World Tree MUSH

My First Bank Heist

Demon Queen needs money. Banks have money. She has an army. Lightbulb. Take army. Take bank. Take money. Profit! Oh and if any /heroes/ happen to come thwart her, then DOUBLE PROFIT. Also a loss because she'd be thwarted and everything, but still! First, though, need to find some youtube tutorials on how to rob banks. It shouldn't be too hard, right?
Character Pose
Demon Queen
    The people in the Blossom known as Hartford have slowly begun to understand that their world is relatively different. Most iterations of New York City, for example, are lacking in magic buzzing through the air, of trails of rainbow light or glittering sparkles occasionally dancing through the early afternoon sky. Not many New York Cities have a population which is roughly half elves, dryads, nagas, the odd centaur, or more esoteric creatures wandering down the street with perfect normalcy, nor would they have an occasional scattering of amphibious cars filled with water driven by merfolk -- or the even rarer expensive cars with dark tinted windows driven by vampires, although in a bright sunny early afternoon, these are only slightly more common than in other versions of this city. Very few New York Cities, in point of fact, have a number of buildings which seem to be made entirely out of wood, or which seem to have been grown out of trees.
    There's a bank here called the Sixth Second Bank, set into one such building in Lower Manhattan. The old wood facade is still verdant in places where the ivy can see slivers of sunlight among the urban canyon. The rest have become a constant battleground between spray-painted street art, coats of "respectable" paint, and the occasional crack in the drying wood. The logo is carved into a large smooth area over the front door, along with a date indicating that the bank's been operating for over 20 years in this location.
    The distinguished antique furniture - none of it matching and all of it apparently bought from garage sales and cleaned up a little - line the lobby inside. The islands of cut-pile green carpeting keeps noise down, and the whole place bustles with a quiet efficiency.
    It is especially efficient because there were all of five visitors right now, spread between four tellers and three bankers. It is a Saturday, after all, and many people aren't even up yet at 8 a.m.
    Outside, a bus brakes at the bus stop and the door hisses open, unmuting the quiet argument inside.

    "-can't just summon them on public transport, ma'am!"

    "There are NO rules against that and you know it. Bus fare gets paid on boarding. No boarding, no paying!"

    "Just get the hell off of my bus, ma'am."

    "Gladly. C'mon, boys!"

Diantha Windsong
     Hartford is one of the few cities that Diantha feels less nervous about visiting, since the variety of people that live there somewhat reminds her of home, and it's got a more fantasy vibe in places. Today she is near central park, enjoying an afternoon flying around in her raven form, taking advantage of the thermals being generated off the sun-baked asphalt outside the edges of the park.
Luke Gray
    And a boy wanders into the scene!, while he is not really a bank using person, the sight of a familiar girl... who he last saw in a very... distressing situation, it still makes him a bit uneasy to think of that particular moment. He barely has to think about hte bus shennanigans, he might or not have tried a similar tactic not that long ago, that driver also decided to ask him down!. 
    He waves towards the queen of demons, unable to remember her name, but glad she seemed fine, "Hello!" he tries, the boy this tiem only accompanied by a small kitten perched on his shoulder, who seems busy playing with a coin, it looks kind of adorable.
Serrah Delany
One of the humans wandering down the street is a girl in her early twenties with short hair dyed black with a single red streak, dressed in a T-shirt that says "DEFINITELY A RESPECTABLE CITIZEN", and a rainbow-colored plaid skirt. This, in point of fact, is the bank where Serrah deposits her check. She tends to prefer walking places, in part to save money on taxi fares, although occasionally it tends to be somewhat tiring, but today she's feeling pretty good!

Or she was, until a few moments ago, when her boss at the Early Latte called her up. "No, chief, I have no idea where Daria is," she says into her cell phone. "... Yeah, you know I trust your judgment, Mavis. If I run into her, I'll let her know, so, like ..."

Her voice trails off as she sees Demon Queen.

