Lezard Valeth (Dropped)

Lezard Valeth
World: Valkyrie Profile-1
Actual Age: 30ish
Apparent Age: 24
Quote: "Ye know me! If ye do not, ye shall be MADE to know me! It shall be engraved upon thy very soul... Lezard Valeth!"
Role: Megalomaniacal Alchemist
Species: Human...?
Theme Song: How Wicked Ruler: https://youtu.be/ZMUM-sXcYVk
Voice Actor: Liam O'Brien


Lezard is a study in the power of obsession. One of the most powerful and gifted alchemists of his age, Lezard demonstrates incredible power and facility with any magical discipline any sage of Midgard could name, as well as several they could not. Normally laconic, though sharp of tongue and confident to the point of hubris, Lezard holds a fairly placid demeanor until challenged or roused to action, upon which he rapidly shows his megalomaniacal nature. An encounter with Lenneth Valkyrie early in his life led to that which drives him now, a desire to break the chains that bind Man and God and ascend to a station worthy of taking Lenneth for his own, to sit at his side as he rules over not just Midgard, but all that exists in Odin's place. To do this he will shatter every law and go to any lengths necessary.


SORCERY: Can use elemental attack spelle, buff and debuff spells, and healing magic.
A Sorcerer of Midgard is capable of using a variety of elemental magics. He has no particular handicap in this regard, and can use spells of Fire, Ice, Thunder, Earth, Holy, and Darkness with equal facility. The elemental attacks do not specifically have any inherent traits other than interacting with weaknesses and resistances. They are generally all methods of applying specific elemental damage. They range from concentrated elemental attacks to wide-area assault. At their most powerful, they can call upon what is called a Great Magic, which is basically a powerful short-cutscene super move that strikes a wide area.

Some attacks can inflict JRPG style status effects such as Poison, Freeze, Stun, Stone, Blind, and others.

Additionally, he is capable of inflicting a variety of debilitating effects, augmenting his or another's abilities for a very short period (increasing or reducing magical power, physical strength, defense, etc), or healing himself or others. This healing consists of a basic magical reconstitution. It cannot remove status effects or recover the unconscious or dead. (For the dead, see Necromancy)
TWISTED SPACE< Edge >: Limited teleportation and ritual-speed limited spatial manipulation.
Lezard has unlocked the ability to travel without movement, allowing him to teleport from one place to another. This ability can be used to move between points in line of sight distance or to a prepared location farther away, as well as locations he has visited in the past. The ability has a distinctive appearance and has a short charge-up time, allowing it to be interfered with in some cases. Lezard can carry other people or objects with him in the process, but nothing larger than he could carry on his own UNLESS he spends a point of Edge. Lezard similarly cannot breach areas warded against teleportation without spending a point of Edge.

His knowledge allows him to interact with space-warping effects and attempt to manipulate them. If he has time and resources, he is furthermore capable of setting up a standing 'twisted space' that will pull a section of an area out of sync, preventing most travel in and out, hiding it from sight, and preventing casual scrying and detection. This is not a combat-time use of this Perk, and generally is used as a set piece or to guard an important location.
ALCHEMY: Create potions, poisons, object reinforcement, soulless homunculi.
Alchemy is the art of transforming a material to another; it's chemistry with a heavy magical and spiritual bent. Lezard is a master alchemist, capable of synthesizing chemicals and compounds both scientific and fantastic to accomplish almost anything he needs. Basic potions may be able to salve minor injuries and status effects akin to basic recovery items from a JRPG. The most dangerous of the materials he is capable of manufacturing include the infamous Ghoul Powder (see below), but poisons, medical potions, salves, tinctures, and chemical compounds are the usual stock in trade for this situation. Any reinforcement or alchemical effect is strictly temporary unless applied for through the use of Edge, upgrade applications, or Plot applications.

Through a unification of this discipline and others, he has achieved the capability to even create living (albeit soulless) shells of any form he desires (see Homunculus). Lezard also uses his alchemical skills to alter and bind undead flesh to create more powerful Undead (as minions are always in demand, see Behold My Latest Creation), as well as using living samples to create his Homunculi.

