World Tree MUSH

The Midnight Sun: Soul's Grace

Character Pose
Syd Fortis
    The shifting reality of the Wyld is an assault on the mind and body. It is a testament to the cleverness of demigod savants that the devices that keep the physical self intact is no bigger than a pocket watch, ticking in rhythym with the pocket world woven whole cloth from the Wyld. With a click of the little button atop it, one would be rip-corded away and back at the gates of the city of Ot in that pocket world. The effect the Wyld has on the mind though, is a different story as the senses are assaulted all at once.
    But there is something ahead in the chaos, a small island of stability in the form of impressive marble columns framing an entryway, chased with rococo styled gold decorations, in which various gemstones are ensconced like tiny planets amid a starfield. At the entryway is a starkly contrasting robed figure in only white and black, waiting for the heroes. The vision in white greets the travelers.
    "I had a feeling you would return. This alien sense of continuity has manifested itself since you defeated The Shadow and The Flame. Er..." The figure pauses, seeming to be searching for a word.
    Syd arches a brow at the personified emanation. "You mean /time/?"
    The vision raises a finger in an 'ah ha' gesture. "If that is what you call the concept of sequential moments, yes."
    With a subtle turn of the head underneath the darkness of the white hood, a glance is given to the entryway. "Within you will find the Dearth of Riches. I do wonder what he will demand of you." The vision in white disappears when one looks away from it or blinks after stating this.
Daisy blinks up at the figure. "Pretty neat isn't it?" Daisy asks the figure in white, as fearless as ever. "Y'had a pleasant surprise yet?" She beams her eternally-friendly smile at it, standing next to Syd.
    Once again into the Wyld, Rebecca is here, and she has a duffel bag FULL of guns because the last times she came there was violence to be had.
    Rebecca has learned that fairies are very violent.
    And once again the party meets with the mysterious figure in white.
    "Oh, yo, been a hot minute. How you doing?" She asks jovially before pausing. "... You don't even have TIME here? Wow, life is strange for you fairy people." She considers before folding her hands together behind her head.
    "Dearth of Riches? Whassat? ... Or who?"
Holly Winn
Did someone say chaos? The witch had been previously busy with her classes but managed to make it this time. Or I guess occurance if linear time isn't a thing here. @emit "Dearth of Riches? So he's broke?" Holly knows what that's like.

"Given the theme of this place, it might mean he lacks physical form." Servis figures that's what more likely.

"Oh so he's a ghost then? Or maybe he's lonely and looking for friends. Or meaning?" Now that it's been pointed out the witch wonders if there's a deeper meaning.
Syd Fortis
    "I'm not even sure they have the concept of space here, Rebecca. Now what-..." Syd looks visibly annoyed that the fae has disappeared for him. "Ups and vanishes like a damned Night caste." He rubs his forehead in exasperation.
    The interior within the archway entry is, to summarize in one word, opulent. Gold trinkets and gems are overflowing on large platinum trays that circle the pillars of this delicately carved marble feasting hall. Candlelit chandeliers throw dazzling spectacles of light through diamonds instead of glass, while the many guests are dressed in finery that only the most wealthy would be able to keep up with. The immaculatly prepared food is a cornucopia of variety and mouth-watering smells tickle the nose. At the center of this excessive spectacle is a tall statuesque man carved from marble, lithe and sculpted physique barely covered with puffed pants made from red feathers. He raises a glass high, the bawdy noises of the guests falling silent at this.
    "Ah, new guests to the Bounteous Cornucopia! Come friends, eat, drink, be merry! Avail yourselves of my riches! None shall find want within my halls!"
    Syd is a bit overwhelmed by all that glitters, but is brought to focus at the host's words. "That must be the Dearth of Riches." He says quietly to Rebecca, Daisy, and Holly.
    Opulence and splendor... Opulence and splendor...
    Needless to say Rebecca looks very confused.
    "I thought a 'dearth' was a 'lack' of something." She mutters back to Syd, brow knotting. "This guy seems like he's got it all." The smart-aleck solo considers as the fae creature invites the party to partake.
    Something seems WAY off about this. If there's anything she's learned about the fae folk of the Wyld it's that they aren't ever what they seem. There's something bery not right about this but sadly, Becca is to blunt of a tool to pick up on it right away... If she does pick it up at all.
    "Wait, shit." She whispers back. "Aren't you not supposed to eat food offered by a fairy???"
Daisy looks around with a soft nod "Yeah." She says quietly. "Dayum...." SHe looks around. The possum isn't really one to hanker for wealth; she's got her wings, and a giant cannon. Her Hamster sponsorship keeps her with bed board and fuel, so she doesn't really lust after material riches... but still. 
She looks over at the statuesque man, taking a step forward before pausing, and frowning.
Stop. Think. Risk management, Daisy.
"Is this anything like Dionysus, where if we joint the party it's impossible to stop?"
Daisy looks around with a soft nod "Yeah." She says quietly. "Dayum...." SHe looks around. The possum isn't really one to hanker for wealth; she's got her wings, and a giant cannon. Her Hamster sponsorship keeps her with bed board and fuel, so she doesn't really lust after material riches... but still. She looks over at the statuesque man, taking a step forward before pausing, and frowning. 
Stop. Think. Risk management, Daisy.
"Is this anything like Dionysus, where if we join the party it's impossible to stop?" She glances at Rebecca, who's on the same page and nods a bit.
Holly Winn
"Oh so it must be one of those ironic names." Lavaux figures that must be one of those.