"Oh, there she is!" she says. "She just walked into the bank with a bunch of her imps. Lemme call you back." She hangs up and picks up her pace again.
Holly Winn
One of the advantages of being able to fly is not having to pay bus fare. That and going on a bus with two ghosts following Holly likely would get her some strange looks. The witch is doing her best to navigate the air traffic of NYC without crashing into anyone or anything. All these buildings make it difficult to navigate on her broom, in fact she almost crashes into Diantha as she goes speeding by as she notices the imps go into the bank with the woman. Was she a witch as well?
Mighty Max

Perhaps the swirling circles in the sky allow for sound to travel through it before the body of The Mighty One. He comes out, head first, in his most normal and plain jeans and a t-shirt attire. He's falling with incredible speed and his backpack is doing nothing to slow him down.

As Max makes his plummet towards the bus that's nearby, a pair of others drop from those swirling circles in the sky, though they seem to be much more used to the descent. One of which is a giant chicken that gracefully allows himself to descend towards the ground. The other is a mountain of a man, cannonballing past the falling Max to crunch the top of the bus beneath his weight as he reaches out with all the nonchalance in the world to catch Max by the strap of his backpack.

"WAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Max hasn't realized he's not falling to his doom anymore. "AAAAAHHHHHHH-- oh." Max opens his eyes and looks over to see that his companion has rescued him from possible certain death. "And that's why I pay you the big bucks, Norman!"

Norman releases his grip on Max's backpack with a grim nod, dropping Max to the ground and leaping off the roof of the bus after him.

"Look sharp, Mighty One." The giant chicken has caught up with the other two. He reaches to help Max up and the three of them stand there for a moment, taking stock of where they've ended up. "We must always be alert and vigilant. We may never know what darkness lurks around these corners."

"Oh, relax, Virg. Enough with the doom and gloom! We just escaped a Tyrannosaurus Rex with Axe Hands. I think we can handle whatever New Jack City this is." Max looks around... and almost immediately cracks a huge grin. "YES! See?! I told you wherever we landed would have to be better than Tyrannosaurus Heck!" Max grabs Virgil around the shoulder and points.

Virgil sighs. "Oh dear."

Norman smirks and crosses his arms over his chest.

Max's happiness can no longer be contained. "DAVE AND BUSTERS!"

And cue the Mighty Max Celebration Dance of Joy.
Demon Queen
    Forgetting for a moment what she was here to do, Demon Queen waves cheerily (if nervously) at Luke Gray. She's still rummaging in her pack, at the bus stop on the corner opposite from Sixth Second Bank headquarters branch. The bus angrily drives off (with much violent steering), revealing the six hulking, red-skinned, behorned, spade-tailed demons surrounding Demon Queen and being improperly dressed in oversized thrift store t-shirts and sweatpants. No shoes, though. 

    Demon Queen pulls out, from her purse, a large tangle of black stockings. Not really the good stuff. The bad stuff you wore just to keep your legs warm. She hands them to the nearest demon, who starts untangling and sorting them out. She gives another quick wave towards Luke while stowing her purse.

    Demon Queen waits for the pedestrian crossing-light to turn green, while every local just jaywalked through running traffic and everyone gave her weird looks. Because the demons had pulled stockings on over their heads and faces like they were some kind of perverts. Horns tear through the material in several cases.

    Then Demon Queen arrives at the bank and stops, staring at the notice on the door.

    No shirt. No shoes. No serivce.

    "Oh Hell..."
Luke Gray
    The boy is just glad the demon queen (a title he is still uncertain of) is doing ok, moving closer and smiling, "Glad to see you again!" he begins, before watching her start to disguise the muscular demons with... black stockings, they look a bit silly. "what are..." 

     It's the sudden arrival of the boy, the tall strong man and the bird person that take his attention away from the curious actions of his acquaintance. The tiny kitten on his shoulder lets out a startled hiss, tossing a round coin towards Max and the group, the projectile hitting Norman's side, pretty harmless really, even if it was a quite accurate shot!. "Hey there!" he calls, smiling to seeing a boy close to his age, waving a few times, "How did you get there?" he calls out.
Serrah Delany
Serrah looks curiously over at Luke as Demon Queen waves to him, but then she's distracted by the sudden group of newcomers falling from the sky! "That ... did not look like a usual Vine," she murmurs. (See? She's getting the hang of the lingo!) She frowns at the sight of the damaged bus, but it does turn into a faint smile as the youngest of the group suddenly expresses delight at the sight of the arcade. Here's hoping he doesn't get too bummed out when he finds out that the currency here is different from what he might be used to ... or, wait, the people at the counter can probably do a quick exchange, right.

