Mighty Max

Mighty Max
World: Mighty Max-1
Actual Age: 14
Apparent Age: Teens
Role: The Mighty One / The Capbearer
Species: Human
Theme Song: https://youtu.be/YsxmXiRw6d4
Voice Actor: Rob Paulsen


Max is a rambunctious young man that's been given a destiny that he wasn't prepared for. Gifted with the last Cosmic Cap, a baseball cap that allows the wearer to travel through worlds and dimensions, Max has been traversing the Vines for years since access to the Vine supporting his world was severed in a battle with his sworn enemy, Skullmaster. Aided by his immortal guardian, Norman and his wise mentor, Virgil, Max has taken to embracing his destiny as The Mighty One and fights to liberate and protect the various worlds he comes across while searching for a way home.


Cosmic Cap: Max's cap creates portals to different dimensions including vines.
The red baseball cap with a yellow 'M' insignia is often referred to as the Cosmic Cap. This mystical artifact was bestowed upon Max, thus granting him the title and clout (and responsibility!) of being The Capbearer or The Mighty One. The cap itself works through magic by creating or accessing portals to different worlds and dimensions. By nature of the Cap's magic, it can also connect to the vast network of Vines that exist upon the World Tree and allows Max to hitch a ride on those as well. The Cap does seem to be indestructible and mystically protected, however, anyone that possesses the Cap can use it. It should be noted that Max cannot control the Cap or make the Cap access anything specifically. The Cap acts on its own accord, as sort of a key, glowing brightly whenever it is in the vicinity of an access point to a Portal or Vine.
Scrappy: Max is a quick-footed dodge monkey that can throw a punch or two.
Max possesses all the skills needed to be an individual that doesn't particularly get hit. He can jump, duck, twist and run with the quickest of feet... that his teenage human anatomy allows. Along with that comes his ability to occasionally hurl a punch or a kick, mostly as a counter or a means to leading him back into his evasive actions. Mighty or not, Max is definitely not a fighter and excels more at turning the tables on his opponents during physical confrontations or living long enough to get away... or lead them to Norman.
Helping Hand: Max can use his quick wits to help others with Skillful tasks.
Max is very talented when it comes to grasping complex concepts in short periods of time and often uses his keen wits to lend a helping hand to those that may be in need of some assistance. This works well in tandem with Perks and Skills that can be learned by or explained to Max and therefore gives him the opportunity to assist with that particular Skill or Perk.
Backpack< Edge >: Max's backpack of random items can be creatively used to his advantage.
Max carries a backpack that's often filled with various items and gear he's amassed through his travels on vines and through portals. A lot of stuff comes from back home, in his dimensions's Earth but there are random objects and souvenirs he's collected in his time as The Mighty One. Never know when something in here is going to come in handy. This Backpack serves a two-fold functionality as a storage place for his usual teen student objects such as pens, paper, textbooks and portable video gaming devices. When the Edge is being applied, though, there's an opportunity to retrieve an object capable of helping him solve a problem... even if the object itself is not particularly designed for problem solving.
Rube Gadgeteer: Max can make traps, weapons and other gadgets out of normal junk and objects.
Max has always been a kid that thinks outside of the box. His creative application of physics, science and general knowledge comes together in a very Rube Goldbergian way. Max can take every day objects or junk and with the proper time and preparation can create traps or machines that can do any number of things based on the materials available. He's even broadened his horizons to create weapons to use against the various forces of evil he faces. Such as his patented T-Ball Pistol... which fires tennis balls at an alarming velocity.
Mighty Mountain: A place where Team Mighty can regroup, relax and recharge.
After liberating one of the various (as he calls them) Doom Zones since crossing over into the World Tree, Max and his team have claimed that location's evil mountain lair for their own. What was once a fortress of darkness and evil has been taken and redesigned by Max, Norman and Virgil as a "base of operations" until they can find the portal back to Max's own home. Tagged the 'Mighty Mountain', this place boasts a host of different rooms with different purposes such as Max's Pad, Norman's Armory or Virgil's Library.
The Mighty One: Max may have a predetermined destiny that tries to keep him alive.
Considering that being The Mighty One is an ancient prophecy that involves magic, historical significance and the tug of war between Destiny and Fate, Max may find himself occasionally assisted by unseen forces attempting to push Max towards whatever it is that he has been chosen to do. The spirits of Fate and Destiny often assist Max during times of great need, helping him to survive in crucial or tough situations.


