
World: Dungeons and Dragons (5e)-1


Juniper Lewis was part of what she thought was a perfectly normal family. What she hadn't known is that she was being raised by cultists who'd immigrated from a nearly forgotten world as the perfect sacrifice for their ghostly draconic patron to be reborn into. On her seventeenth birthday, they tried the ritual - but it backfired, and when it did Juniper absorbed its essence. This energy improved her physical talents and gave her a number of draconic abilities, but it also affected her mind and spirit. With nothing to tie her to any one location, Juniper is a wanderer across the Tree, following the unfamiliar path of an adventurer as a roving self-taught martial artist. To all appearances she's a fun-loving wanderer, gregarious and always up to try something new during her search for wealth and entertainment. Secretly, Juniper is lonely, but unable or unwilling to trust anyone but herself, and applies herself so diligently to her own entertainment because she believes that life is short and she may as well take what she can from it while she's able.


Martial Arts: Juniper is skilled in unarmed combat.
Juniper is a self-taught martial artist. She uses no weapon or armour; her body alone is enough, with her hands and feet being deadly weapons and trusting to agility, speed, and natural toughness over any kind of protective gear.
Athletic Prowess: Juniper is very athletic, with a superhuman pinnacle in speed and agility.
Juniper is very athletic, and is stronger and has more stamina than most people; while not to a superhuman extent, she can lift more and exert herself like a trained athlete. What is superhuman is her agility, grace, and speed. She can cover ground nearly twice as fast as a normal person at a run.
Wings Unfurled: Juniper can fly, glide, and perform feats of speed like wall and water-running.
Juniper can unfurl magical wings from her back. While she can only fly on them for short periods without letting them rest - to do anything more than glide, it's about as much effort to use them as a sprint at her maximum speed - it is enough that she can fly freely for short distances, glide for longer distances, or catch herself from a fall before she hits the ground. She can also use her superhuman speed to even run up a wall or across water without sinking.
Dragon's Breath: Juniper can imbue herself with or exhale elemental power.
Juniper is empowered with the five primary elements of dragon's breath: fire, cold, lightning, poison, or acid. She can imbue her unarmed strikes with any of these elements, or exhale them as a breath weapon.
Roar of the Wyrm< Edge-E >: Juniper can unleash a frightening roar.
Juniper can unleash a frightening roar. Normally it is an intimidation tool, useful for spooking animals and startling people; used against anyone intelligent it won't do anything that can't be done by other, non-magical methods of intimidation. By spending Edge, she can focus her supernatural presence on one person and cause them to immediately cower or flee if they aren't able to resist it.
Unarmored Defense: Juniper has increased resilience and incredible evasive abilities.
Juniper doesn't wear armor, but though she's no tank, she is tougher than her bare hide would indicate. More significantly, her agility is sufficient to catch arrows out of the air, deflect weapons bare-handed, or evade bullets and explosions.


Solitary Life: Juniper has difficulty making deep connections with or relying on others.
After her betrayal, Juniper has difficulty trusting or opening up to others. She makes casual, friendly acquaintances easily, but finds it difficult to honestly connect deeply with someone else and so has few close friends. She believes she can't rely on anyone but herself and so has difficulty asking for help or showing weakness to other people.
That's A Future Me Problem: Juniper doesn't worry about how she'll deal with consequences.
Juniper has the outlook that life is short and she should enjoy herself while she can. This means she doesn't worry very much about the consequences of her actions, especially long-term ones. That's a problem for a future her, if one exists. She'd rather do what she wants.
Thrill-Seeker: Excitement and danger are exhilarating.
Because she believes life is short, Juniper doesn't worry a whole lot about risk. She does what she finds fun or exciting or exhilarating. Gambling excites her and adrenaline feels good. She generally doesn't worry much about risking injury or loss... though actually paying up or suffering through the consequences can be a struggle for her.
Dragon's Hoard: Juniper has a strong hoarding instinct.
Juniper has inherited the draconic instincts of avarice and greed. She always wants more of what she has of anything, regardless of whether she has any real use for more or if it is safe to try to acquire, and she has urges to take items away from other people. She has an almost literal addiction to treasure, especially precious metals and jewels, with regular urges to acquire more. Juniper also collects unique oddities regardless of monetary value - if she has something and nobody else does, she's happy. She can easily be tempted by wealth, valuables, or unique and interesting items, and she has difficulty actually parting with treasure once she has it.

Recent Scenes

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