Still, she has a reason to be at the bank. Or, well, two reasons now. She turns back to Demon Queen ... and stops, staring at what the demons are doing.

"... what," she whispers under her breath.
Diantha Windsong
     Diantha narrowly avoids getting knocked out of the sky by a passing witch, just barely going into a dive just in time for that flying broom to zoom over her head. As she watches the witch zooming away, she catches sight of the demons getting off the bus at the bank, and that is more than enough to ruffle her feathers. 

     Immediately she goes back into a dive, making a beeline toward the bank. She shifts in mid-air back to her normal form, her hooves skidding against the concrete as she lands and struggles for a moment to keep her balance. She then follows the demons into the bank but tries to act casual and not draw any extra attention to herself.
Holly Winn
Holly does her best to steady herself but ends up crashing through one of the second floor windows of the bank as she does a u-turn back in that direction. Thankfully's she durable and doesn't have to worry about being lacerated, the glass isn't so lucky though. She's doing her best to try and stay in a hover as she watches Demon Queen and her demons, "Hello there! Do you summon your demons through magic?" She doesn't seem too concerned about the bank robbery.
Mighty Max
Max is freaking out over possible Arcade Fun Times. It's almost hard for him to pull his eyes away from the building that's down the street. But there are people around that are kind of looking in his direction so he should probably keep things from going insane or something. That's the plan, anyway.

"Hey! I'm Max. Don't mind us, we're just uh... passing through! Gonna' chow down! Play some games! We'll be outta' your hair in no time!"

Max offers a wave back to Luke and anyone else that may be looking at him and his companions and then proceeds to start pushing the no-longer walking Virgil towards the D&B.

"I do not think we have time for 'fun', Mighty One. We have a lot of ground to cover."

"Just ten minutes, Virg! Just ten minutes!" Max lies. "Come on, Norman!"

Norman, however, doesn't move. To either follow or not follow his companions. Instead, he just narrows his eyes at the Stocking Demon Parade. His arms are no longer crossed and seem to be more ready to draw his sword. If it comes to that. Norman doesn't particularly trust demon looking things. His foot repositions, stepping on the coin that bounced off him moments ago.
Demon Queen
    There's a brief, stunned silence while Holly destroys a large picture window with her butt, lands, and runs for the door. The tellers and bankers, who had been chit-chatting out of sheer boredom, finally take a look at their front door, where Holly and Demon Queen and Diantha are standing together with a bunch of big, stockings-masked demons. They all come to the same conclusion, start screaming, and somebody hits the alarm. 

    Pandemonium (the sort actually involving demons) ensue. All of the masked demons act exactly according to the plan that they had reviewed and run into the bank, roaring for people to get down and to give them all the money and not being a hero. Demon Queen, for her part, just looks confused and uncertain and slightly panicked, still standing outside the bank in front of the threshold, facing Holly.

    "Umm, yes? Sort of? I just pull them out of my bag, really. A-are you...?"
Luke Gray
    Luke is glad the big, angry looking man didn't seem to notice being pelted by a coin, even if the shoulder kitten seems to take a bit of offense and prepares to shoot another projectile, "Konya, don't attack people." he chastises, reaching one hand to take away the cat's coin. It proves to be a bit of a challenge, teh kitten producing coin after coin each tiem it is thwarted, it almost looks like a magic show of some sort, where does it keep that many coins?. While he fumbes for the lose change, Luke smiles to Max, "Games?, maybe I should join you, haven't done any of that in a while..." he muses, smiling and nodding to Virgil, "I'm sure he can take a little break." he reassures. 

    Of course, that all changes once the little witch starts to push things into motion, with the demons starting to charge into the bank, the kitten finally changing it's mind on hitting Norman, instead hissing to the bank. "What..." he mumbles, reaching around for his belt and other pokeballs.
Serrah Delany
Serrah waves "Hey, Diantha!" she calls out, in her usual scratchy and androgynous voice ... only to be once again startled by Holly smashing through the windows. And then the demons spring into action.

She sighs and shakes her head, pulling a baseball out of her purse as she heads over to Demon Queen. She takes note of Vergil's combat-readiness, as well as Luke's ... monsters? What are they? Whatever, he seems to be springing into action, too.

