
World: Original


Daisy "RocketPossum" MacKenzie is a young, five foot tall possum from one of the poorer areas in one of the many versions of London that can be found across the uncountable branches of the World Tree. Unlike most of her kin, known for being nervous creatures, Daisy is functionally fearless, ever searching for the next way to catch the elusive buzz - however the Tree can provide it. Even though she's only been travelling the Branches for three years, she's picked up a fairly impressive injury list, mostly through dangerous stunts, and the resulting cybernetic replacement parts have left her much stronger than she looks; her preferred weapon is a 27mm autocannon that weighs more than she does. Raised in relative poverty, Daisy likes to help the little guy where she can.


Jet Powered: Daisy has cybernetic wings and grafted jet engines, enabling her to fly at speed
Despite the handle 'Rocketpossum', Daisy is in fact jet powered. Her cybernetic wings are built similar to those of birds but with computer-designed aerofoils instead of feathers and her engine pod carries two small jet engines that can propel her at similar speeds to a jet airliner. It is her dream to, one day, break the sound barrier under engine power alone.
Heavy Gunner: Daisy's preferred weapon is a 27mm autocannon.
After finding out that her cybernetics let her carry very heavy things without much issue, Daisy contacted several weapons manufacturers to see if they'd want to use her in their advertizing. Only one responded, providing her with a 27mm automatic cannon and teaching her to use it, along with a prototype ammo-storage module that uses esoteric technology to reduce the size, if not the mass, of the ammunition - allowing Daisy to carry sufficient ammunition.
Advanced trespasser: Daisy is proficient in breaking and entering.
BASE jumpers (those who parachute jump or glide from buidings, bridges, cliffs and other similar structures) and their kin are rarely welcome in the places they want to do their stunts. Therefore, Daisy has learnt the arts of breaking and entering. She is proficient in lockpicking and circumventing electronic security systems, although she needs basic tools to do so. She also knows the rudiments of stealthy movement.
Dangerous Sports Enthusiast: Daisy loves her dangerous sports.
Daisy's preferred hobby requires her to be physically fit and athletic. She adores dangerous and extreme sports (the more dangerous or extreme the better) and it won't take long for her to grasp the rules of a new sport or game.
Functionally Fearless: Daisy does not fear for her personal safety.
Daisy does not fear for her personal safety. She will square up to opponents bigger and stronger than herself, fly through narrow gaps, and otherwise endanger herself in the name of having fun or achieving her goals.
Resources: Daisy has a large family and is sponsored by several companies.
Daisy, as a Virginia opossum, is the smallest from a litter of 8. She has 3 sisters (Lily, Poppy, and Rose), and 4 brothers (Clive, Steve, Dave, and Mike), and all of them will help Daisy where they can, providing admin, maintenence and a place to stay should she need it. She is also sponsored by an energy drinks company (Hamster Energy) providing her with a moderate amount of spendable cash, and an arms manufacturer, providing her cannon, ammunition, and technical support for the weapon.
Bring On the Singularity: Daisy has embraced cybernetic augmentation, and is much stronger than she looks.
Because her hobby is so dangerous, Daisy is no stranger to injury and the resulting cybernetic replacement. Most of her joints have been reinforced and servo-enhanced, granting surprising levels of strength for such a small frame, allowing her to lift heavy things (up to the weight of an average family car) and wield her cannon - with ammunition weighing much more than she does - with ease.


I'm bored I'm bored let's go I'm bored!: Daisy has a low tolerance for boredom and idleness.
Daisy HATES having nothing to do. She likes to live her life at high speed all of the time. If she is ever allowed to grow bored, Daisy will invent something to do- whether that's a showy big dumb stunt, looking for someone who needs help, or just pulling out her handheld to play games and becoming distracted from her goal. This can obviously cause problems if she needs to stake an area out or hide for an ambush, for example, Daisy is likely to grow restless.
Inertia sucks: Daisy is small and light. This makes heavy sustained fire difficult.
While Daisy's cybernetics allow her to carry and fire very heavy weapons without injury, they do not do much to compensate for recoil energy. Therefore she can't fire heavy weaponry while airborne, and while on the ground she can't sutain a very long burst without having to re-adjust her footing unless she can anchor herself somehow.
Naieve: While Daisy is very experienced at some things, she lacks experience of people.
Daisy has, for her age, a lot of experience in the fields of extreme sports and heavy weaponry. She's not so well-versed in the ways of people; it would be possible - perhaps even easy - for someone charismatic to bend her to their will and convince her to do things she normally wouldn't support. And while she has no room in her soul for hatred, she would likely find some space for it if anyone manipulated her into doing evil or hurting the innocent.
Functionally Fearless: Due to a childhood accident, Daisy has no fear for her personal safety.
Daisy is a committed adrenaline junkie; personal injury is just something that happens, and a risk that can be controlled for. This can (and does) lead to overconfidence, and overconfidence leads (inevitably) to injury. She has attempted to mitigate this by being conscientious about safety, but unless she takes time to stop and think about it, risk management and how dangerous a situation might be will never factor into her decision making; she is much more likely to consider how big an adrenaline high she might get, or how awesome it will look if she pulls it off.
Competitive: Daisy loves racing, in all its forms, and only knows how to race to win.
Daisy loves to race, whether that's flying on foot, in a vehicle, or by any other means. Winning is the point of races - she won't get annoyed if she doesn't win, but she's unlikely to recognise when it might not be to her advantage. This extends down to the smallest level; so long as skill plays a part in the competition, Daisy will give it everything.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
1136 The Midnight Sun: Soul's Might Feb 24 2023
1135 The Midnight Sun: Soul's Grace Feb 17 2023
1130 The Midnight Sun: Soul's Majesty Feb 01 2023
1128 The Midnight Sun: Soul's Fire Jan 20 2023
1109 The Starstriding City pt II Dec 08 2022
1105 The Starstriding City Dec 02 2022
1096 Judgement: Of Creation and Colossi Nov 05 2022
1093 The Moon: Duel with Dreams Oct 22 2022
1088 The Warden: Asteroid Insertion Oct 11 2022
1085 The Magician: A Plague of Phantoms Oct 01 2022
See All 11 Scenes


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