Brutal, Vicious, entirely lacking in empathy, and nursing a crippling inferiority complex; Raditz is everything one could want in the evil, older brother of a kind-hearted hero. An aggressive, malicious thug, Raditz was barely better than a foot soldier in the Frieza Force. Now amongst the Harvesters he finds himself in a perfect position to slip from beneath the boot heel of his former oppressors and gain power enough to destroy them. A skilled martial artist and powerful combatant with the ability to weaponize his ki into powerful energy blasts. He hides his insecurities behind mountainous piles of bravado and viciousness. Will do anything to attain his goals, even at the price of his own honor in moments most dire.
Battle Armor: Standard issue Frieza Force battle armor. Flexible, durable, stylish.
The standard issue Freiza Force battle armor is a one-size-fits-all piece of armor that covers the wearer's torso in a dense but flexible, rubber-like armor that leaves the wearers limbs unfettered. Truly a universal fit, the armor is capable of expanding to cover even gargantuan frames. The armor's durability is owed to the capacity of the material to absorb impacts, becoming hard and rigid when struck or shot. Exceedingly heavy or repeated impacts can lead to a breach where the armor will shatter from too much stress.
Scouter: Fits over users ear and eye. Guages power levels and acts as 2-way radio.
A small, all-purpose computer that fits over the wearer's ear with a clear lense that extends to cover the corresponding eye. Its primary function is to detect high concentrations of Ki in the surrounding area. In its native environments, it can detect particularly high concentrations over hundreds of kilometers. Features a long-range transceiver. Prone to self-destruction when exposed to substantially powerful entities.
Saiyan: A powerful, war-like race with incredible strength and tenacity.
A race of brutal, violent and bloodthirsty people that served as raiders, pillagers, and real-estate agents for a Galactic Overlord that had subjugated their race beneath his dainty three-toed foot. A warrior race that even destroyed their native planet in the past. Powerful, prideful, and viciously tenacious. Saiyans are naturally stronger, faster, and more agile than most races thanks largely in part to their innate ability to manipulate the vast amounts of Ki inside their body. Even the weakest of Saiyans (Raditz?!) should not be taken lightly. Legend states there is yet more power yet to be tapped in the all but extinct race. It is said that a Saiyan is never more powerful than when they have returned from death's door.
Great Ape< Edge >: Under the light of a full moon, Saiyans may undergo a monsterous transformation.
When exposed to large amounts of Blutz Rays that originate primarily from lunar bodies, Saiyans can undergo great and terrible transformations into the monstrous Great Ape. Several times larger and much stronger than their natural forms, Great Apes are creatures of almost uncontrollable rage and power that want nothing more than to lay waste to all that surrounds them. Before an army of Great Apes, civilizations have fallen into ruin, worlds have been shattered, countless lives lost. Knowing this, it is no wonder that word of their annihilation was met with little grief in their native universe.
Space Pod: A small, unarmed space capsule.
The perfect vehicle for any would-be conqueror. Space Pods are small, single-occupant spacecraft that have been the favored method of interplanetary transport for Saiyans for as long as is cared to remember. These crafts are bare-bones affairs, offering transport and safety from the horrible vacuum of space and little more. Capable of interstellar flight but little else. These crafts are unarmed for surely there is no weapon greater than their occupant. In the case of excessively long journeys, this craft can put its occupant into a state of suspended animation. Perfect for those long trips that will take Exactly One Year or limping home after a rough encounter with the local wildlife.
Ki-Use: Able to use inner power to increase abilities or use ki blasts.
Saiyans are born with an innate control over their Ki, instinctively using it to heighten their strength, speed, and durability or even create powerful blasts of energy. Raditz is no exception to this fact, able to manipulate his Ki with slowly growing skill. His greatest attack he has named Sunday, a powerful Ki wave so named because it brings an end to the weak... Get it?
Flight: Through the control of his inner Ki, Raditz is capable of flight.
Nearly all Saiyans are able to harness their Ki in order to fly with the more powerful being capable of traveling at super-sonic speeds! It can only be estimated that they use their Ki to form a barrier against the winds.
Sub-par Saiyan: Raditz status as a 'weak, low-class Saiyan' is a constant sore spot for him.
Ever since joining Vegeta's squad, Raditz has had his low-birth status ground into his face on an almost daily basis. His lack of strength, his lack of skill, his parentage. Everything marked him as being lower than dirt and were it not for the extinction of his race, he would likely have been killed off long ago. This has left the young man with a vast need to compensate for perceived incapabilities. By preying on these latent insecurities, Raditz can be easily manipulated or goaded into detrimental situations.
Appetite for Destruction: A voracious eater, should Raditz go too long between meals, he will suffer.
Raditz is capable of great feats of strength and endurance in his own right. His Saiyan physique making him a destructive powerhouse. All of this requires fuel, of course. Saiyans need to consume a staggeringly high number of calories per day to stay in peak condition, sometimes even several times their body weight in food. If these needs are not met, a Saiyan will steadily grow weaker and weaker, becoming more and more desperate to fulfill the bottomless hunger inside of them. This hunger is never greater than when they have reverted from their Great Ape form, the power coming at the cost of a ravenous need.
Raw: Unskilled by Saiyan standards, Raditz aches for anything that'd strengthen him.
By all rights, Raditz should have died with Planet Vegeta. Having passed a test by the skin of his teeth and with lies and deceit, Raditz found himself in a role he was sorely unprepared for and has been struggling to stay alive ever since. One would think that having been in the same squad as Prince Vegeta and General Nappa that he would have had ample time to hone his abilities. However, 'practice' sessions were usually more like one-sided beatings, the power levels involved too drastically different to glean any useful lessons from. With even Saibamen proving to be more than a match for the poor Saiyan, Raditz finds himself making his way with mostly raw might and viciousness! Secretly, Raditz aches for a master or a rival. Someone to replace a revered father that was lost in the 'untimely extinction' of his race. Raditz will go to great lengths for or against such individuals, possibly to the detriment of his mission and certainly at the risk of his own well being.
Shattered Honor: Thinks himself a great warrior. Is sometimes little more than a bully.
Raditz likes to think of himself as a proud, terrible Saiyan Warrior but he is sometimes a little bit closer to a posturing bully. When sorely pressed, he may degrade himself with attempts at trickery or even begging to save his own, rotten hide.