from it freely travel the Tree taking jobs, working, and exploring other worlds. What remains of its sense of self is in numerous guilds and small fiefdoms of power scattered across worlds.

Type: Branch
Active Characters
Arrienee Quickfoot
Neviah Younger


There is not a lot of world left to what once made up this theme. Through integration into the World Tree at the deepest level, much of it is gone, having been absorbed to serve as the basis for numerous worlds to connect to the Tree on top of it. It has become a branch, its residents spreading far across the Tree to make their own lives. Almost everyone from this world has a fantasy root, but is also versed in modern technology and off-world concepts.

What remains of it usually takes the forms one would expect to see as its citizens spread out: Founding inns that serve as waypoints on the travel between worlds, founding guilds that aggregate needs between several worlds and dispense them to qualified parties, and nobles that establish new fiefdoms and footholds in worlds that may accommodate their nature.

Descendants from this theme may find themselves being born on or having lineage to numerous worlds along the Branch, creating a sort of co-mingling of bloodlines and powers that has yet to be completely explored, but that fascinate many theologians, wizards, and scholars alike due to the infinite possibilities.

But not everyone has been happy with the way the world has found itself losing its sense of identity and individual nature. Vocal opponents have decried that their world has lost its identity, becoming rather a supporting role for countless other worlds. Their opponents say that it is their membership and connection to other worlds that helps define the traits of those that herald from this world.

Either way, to many, the true name of this world has been long-forgotten. Its real name faded, though some hints of it may exist.
Major Factions

The Adventurer's Guild - Probably the most well-known faction from this world. It frequently makes an effort to establish new outposts in Blossoms or near high-traffic vines. It keeps an extensive catalog of registered warriors and frequently puts out job postings. It ranks its adventurers by skills and some jobs may be barred to adventurers below a certain rank. Its ranks are, from lowest to highest: Flint, Lead, Copper, Silver, Gold, and Mithril. A Flint-ranked adventurer would be hired to clear rats from sewers, and be paid an according amount. A Silver-ranked adventurer would be hired to slay a wyvern or another large monster and cost a fairly high amount for such a job. A Mithril-class Adventurer would likely drain the coffers of a small nation and be hired to save it from imminent destruction. The guild is rumored to have four Adamantine-class adventurers, but they will not confirm or deny this, and the cost of one would be the thing of legends. Adventurers can also take their own jobs, and set their own prices, outside of guild postings. However, the guild offers no liability or protection against being deceived for these jobs.

The Merchant's Guild - A strong contender for the most well-known faction, this Guild does an inordinate amount of business between worlds. As new worlds enter its sphere of influence, it rapidly sends assessment agents to determine if the world has trade value and attempt to negotiate import/export contact. Equal parts diplomat and super-corporation, it seeks to profit by making the integration of other worlds a smooth process and helping them adjust and eventually become full Blossoms.

The Order of Growth - A philosophical organization that has wholly embraced the integration of their world into the greater tree, they are one of the strongest defenders of the current state of this world. Many of the Merchant's Guild have members in this organization. Its active goal is to turn more worlds into Blossoms, and eventually into full Branches to expand the Tree. It's ranks are, from lowest to highest, are: Seed, Sprout, Sapling, Root, and Trunk.

The Cult of Rot - The opposing organization to the Order of Growth, the Cult of Rot believed the world was better before it became part of the Tree. They seek to reclaim their world's individualism by any means, or at the least damage the Tree that removed that. They do this in a number of ways: Spreading war across worlds, plundering worlds that are defenseless, and seeking to sabotage. It does not have a formal leadership or command structure. Its members call themselves Parasites to one another and have numerous ways to identify each other. Its primary goal is to turn worlds into Thorns and Dead Worlds.

    These are the four largest and most public factions. However, there are numerous other smaller and more secretive organizations for players to use or create. Rumors spread of an Assassin's Guild, a Thief's Guild, Slave Traders, Mage Guilds and countless other minor factions.


There are no strictly defined Gods within this theme. Its members often adopt their own theological principles based on the worlds they reside in or originate from, even outright adopting the local religions as their own.

Some people are curious about the Original Gods of the world before it became a branch and are aggressively attempting to uncover that information.

However, for the layman, it is easier to simply adopt local gods and religions and the need demands to make life easier and more prosperous.