World Tree MUSH

Scardust (3)

Character Pose
Iron Lotus
    Last time, you spoke to the Roshtonari and, in addition to finding out their intentions to a more or less degree, you also found out another storm is going to be coming around pretty soon. Guess those guys have some pretty good ways of predicting the weather.

    At Lotus' request, albeit with some cajoling, Astra has agreed to take you to the bleeding edge of the problem- the ruins of another town just south of Bonne Bon, which is currently abandoned and in the process of being swallowed up.
    Farewell Traveller - Flashygoodness
    Tower of Heaven - 2009

    You find yourself in the ruins of a town much like Bonne Bon, with tumbledown buildings and abandoned storefronts, a fountain which is currently leaking, and of course, lots and lots of dust.

    There's piles of dust everywhere.

    The sky is thick with black, rumbling clouds as the stormfront bears down on you.