"Daria," she says, tossing the ball into the air and catching it, "you are so fired when Mavis finds out about this."
Holly Winn
"Wow, through the bag? So it's like a gateway to another dimension!" Holly's yelling so she's heard over the alarm. "So the bag itself is magical, where did you get it? And how do you get the demons to go back inside?" She can't help but to be curious how it works as she watches the demons clear out the bank.

She can't help but to notice Diantha as well "A dryad centaur, that's different...? Do you change colors with the seasons? A fall centaur with pumpkins growing her out of her would be neat! Maybe I can make you one with my magic!" She's suddenly inspired.
Diantha Windsong
     Diantha waves back to Serrah and smiles, also greeting Luke and his Pokemon with a nod. "Hello again both of you." She says warmly, next turning to Holly as the witch speaks to her. "The plant growth in my hair does change some with the seasons, but I don't grow pumpkins, no." She says with a chuckle, but then when the alarm goes off, she lets out a cry as she staggers and drops her staff as she covers her large pointed ears with her hands, the loud alarm of the bank being pretty agonizing to her. After a moment to recover from the initial shock of the sudden deafening sound, she runs out the front door of the bank, trying to flee the ear-splitting sound.
Mighty Max
"Yeah! You hear that, Norman! We could use a break! Norman? Norman?" Max glances over his shoulder to see that his big lug of a bodyguard is /not/ following the pushing of the giant chicken towards the Arcade and Food. Which activates the big sigh. "... Maybe next year." Max takes one last glance at the Dave & Buster's before turning back to run after Norman.

Norman cannot stand idly by while possible innocents in the bank could be in harm's way. The moment the pandemonium starts, Norman is off in a swift run to let himself into the bank and immediately wastes no time before he's leaping at Bank Robbing Demons with a heroic growl!

Max skids to a stop near the bank. "Hey uh, Virg? I think we're gonna' need to scram after this so you might wanna' find the nearest portal, huh?" Max explains in the Giant Chicken's direction.

"... I agree." Virgil goes into the sleeve of his oversized robes and comes out with a scroll that unrolls into a map. Map reading time!

As for Max, he just kind of stares at the bank from the outside for a moment. "This is a bad idea. Definitely a bad idea." is muttered to himself before he runs towards the entrance. "I'm comin', Norman!" As Max runs to get into the bank he lets out a few more mutters, "Badideabadideabadidea!"
Demon Queen
    "Oh, uh... Hi Serrah!" 


    "Look, I have absolutely nothing to do with this. The demons in there... I don't know them! I can't tell you a single one of their names!" (truth) "I just came in here to, uh, to see what these bank things are. Like, I don't have one at home, right? It ain't me!" Demon Queen valiantly ignores the demons inside, and furiously hopes that Serrah doesn't notice the fact that Demon Queen's wearing her horns right now. Yup. Just ignore the big black angular things sticking out of her head.

    Holly ends up just getting Demon Queen's purse stuck into her face, open. At the bottom is a black-bordered rift, smelling faintly of sulphur, and with two imps peeking through from the other side.

    "Yes, Your Horrible Eminence? What c... you're not Our Queen!"

    Sound effects from inside the bank indicate that a full-on brawl between Norman and the Forces of Hell are taking place. There's also Max, but he wasn't brawling nearly as much because every demon had dog-piled Norman to engage in GLORIOUS COMBAT FOR THE GLORY OF OUR QUEEN.

    The distant wail of police sirens begins, many blocks away.
Luke Gray
    And things start!, his hand reaching into his belt as he follows Max, quickly tapping a button and releasing a tall, pink and black figure next to him, it does not look very threatening, more like a guy in a theme park mascot costume, still, it stands at attention. "Bewear!, help that person stop those red guys!, try... not to break anything.". 

    The Bewear nods, letting out a surprisingly sharp growl, before it moves to join the brawl, fluffy looking limbs trying to grab and pry demons from Norman, while Luke cheers from the sideline. Meanwhile, the coin kitten decides to peek at Holly and DQ, not forgetting that the latter was related to the 'demons', mewling and hissing at her, as if demanding to stop the chaos, or just protesting at the noise and getting away? hard to tell.
Holly Winn
Holly smells the sulphur in the bag and waves to the demons below as she lowers herself to the ground. "Holly, I would suggest you don't climb in there." Servis suggest to the witch as she peers inside.

