Alys Brangwin (Dropped)

Alys Brangwin
World: Phantasy Star IV: Decade of Dissonance-1
Actual Age: 16
Apparent Age: Mid-Teens
Quote: "Look. Here's how it's gonna work. I'll kill those things for you, but it'll cost you. I don't risk my neck for free, so take it or leave it!"
Role: Fledgeling Hunter
Theme Song:


A fledgeling hunter of the bizarre and the monstrous, Alys Brangwin is a tough teenager whose losses in life have galvanized her into an abrasive, hot-headed loner set to prove herself to the world. Her coldness towards strangers belies a warm heart and a girl desperately afraid of being left in isolation, abandoned by everyone she once loved. She hasn't yet learned the business side of trading on her own name as a hunter, but she has true talent in the practical work of killing giant biological monsters that have cropped up throughout the desert planet of Motabia. In battle, she relies on her agility and quick footwork, wielding bladed, sword-like boomerangs called slashers.


Hunter's Instincts: Alys is quick on her feet and has good reflexes.
Though not the brawniest fighter to grace Motabia's sands, Alys is still a good fighter for her age and relative inexperience. She's very agile and quick on her feet, which makes her useful both in melee and at range. Her reflexes are good enough to hold her own against opponents that would take down a normal person.
Slashers: Alys wields bladed sword boomerangs in battle.
When it's time to settle conflict, Alys relies on bladed weapons called slashers. The name calls to mind a sword, but they're actually bladed boomerangs that can be launched or thrown to strike distant targets. They always return to the wielder, although it takes a skilled hand to catch them. Since they're effectively crooked swords, they can also be used at melee range, for slashing and tearing.
Tools of the Trade: Alys carries basic travel supplies with her.
Alys likes to carry basic travel supplies with her, since her other travelling companions don't. This generally includes non-perishable food, water, rope, basic first aid supplies, tools to maintain her weapons, extra clothing, and other completely mundane but inherently useful items.
Roughing It: Alys knows how to survive away from civilization.
Thanks to her upbringing and the independence of travelling the World Tree with the sorcerer Rune Walsh, Alys knows how to take care of herself in the middle of nowhere. She knows how to find and prepare food, how to find water, how to gather materials she might need, make a fire, and other related skills.


Claws Out: Alys is abrasive and blunt and it doesn't win her any friends or jobs.
Most people have tact. Alys does not. She's so blunt and direct that it can be mistaken as abrasin, even when it's not meant that way. This can chase people off, and it can also infuriate people and things that could crush her like a bug. She means well; she's just terrible at showing it, and most of the time her 'stubborn abrasive idiot' tendencies obfuscate her good intentions. Even worse, her hot-headed nature tends to sabotage her reputation as a professional hunter, and in her youthful impulsiveness she still has a bad habit of chasing off potential clients.
Constantly Poor: Alys is always broke and she'll do anything to make a quick buck.
Since she lives on the road, Alys is constantly broke. What little she earns as a fledgeling hunter usually ends up going right back into either food, water, repairs, booze, or the occasional stay at an inn. The allure of being paid will drag her into all sorts of danger; not only knowingly, but willingly. She'll do just about anything to make a quick buck.
Don't You Dare Walk Out On Me: Alys is mortally afraid of being left alone.
With every important person in her life winding up dead, Alys has a little bit of a complex about being left alone. Although on the surface it might seem that she gets angry about being dismissed and isolated, it isn't actually anger. Alys fears solitude like most rational people fear spiders or zombies. Leaving her completely alone and to her own devices is the fastest way to break her, and she'll go to absurd, nonsensical, illogical extremes to avoid being left behind or otherwise left out.
Full Steam Ahead: Alys approaches problems head-on, especially ones she shouldn't.
Being a hot-headed teenager, Alys doesn't think of consequences or danger. They're things that apply to other people. In most cases this isn't a serious problem, right up until the point where it places her into life-threatening danger when she gets herself in over her head. She bites off more than she can chew on an alarmingly regular basis.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
61 We're Not In Kansas Any More Apr 02 2018
See All 1 Scenes


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