"Maybe it's one of those challenges where you can't touch anything? Or show humility." Servis figures there has to be some kind of catch. "Wow! He must be really rich!" Holly looks at all the gold trinkets and gems trying to figure out of any of them are magical.

"Holly!" Servis glares at her, at least the best he can do without eyes.

"What if he gets offended by us refusing his offer?" The witch figures that's always a possibility.

"Damned if we do, damned we don't." Lavaux's not sure what the right choice is here. The trio look over at Daisy and Rebecca. It seems like they have their doubts. The ghosts can't really do much anyway unless he has new bodies to have offer the pair, Holly might need more connvicing though.
    'What if he gets offended?' Holly asks. 
    "Then we choose violence." Rebecca says sweetly in the hushed huddle.
Daisy chips into the huddle out of the side of her mouth "I can do that."
Syd Fortis
    Syd nods at Rebecca. "It's not always the solution, but it is always an option." He surveys the party resuming after their greeting, scratching his stubble. "I... don't know if it's safe. Nothing we've encountered in these, uh, places I guess? has exactly been safe. Giant angry sabre panther made of shadows and fire trying to burn us alive? Creepy wish-granter that would've eaten our memories. Now some rich fool offering us enough that we'll never want for anything again." 
    He gestures at the guests. "I really doubt many of these people would still be here if he wasn't just giving all these riches away. I mean, unless they're illusions to draw us in or something."
    There's a beat as he looks at the metaphorical Greek chorus of guests. "I say we introduce ourselves to the host, what do you guys think?"
Daisy nods "Introduce ourselves, ask a few questions, see what data we can get." Daisy agrees. "Where I come from there's a story 'bout one of the greek Gods, the myth is thousands of years old. Sometimes, the story goes, he would wander amongst mortals, partying and dancing and anyone who joined the party would dance until they passed out, or in some versions of the story, until they died." She motions around herself. "The Fae kinda remind me of the greek gods. This could be a trap."
Holly Winn
"Maybe if you accept you're stuck here for eternity?" Lavaux nods in agreement with Daisy and Syd. That would explained why those people are still here.

"I guess that makes sense, if you had everything you wanted you would have no reason to leave." Holly's starting to turn the corner a bit.