"Oh...I wanted to see where it lead, there's a ton of magical energy inside of it!" The portal would likely reject her, she's not a demon after all. Speaking of magical energy she notices Diantha drop her staff as she runs off and can't help but to wonder what it's capable of. She eagerly shoves her way through the crowd of demons and sends them flying as makes her way towards it. She's stronger than she looks.
Serrah Delany
Serrah frowns as Diantha clutches her ears. "Diantha!" she exclaims, sounding worried and concerned and taking half a step towards her.

She raises her eyebrow as Demon Queen tries to BS her way out of this, and her expression when she hears the voice "inside" the purse can only be described as Super Unimpressed. "Seriously!?"

Okay. Okay, okay, no need to get hasty. Points in favor of taking action: this is going to get in the way of depositing her check, and as a side-effect, the alarms have hurt her friend's ears. Points against: the police are coming, and there are other heroes taking action. And, y'know, Serrah's not a hero, all she can do is scrappy fistfights and throwing sportsballs! That's two points in favor, three points against!

... and now that other kid is getting involved ... oh, and the kid with the kitten has suddenly summoned a great big fuck-off bear! See? No need for Serrah to join in on top of everyone else! Right? ... Right!?

She hefts the baseball in her hand, her eyes on the demon, tensing up as if starting to prepare for a pitch ...
Mighty Max
Norman punches and kicks and throws whatever Stocking Demon that he can get his hands on. Somewhere in the middle of holding one up and over his head he takes a brief moment to quip, "I eat Stocking Wearing Demons for Breakfast!" And then he's back to comedic combat scene of justice. He doesn't use his sword for this battle. Instead, relying on legendary NORSE STRENGTH.

Max does the only thing he can think of to do inside the bank. Hide. He ducks behind something and occasionally peeks out. "Get 'em, Norman! Yeah! Aim for the head!" Here's to hoping that cheering on the muscle of his group will actually do something worthwhile. In the middle of his cheering on, he makes a note of anybody that doesn't look like they can handle themselves in this fight. Just in case innocents need to be helped to safety. If there's anything Max can do it's run... to safety.

Back outside, Virgil is staring at the map and trying to find the nearest way out of here. He's not exactly paying much attention to what's going on around him as he's too busy trying to parse this Map of Portals. As the sirens get louder, though, he does peek over the top of the map and in that direction. "Oh my." Looking faster now!
Diantha Windsong
     Even outside the bank, the alarm is loud, but at least now Diantha can hear herself think. Of course, she can also hear the sirens of the police coming, though she doesn't know that is what the sound means. "So many terrible noises. This is why I don't like coming to places like this." She says with a sigh, then blinks, finally realizing she left her staff inside, her eyes growing wide. She takes a deep breath to try and calm and steady herself, and starts heading back toward the entrance to the bank and heading inside, gritting her teeth at the blaring alarm.
Demon Queen
    Formidable demons are formidable! Norman is fighting fanatic zealots from another dimension and throwing each one against various flat surfaces and various dramatically frangible things, over and over! All the terrified bank-people are less terrified and are mostly staring (and video-recording) the impromptu WWF SMACK-DOWN!!! happening in the middle of their lobby. Even the alarm's gone quiet - whoever was pushing it had let go. 

    Police are still coming, though.

    And then Demon Queen's purse got STOLEN. Holly really just ran off with it, her arms tangled in the straps. Who robs the bank robber? Witches, apparently.

    "Hey! Don't j-" Demon Queen pauses to stare at Bewear and Norman both sending demons flying with much sound effects, and at the coin kitten hissing at her. She raises her voice, "Dang, wherever these demons came from, which certainly has nothing to do with me, I SURE HOPE THEY GO BACK TO IT BECAUSE THEY PROBABLY FULFILLED THEIR TASK!"

