Zipporah (Dropped)

World: Ithara-1
Actual Age: 21
Apparent Age: Early 20s
Quote: "How beautiful! Is it yours? Can I have it? It really is lovely! Just LOOK at the way it shines..."
Role: "Finder" of Goods
Species: Magwitch
Theme Song:
Voice Actor: Hannah John-Kamen (Sweet Shalquoir, "Dark Souls II")


Zipporah (or just "Zip") is a Magwitch Harpy hailing from the desert city of Al Hana. Like the magpie she resembles, she has an attraction to beautiful objects, and has taken up a life of thievery in order to fuel her collection's growth. Capable of great stealth, clever problem-solving, and impressive acrobatics, she has thus far experienced little difficulty in claiming whatever she wants -- including the bracelet used to control the demon Manmukh! With her world now a Blossom on the World Tree, her thirst for yet more treasure is taking her to new realms, where greed will no doubt continue to overwhelm common sense.


Flight: Zip can use her "wings" to glide for some distance.
Though lacking true wings, the feathers growing from Zip's arms support controlled glides. She can glide a greater distance if she leaps from a greater height. Provided she is conscious and not burdened by too much weight, she can safely glide from any height but the most extreme.
Thief: Zip is a thief practiced in lockpicking, sleight of hand, and burglary.
With the right tools and opportunity, Zip is capable of stealing from even an aware victim. Sleight of hand and lockpicking are specialties, though she also has the know-how to break into physical (and some magical) vaults. Her skill extends to stalking targets and casing buildings. (Consent will be requested.)
Dungeoneer: Zip has the survival skills to explore and escape "dungeons."
With her history of treasure-seeking in various settings -- including labyrinthine ruins, natural caverns, and city mansions -- Zip has accrued a great deal of practical experience when it comes to the adventurer's lifestyle. She's better than average at spotting traps, surmounting terrain obstacles, solving puzzles, and keeping track of her whereabouts. Her pack contains the basic tools for surviving less civilized environs, including rope and a small iron lantern.
Acrobat: Zip is an agile climber, leaper, and escape artist.
Another trait developed over her career, Zipporah is extremely skilled at climbing, leaping, tumbling, and otherwise navigating over and around challenging terrain. Her Magwitch physiology contributes to this as her clawed hands and feet make excellent climbing aids and her ability to glide can get her to places otherwise unreachable. Her flexibility gives her an advantage when it comes to eluding arrest, too.
Sneak: Zip can be very quiet, even if her surroundings should make it impossible.
Despite the jewelry she wears in abundance, Zipporah can choose to move in near total silence. Even in the middle of a raging battlefield, she's good at finding cover and at keeping out of sight; it's a survival skill! Her silence can't be maintained if she's moving too quickly, except when gliding, when she's almost as quiet as an owl.
Twin Daggers: Zip is skilled in close combat with edged weapons.
To avoid the tiresome weight of a sword or the focused will required to use a magic wand, Zipporah has learned to fight with a pair of light daggers. She is far from a master fighter and uses these weapons as the last line of defense.


Cowardice: Zip prefers "flight" to "fight."
Zipporah is no front line fighter; in fact, she's not very good in a fight at all. If faced with mortal danger that can only be surmounted on the battlefield, there's no way she'll take part! Her allies won't be able to count on her help in a scrap unless she's truly pressed.
Frailty: Zip has hollow bones that are easy to break.
Like the birds from which her species originate, most of Zipporah's skeletal structure is fragile, almost hollow. A minor fracture for a human's bones might be a severe break for Zipporah's. This is just another reason why she avoids direct combat! In addition, she is susceptible to poisons and finds mental stress difficult to overcome.
Greed: Zip has light fingers and limited self-control.
Zipporah's lust for wealth runs deep. It's not that she wants to have any power or responsibility to go along with that wealth, oh, no; she just wants to have a pretty hoard all her own! Jewelry, coins, magic relics -- anything with a sparkle that isn't nailed down is something she'll consider stealing. Even the property of her friends isn't necessarily safe. Greed will often override her common sense, and such powerful greed means her loyalty has a not-so-metaphorical price tag.
Rap Sheet: Zip has paid the price for her capers more than once.
Not every caper has ended with success. Zipporah has spent more than a few stints in prison, only a few of which she's managed to escape before her time has been served. As such, there is a bounty on her head that any hunter can pursue. The threat of arrest keeps her on the move, and keeps her from visiting her world's largest cities. (Stolen goods and bounties may be pursued by antagonists.)

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
98 The Tomb Of King Takhamun III May 02 2018
64 Day Drinking Mar 29 2018
See All 2 Scenes


This character has no cutscenes yet.