Goku (Dropped)

World: Dragon Ball-1
Actual Age: 16
Apparent Age: 12?
Quote: "KAAAAAAMEEEEEHAAAAAMEEEEEHAAAAAA!!!! ... Yeeaaahh! I did it! Did you see that?!"
Species: Saiyan
Theme Song: Mystical Adventure | Dragon Soul


A mysterious monkey-tailed boy who fell from the sky, Goku was raised by a kindly old martial artist in the shadow of Mount Paozu. Sadly, old Gohan was killed one unfortunate full moon night, leaving the youth to fend for himself. Goku later departed on a mystical adventure for the wish-granting Dragonballs, leading him to study martial arts under the famous Turtle Hermit, Master Roshi. A martial artist prodigy who packs a mighty wallop, Goku travels the world on his Flying Nimbus cloud with his ever-extending Power Pole in hand. For all his power and talent though, Goku's childish ignorance and pure-hearted naivete can broach absurdity, and his stubbornness - and appetite - is nigh-legendary. He has much to learn before he'll stand as number one under the heavens!


Saiyan Bloodline: Superhuman physiology, monkey tail.
Saiyans are a warrior race adapted to 10x Earth's gravity, and respond phenomenally to physical training of any kind. Goku can carry hundreds of pounds, dash about quick enough to leave afterimages, snatch bullets out of the air, and tank an absurd threshold of blunt trauma. His tail's fully prehensile.
Great Ape< Edge >: Becomes a big furry ape monster when he sees the full moon. Watch out!
He remains unaware of this, but Saiyans who possess tails transform at the sight of the full moon, becoming berserk giant apes. Cutting off the tail (or removing/blocking the source of moonlight) ends the transformation, leaving Goku unconscious and with no memory of the event. The tail can eventually regrow if severed.
Martial Artist: Unarmed combat expert, nimble and highly mobile, and great with staff weaponry.
Goku was raised by a master martial artist and has been trained by some of the best the world has ever known. He's familiar with a variety of techniques like the Janken Fist. He's skilled at athletic/gymnastics maneuvers like flips, somersaults, leaps, sliding, climbing, and the sort.
Ki Attacks: Can fire energy blasts of pure life force. Kamehameha!
The KameHameHa is an energy wave of pure devastating force that requires a brief charge period with the user's hands fully occupied. It both scorches and hits like a truck, and can cause great destruction pushed to the limit.
Flying Nimbus: A flying cloud answers Goku's call. Only the pure-hearted can ride.
The Flying Nimbus is a mystical cloud that responds to Goku's call and has a minor ability to take action on his behalf (such as catching him if he falls from it, or flying to rescue someone ELSE from a fall.) Only the pure-hearted can ride though, with everyone else falling straight through.
Power Pole: A magical bo staff that can just keep extending and extending.
The Power Pole is seemingly indestructible no matter how it bends and flexes from the abuse Goku heaps upon it, what with bashing apart robots and the like. It can extend on command to ludicrous lengths.
Survivalist: Goku's completely at home in the wilds, with acute senses.
Goku can easily find food and shelter while away from civilization, and has an odd affinity of fitting in with the local fauna. He's lived for years without any trouble. His sense of smell is unusually sharp, perhaps through sheer reliance on it.


Pure-Hearted Kid: Goku is ignorant/naive often to absurdity.
A trick of fate, or the consequences of that bump to the noggin' as a babe? Whatever the case, Goku's amazingly single-(some might even say simple)-minded about whatever he does. He really is just a kid, with little worldly experience, which makes him easy to trick and mislead - he may not even realize the deception several times in a row! He frequently misses social cues, says the darndest things, and wildly misjudges situations. He is easily prone to showing mercy and forgiveness, even to despicable foes guilty of heinous crimes that hit him where it hurts. It's a rare day indeed when he seeks to "kill an opponent" as opposed to "stopping them."
Everybody Was Kung Fu Fighting: Fighting means the world to Goku. He lives and breathes the martial arts!
Goku will actively seek out challenges beyond his skills to test his limits, better himself, and see what heights he has yet to reach. He'll readily agree to virtually any combat challenge (and often anything tangentially related, like an endurance marathon) and has been known to drag fights out while holding back in order to see everything a foe's capable of or just have more fun. Even if this means opening a can of worms.
The Rumbling Tummy: Goku burns a lot of energy! And loses all his strength from the least hunger.
Goku's a very primitive young man. Fighting and food are among the best things ever! And, uh, he gets hungry. Very hungry. He can clean out whole pantries after a strenuous encounter, and his strength quickly fades when he's hungry. The slightest possibility of getting good food can put a hungry Goku into a spastically childish tizzy chasing it down.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
80 The Great White Wolfos Apr 17 2018
74 Mine, All Mine Apr 08 2018
73 We Definitely Started the Fire Aug 30 2018
66 Daemons in the Night Mar 31 2018
62 A Few Small Repairs Mar 28 2018
53 Inside the Castle Walls Mar 18 2018
51 Heretical Imports II Mar 17 2018
See All 7 Scenes


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