    "WE HEAR AND OBEY!!" The demons all chant, together, most of them from the floor. And then they kind of all turn as one towards Holly. And the purse. And Diantha coming into the bank just behind Holly
Luke Gray
    The Bewear seems to be doing a great job imitating what Norman does, punching, throwing and fighting the 'disguised' demons, doing its best not to actually hurt them, or destroy the building around it but... the furniture ends up as a poor casualty from the brawl. At some point the big bear begins to glow and punch the guys harder as they get up and return to the brawl, did it just somehow tase a poor demon with a fluffy fist?. Still, it doesn't pursue as the demons finally start to retreat, while Luke moves to check both on his pokemon and Norman, "Are you two doing ok?" he says, a bit concerned. Finally, the coin kitten seems to relax when the alarm stops, grumbling and groomign itself.
Holly Winn
Holly sudden realizes she's still holding the purse as she reaches for Diantha's staff. She wonders if the demon's would listen to her if she's holding or if she would make magically need to take control of them herself. That might be a bit difficult without some extra magical assistance so she sets the purse down and grabs the staff. Maybe finally she could prove that she's capable of being a great witch.

"Demons, I demand that you listen to me! We're going to my parents's house and I'm going to show them what I'm capable of!" She swings around the staff as she casts a spell and her magic surges. Suddenly, cherubs materialize of nowhere and starting shooting arrows at the demons to try and ward them off. Holly's a bit stunned at the reaction, "Not again!" It seems like the witch isn't malicious enough to control a horde of demons from Hell.
Mighty Max
Norman takes a moment to dust off himself as he watches the Stocking Demons retreat. He doesn't go after them because there is honor in letting one's enemies retreat. The important thing is that no one innocent was hurt. Also, that the Mighty One was not harmed either. As Luke approaches, Norman looks down at him and offers a dutiful nod. "They couldn't harm me if they wanted to." Norman looks over at Bewear and offers a nod in solidarity. Demon Punchers!

Max slips out from his hiding place and heads over in the direction of Norman and the others. "Great job, everyone. The bank is saved. Yay!" There's so much sarcasm in that yay. But it's playful sarcasm. "As much as we'd love to stay and chat, we should probably get going." Max looks at Norman and nods to the sound of the police sirens. If that's even possible.

Virgil, outside, finally finds the right portal. "Aha! I knew it was around here some... where." Virgil frowns. "I do not believe this." He starts double checking the map. "This cannot be right."
Serrah Delany
Serrah looks up in relief as the alarm stops. Well, that's one less point in favor of taking action! And most of it is done, anyway! There's no need for Serrah take action!

... I said there's no need to take action!

She sighs softly, and calls out to Holly, "Hey, witch-girl! Put that staff down right now!" She tosses her baseball up and down in what she hopes is a threatening manner. In the end, Serrah is only human, which has several different connotations in this contxt.
Diantha Windsong
     Standing in the doorway, Diantha sees Holly holding her staff in one hand, and the demon purse in the other, which though she didn't really know exactly what the purse was, she could feel the dark energy flowing from it. She looks horrified as Holly begins swinging her staff around in an apparent attempt to cast some sort of spell. At least it doesn't blow up in her and everyone else's face, which allows Diantha to breath a sigh of relief. She approaches Holly. "I believe you have something that belongs to me."
Luke Gray
     The Bewear smiles and returns the gesture to Norman, before moving to check on Luke, trying to grab the boy into a hug, which Luke understandably stops, instead patting the fluff beast's side. "That was great!" he says to Norman, glad the situation was solved, forever, yep!. The kitty finally returns to Luke's side, mewling and demanding to be picked up again.
Demon Queen
    Demon Queen looks left, looks right, Serrah's distracted, and runs the Hell away as quickly as she can. If she was flying she'd be shouting something suitably episodic before disappearing into twinkle in the sky but... alas... she was not. 
    Upon reaching the purse (which their glorious Queen had forgotten on the floor), the demons all put a foot in, put the other foot in, and disappear into the tiny thing like some kind of reverse clown car. It's around this time that the police arrive, pulling up in several patrol cars and motorcycles outside (one centaur arriving with clip clops of his own).


    Feedback whines.