"Yes, I don't think you want to deal with a drunk Holly." Servis knows that would just lead to more problems. There's a good reason that the witch doesn't drink alcohol.
    "I guess we can introduce ourselves." Rebecca considers. "I'm not eating anything though.
    Becca is not trusting that, no sirree bob.
Daisy nods softly. "I'd get bored here." She decides. "I don't see anything here that would spark much adrenaline."
Syd Fortis
    Syd says "I mean, I assume basic needs are met, but..." He shrugs. "As you say Daisy, it'd be a shallow life. I think the four of us aren't made for an easy life. It'd be like wearing the wrong fit of trousers your whole life." He then cautiously pushes his way through the throngs of decadant guests towards their host.
    Syd puts on a smile and extends his hand to the Dearth of Riches. "Hello there, I'm Syd Fortis, Chosen of the Sun."
    The marble man is, strangely, not actually engaged in conversation with any of his other guests, and was gazing upward at the perfectly full moon, lustrous like a pearl as it is. "My pleasure to meet you, Master Fortis." He isn't sure what he's supposed to do with Syd's hand, and so leaves it be until Syd withdraws it awkwardly. He nods to the others each in turn as they introduce themselves. "I am the most fabulous and supremely rich Dearth of Riches, and I welcome you to my halls."
Daisy beams up at the marble man. "Hi! I'm Daisy!" She tells him cheerfully, in the right tones for a Mario princess. She peers up at the moon a moment before fixing her attention on the marble man. "Nice place you got here. What's your whole... thing?"
    Dude doesn't even shake hands, damn.
    "Yo, sup choom." Rebecca greets. "I'm Rebecca."
    That's her introduction, but then she just... She just has to ask... It's BURNING in her soul...
    "So why you named 'Dearth of Riches' if you're so super bougie rich?"
Holly Winn
"I'm Holly Winn, future great witch and these are Servis and Lavaux." She's not sure if he can see the ghosts but she introduces them anyway. "This is a really nice place you have here!" Given she grew up in a rundown haunted house, she's really out of her depth here.
Syd Fortis
    Dearth of Riches hmmmmms? musically at Rebecca, turning emerald eyes on the solo. "Oh, there's a riddle, one used in contests of The Cup. 'The poor have me. The rich need me. If you eat me, I'll slowly kill you.'"
    Syd says "So... nothing. We have that riddle too."
    "Just so! But really, it's because I give my wealth freely to those who ask. I've all the riches in the world but no need of it. After all, *I'm* merely a figment of somebody else's imagination with my own rich inner life." There's something he mumbles after this, something sounding like a complaint.
Daisy looks up at the marble man, ears pivoting towards him. She tilts her head. "I sort of did actually mate. And you didn't give us a chance to inquire more before grumbling." She tells the mightly figure. "My next question was going to be who you were and what your story was. Y'gotta do things in order, innit mate? First what's going on, then who everyone is. Doin' it the other way round is a good way to get dead if y'ask me. Plus some folks like a nice opportunity for a grandiose introduction and get a bit narked if you ask first, ettiquette's 'ard in these situations, innit fam. No offence or nothing, no harm no foul."
Holly Winn
"Wait, so all of this is just an illusion? Are we just standing an empty room then? Someone has a huge imagination! I didn't even notice...wait did I just fall asleep in class?" Holly can't help but to wonder if she's dreaming all of this now.

"I don't think it goes that far, Holly." Servis points out she might be overthinking things.
Syd Fortis
    The Dearth of Riches smiles warmly. "And that, Madam Daisy, is because I only recently found out what 'time' is. And I apologize for answering out of sequence." 
    To Holly, Dearth says "The line between real and not is tenuous here in the Wyld, where will can force shape upon the roiling chaos."
    "The truth is that I am but a cup of water, existing only to fulfill the needs of others without thought of my own." He looks back at Daisy. "Did you know that you are the first visitor to ask me about myself? By asking, you solved the riddle of my name." He takes the least ornate ring from his finger, a simple golden band. "... for that simple kindness of yours, I gift you the Ring of Nine, my own symbol of generosity. Every fortnight, it spawns nine bedazzling rings to gift to others." The fae offers the ring to the opposum.
Daisy blinks, then nods in understanding at his explaination. "That's fair. I can imagine it takes a bit to wrap your head around." She takes the ring in both hands. "Thank you. I try to be kind to everyone sir. Gotta give everyone a chance, innit?" 
She smiles happily, like a little ray of sunshine. "I hope you enjoy time and... if you don't... please, try to get hold of me and I'll try get you somewhere more timeless, I guess, where you can be comfortable. Somewhere further from this neat little knie-edge place where you can find both order and chaos together."
Holly Winn
"Wow, so do two weeks later do those nine rings spawn nine each and so on?" Holly wonders if that's the case.

"They would become worthless pretty fast if they's the case." Lavaux can't help but to point out.

"That's true I guess, wow it must be nice to have all the time in the world. Never have to worry about being late! Then again I don't think I would want to be a glass of water. What if someone knocked me over?" This has left Holly with a lot to think about.