Norman< Named Feature C-Tier >: An immortal Norse warrior that serves as Max's bodyguard.
Norman is Max's bodyguard, protector and an ageless hard-to-kill being who's exploits may or may not have been the inspiration for stories of legend and myth. A masterful swordsman with incredible strength, combat prowess and no fear, Norman has dedicated his life to protecting Max from the dangers that lurk around every corner.<br/><br/>&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;Norman's greatest fear and hinderance is Spiders.
Virgil< F-Tier Named >: A Lumerian fowl that serves as Max's mentor.
Virgil is Max's mentor and advisor. At over ten thousand years old, Virgil has incredible scholarly knowledge as well as impressive knowledge about the Portals and transdimensional travel that the Cosmic Cap gives Max access to. He looks like a giant chicken.<br/><br/>&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;Virgil lacks any sort of physical or combat abilities, beyond the occasional slap upside the head. However, he does have access to a collection of ancient texts, scrolls and maps that help Max on his journey.
Thor< Named F-Tier >: Max's reptilian pet that serves as a Deus Ex Iguana.
As much as Thor is a simple iguana pet for Max he also has a bit more intelligence than say your average reptile. Perhaps it comes from spending all of his days with Max or maybe there's something special about him but Thor's more intelligent nature allows him to understand Max and some of the commands/requests made of him. To the point that Thor can actually be a useful part in helping The Mighty One.


The Mighty One: Max is a reluctant hero with a predetermined destiny that pushes him to step up!
As much as he may try to deny it, Max is destined to be The Mighty One. This puts a host of responsibility and tasks on his lap that he doesn't necessarily want to have to deal with. There's a weight on his shoulders that, while he takes most of it in stride and with a smile on his face, even Max knows is going to come to a head at some point in his life. Often times, his duties as The Mighty One outweigh anything else. Max's naturally reluctant nature is always curbed by his duty to perform as The Mighty One. Max will sometimes take unnecessary risks, fight battles he couldn't possibly win and sacrifice his own life for The Mighty One gig.
Immaturity: Max sometimes falls prey to his inherent childish antics.
In a lot of ways, Max is mature for his age. Y'know, when it comes to quipping and cracking wise or generally saving the world. However, there's also a whole different side to Max that camps out in the immature sections of his personality. As a young man with a lot on his shoulders, Max often finds himself clinging to his childhood too tightly and resulting in some not-the-greatest decisions. Max would much rather be playing video games, watching television or skateboarding through a mall lobby than actually doing anything important. He's a kid and he's going to act like one until he has to not. He won't be quoting Nietzsche any time soon, that's for sure.
Weirdness Magnet: Weird things happen to and around Mighty Max.
Even before he became the Mighty One, Max often had to deal with weird and strange things happening to him or in his near vicinity. One of the more key moments being the receiving of the Cosmic Cap! This exponentially increased the number of strange occurrences in Max's life and since semi-embracing his responsibilities as the Capbearer, having a 'normal' day would actually be the weirdest thing for him right now. Due to living in a perpetual state of weirdness, Max often finds it difficult to spot what is "normal". He's grown so accustomed to stranger things happening than the Kwik-E-Mart running out of Slushies. This often causes him to overlook some of the more obvious things that he now takes for granted.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
1109 The Starstriding City pt II Dec 08 2022
684 A Fading Catastrophe Jun 28 2020
511 My First Bank Heist Jun 02 2019
See All 3 Scenes


This character has no cutscenes yet.