    The bank staff look uncertainly towards the purse, then the 'heroes'.
Holly Winn
"I think your staff is broken it won't let me control demons, let me try something," Holly turn her attention towards to Serrah a moment "Okay, just give me a moment!" She then focuses back on the dryad pointing the staff at her. "Happy Halloween!" An orange and black blast of energy hits her. Her leaves turn from green to red and she has a pair of vines growing from each side of her head with miniature pumpkins dangling from them. "Nope, it works! Here you go!" She happily offers the staff back to Diantha, it was a small victory at least.
Serrah Delany
Serrah facepalms as the demons all vanish. "Mother of crud," she says, stowing the baseball back in her purse. She smirks, glancing at the visitors from other Blososms. "Wow, y'know what, I've read about 'em a few times on the news, but this is the first time I've actually witnessed a bank robbery by a bunch of summoned demons who beat feet through a portal when the pigs showed up!" They've got enough witnesses and security feeds that she isn't particularly concerned that the police might accidentally go after the heroes.

She frowns as something occurs to her. "... Of course, I'm pretty sure this was the first time it was caused by an outworlder WITCH-GIRL WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING TO MY FRIEND."
Mighty Max
Max is pulling Norman towards one of the exits in the back because the police being outside is not a good thing. Virgil, a Fowl that knows the drill, has already flown the coop and is out back when the door opens to reveal his companions.

"We must go now, Mighty One. Before the authorities--"

"Hey, don't worry about it, Virg. We're all good. Norman got some exercise. I got a crapload of quarters." His backpack jingles a lot more now. "All we need is a way out of here."

Virgil nods. "Follow me. I've located the portal."

Max and Norman step in time after Virgil, as the giant chicken heads in a somewhat familiar direction.

"Where is it, anyway?" Max asks.

Virgil sighs. Defeated. "... Dave and Buster's."

"I KNEW IT!" Max cracks up in victory and runs up to throw an arm around Virgil. "Do I know my stuff or do I know my stuff?"

Norman lets out a mighty laugh as the Trio is off to their next adventure!
Diantha Windsong
     Diantha's tail twitches and her eyes grow wide as fear washes over her face at seeing Holly point her staff at her after seeing her last attempt at using it, and multiple horrifying thoughts going through her mind of what might happen to her. She actually closes her eyes for a moment as Holly says 'Happy Halloween.' 

     However, after a moment when she doesn't feel like she's dead or horribly wounded, she opens her eyes, and sees the leaves on her body have turned red. "You... poisoned me?..." She begins to say as she feels the pumpkins growing on each side of her head, and turning her eyes can see them. "Maybe not... Um, thanks, hope this isn't permanent..." She says as she takes her staff back, and then starts wondering if it would be strange to eat these pumpkins since they grew from her. Hearing Serrah's outburst though brings her back to the present and she gently pats Serrah. "I think I'm ok, well, besides that my ears are still ringing."
Luke Gray
    Luke allows the Bewear to remain outside for now, the duo making their way to greet the police, offering a simple testimony of 'we were there and wanted to help!' and of course, waving to Holly, who he recognizes from other... incidents. He certainly has no real explanation on where the demons went!. He seems concerned when the centaur lady starts to grow pumpkins, moving closer to check on the dryad, "Are you ok?" he muses, with the pink and black bear glancing towards the Witch, tilting it's head.
Diantha Windsong
Once she's recovered from the shock of her sudden transformation, Diantha also does notice the centaur officer that has come into the bank. She looks toward him and raises her arms, staff still in hand though. "It was the demons, and they got away into the evil purse thing!"
Serrah Delany
Serrah blushes at the patting from Diantha! "Ah. Um. Yeah. That's ..." She smiles faintly. "... good to hear ..." Status effect gained: Flustered!

(This is probably where her coworkers' jabs about flirting come form.)

And then she completely tenses up as the police arrive. She glances off in the direction Norman and those other guys went, as if she's tempted to follow them, but otherwise says nothing. "Yeah, what she said," she says in addition to Diantha. Other civilians are nodding along with this explanation.
Demon Queen
    Total damage: One window, several vases, an hour of bank operations, some smears on walls, and possibly Demon Queen's job.
Holly Winn
"You're welcome! Wait, that's not scary...mwahahaha!" Holly cackles a bit.

"Perhaps we should leave before the police start asking questions?" Servis advises her as he floats next to her. "Oh right, there's no way I can afford to pay for the window!" She sudden realizes and climbs back on her back on her broom. Hopefully the cops didn't have any air units around. She takes off into the sky through the broken window, there was no sense in breaking another one after all.