Iron Lotus

Iron Lotus
World: Exalted - The Alchemicals -1
Apparent Age: 17
Quote: "I'll fight and crush anyone who tries me. You all shouldn't be so self-righteous."
Role: Jade Caste Exalted
Species: Human (Exalted)
Theme Song: She - Abney Park | Butterflies and Hurricanes - Muse
Voice Actor: Michelle Ruff | Shizuka Ito


Iron Lotus is a Jade Caste, assigned after considerable rigour and previous experience to Project Razor- her world's quest to explore other worlds. As the group's 'problem solver', she is singularly designed for fighting and conquering any threat to their resource acquisitions. Her fists can pound any opponent into dust with drills, pneumatic punches and brawling blades, but she is driven by a disconnect between her goals and her memories that throws her divinely-given quest into doubt. All she knows she can count on are the friendships she forges in this new world.


Anima Banner: A blue aura which can give Lotus enhanced stamina as she expends energy.
The most iconic ability Exalted possess is their iconic anima banner. Lotus's anima banner is an expression of her power which escalates as she uses essence. It can range from simply venting energy from her soulgem on her forehead, shedding jade dust, up to increasingly spectacular displays that give her the appearence of a mighty, battle-worn blue warstrider. This can make stealth impossible and can be seen for miles around. In more practical terms, it creates a solid energy aura which can soak incoming damage and gets stronger the more energy she expends.
Charms - Strength: Enhancing her fists with mechanical aids can let her perform feats of strength.
Ever just needed to turn your hand into a giant drill? Lotus can! She has Strength Augmentations that improve her ability to perform feats of strength and increase her strength far beyond her natural limits, and charms that can perform hydraulic punches while equipped with weapons or in order to perform massive feats of strength. She can also augment her physical attacks with submodule charms that effectively double her strength or let her use fist-based weapons like brass knuckles, fighting gloves or their artifact equivalents along with her other charms.
Charms - Stamina: Enhanced health restores Lotus from severe injuries or environmental damage.
Lotus can use thin shield of energy below her skin to prevent even more damage than she would usually be able to sustain, even resisting critical damage and massive injury, and by shutting her body down into a state of torpor she can regenerate from severe wounds. She also possesses the ability to resist environmental damage from various sources such as fire, electricity and poison, and by using Stamina Augmentations and Death-Defying Processors she can withstand multiple intances of catastrophic injury.
Charms - Paramagnetic Tether Beam: An electronic grappling hook that can exert crushing pressure.
Her Paramagnetic Tether Beam can be used as an electrical grappling hook. The charm takes the form of a node attached to an electrical energy beam, and it can exert force on whatever she targets to cause crushing damage.
Charms - Universal Pilot Key: Pilot any vehicle, even mundane ones so long as they have a key.
Acts as a 'skeleton key' for unoccupied vehicles, including mundane ones. So long as Lotus can sit in the driver's seat and 'plug into' a vehicle she can drive it as if it was her own body!
Jade Caste: Has resistance to disease and can augment her physical attributes.
Iron Lotus is a particular strain of artifically created superhuman from her world known as a Jade caste Alchemical Exalted. As a bare minimum, this grants her certain perks including natural resistance to disease and the signs of aging, but there are more specific advantages as well. Most specifically, Lotus can improve her physical attributes, specifically strength and stamina, far and above what Alchemicals of her essence ranking can usually do. These are called 'Augmentations' and he possesses at least one for many mundane attributes. As a Jade Caste specifically, she can also naturally become tougher, allowing her to reinforce her skin and create a blocky energy aura.


Gaining Clarity: If Lotus gains Clarity, her actions become more straightforward and 'efficient'.
Clarity is the universal measuring stick of an Alchemical's closeness with Autochthon, their creator. The more clarity they gain, the more out of touch with her humanity Lotus becomes, leading her to value efficiency over humanity. Her behavior becomes more straightforward and she begins to see people as bundles of statistics rather than humans.
Losing Clarity: Lotus desires meaningful social contact in order to stave off Clarity.
Lotus strongly desires meaningful social contact in order to stave off the onset of Clarity. She strongly values the friendship of other people and wishes to be known as their friend, and wishes to make friends, and this can be used as a weakness against her.
Proving Ground: Lotus has a strong desire to prove herself as the best.
Inherent to Lotus' personality is a strong need to prove herself as the strongest. Although she inherited it from her old 'self', she is strongly driven by a need to be more than just the smallest member of the group, and to prove herself as useful and a valid member of whatever team she is in.
Out of Touch: Lotus is out of touch with her old memories, which she may find disturbing.
Because of an attack from a fair folk noble, Lotus experiences a disconnect between her memories and her current self. She may become disturbed by the memories of what she has done in the past, or experience a fearful or alienated perspective towards her old world of Kamak, her previous home, and the Realm of Brass and Shadow she originated from. Ruminating on old memories can fill her with fear, discomfort and doubt for her life and her cause.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
568 Scardust (FINAL) Sep 14 2019
563 Scardust (9) Sep 07 2019
549 Bedside Manner Aug 04 2019
548 Scardust (8) Aug 03 2019
543 Scardust (7) Jul 20 2019
539 Scardust (6) Jul 13 2019
499 Scardust (5) May 25 2019
489 Scardust (4) May 18 2019
483 Scardust (3) May 11 2019
472 Scardust (3) May 11 2019
See All 15 Scenes


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