GHOUL POWDER: This noxious substance is the product of a fusion of dark Alchemy and Necromancy. Ingestion of this powder will gradually and painfully transform someone into a demonic or undead form that varies based on the nature of the person. The process of the transformation usually destroys one's mind from the stress and pain, but not always. The requirement of ingestion additionally makes it almost impossible to use offensively in a combat situation. Any actual effect from the powder will involve a plot if a PC is to be affected and requires full consent.
NECROMANCY: Engages in Undead and demonic summoning, fleshcrafting.
Lezard Valeth's drive to master the powers of the gods have taken him to dark places. With his control over souls, and through the use of various alchemical and magical rituals, he is able to summon up undead, animate corpses, bring forth demons, or even craft powerful abominations using his own knowledge and power (See Open The Gates of Niflheim and Behold My Latest Creation). Such things are an affront ot the gods of Midgard, but Lezard often uses them to advance his goals. Lezard is also capable of using this power on an ad hoc basis to attack opposition with undead-themed effects (such as skeletal arms or ghosts), as well as acting as ablative armor themed defenses (walls of bone, etc)
THE PHILOSOPHER'S STONE: A book with the knowledge of his world, magic catalyst and protective shield.
This poorly-named artifact is a book containing a seemingly endless number of pages detailing any and all knowledge available in Lezard's world, from which he has acquired much of his current powers. The book can deploy its pages like a protective shield around Lezard, dampening certain attacks and potentially even averting fatal ones. It also bolsters his ability to cast spells, being a focus of the greatest order.
SOUL TRANSFUSION< Copy-P Edge >: A forbidden ritual to transfer souls or entrap them, allowing access to powers
A forbidden art and one of the deepest secrets of Lezard's repertoire, the art of Soul Transfusion allows him to separate the soul from a body, manipulate it, seal it into a crystal, and even move it into a new one. Lezard's mastery of this ritual allows him to, after an extended ritual (one round), move a soul from one body to another, or crystalize it. In the former case, this use requires a point of Edge, and both souls would end up inhabiting one body (unless the body had none). In the latter case, a crystalized soul is essentially asleep until freed and can be internalized by Lezard to access some of its powers for himself.


OPEN THE GATES OF NIFLHEIM!< Basic F-Tier >: The hordes of darkness are at his command.
While difficult to access his own netherworld while it is a Bud, Lezard is more than capable of calling up and conjuring the demons and spirits of whatever realm he happens to inhabit. These creatures can come individually or en masse, and tend to emerge from dark portals when not using a method more suited to the setting. The creatures are usually sent forth in swarm tactics, being used to overrun and harrass targets with numbers more than individual power. He often uses these creatures as transport or ablative defense.
BEHOLD, MY LATEST CREATION!< C-Tier MotW >: Powerful fleshcrafted undead abominations reinforced with alchemy.
The demented depths of Lezard's mind can come up with all kinds of blasphemous monstrosities to serve his ends. When the basic hordes aren't enough, Lezard can call up a more powerful creature to battle his opponents. These are usually some form of undead Frankenstein-like abomination, a particularly powerful undead, or a higher demon. The effort and resources required to harness, craft, or call up these make him incapable of deploying them en masse, but they act as fantastic siege breakers or bodyguards. Most infamous of these are the Dragon Tooth Knights, animated draconic corpses merged with other species to stand upright with twin massive blades. Incredibly durable, they tend to act as a bodyguard for Lezard or acting as a vanguard. Also having been deployed before are powerful chimera or entire reanimated zombified dragon corpses.<br/><br/>Commonly, these creatures are intended to be an additional or moderate threat in a scene, much like a mini-boss or a higher tier threat amongst a group of minor enemies. They are all generally durable, but other traits and abilities depend on the specific creature called.
HOMUNCULUS< Boss >: A soulless vessel to hold great power.
A created life form designed from synthesized flesh and blood, these are the culmination of Lezard's experiments into the nature of the flesh of Man and God. Homunculi are shells that lack a soul or sapient thought. Unless invested with a consciousness through some fashion, they rarely do more than simply shamble around when active. Homunculi can be crafted of any biological stock he wishes and appear as anyone, including PCs should he gain the proper samples. However, they do /not/ have the powers, knowledge, or consciousness of the original. Such things require the soul and consciousness of that specific person, as well as any required accoutrements for the functioning of their abilities. On the other hand, this does mean that Lezard is capable of fashioning functional clones or biologically advanced bodies with the proper materials for use in his experiments or as barter. When serving in a boss fashion, it typically indicates that Lezard has expended significant investment into fashioning a vessel for a powerful spiritual entity to inhabit to battle for his cause, or is a being that was transferred into an augmented body using Soul Transfusion.


OBSESSION: An easily-exploited monofocus on Lenneth Valkyrie.
Lezard Valeth has two driving goals. One of them is to gain the hand of Lenneth Valkyrie. To do this, he is willing to break any taboo, arrange the deaths of good and innocent people, and even commit war upon the gods themselves in his own way. Those who know of his driving goal can likely use it to manipulate him, though his response could be quite violent if he finds out he has been tricked.
HUBRIS: Everything is going according to plan! Except when it doesn't.
Supreme confidence can be a terrifying trait. Lezard is possessed of such, and believes that his success is all but inevitable. All he needs to do is put the pieces into place and everything will move as he wishes. It takes a special kind of personality to believe that one can not only match, but defeat the gods of one's world. He often takes what he believes are calculated risks (but for whom?) and is willing to go to lengths that would be dangerous for any more cautious person to tread. He will endanger worlds and shatter lives with his efforts without thinking twice should it serve his purpose. So far, he has been attentive enough to maintain this stance, but how long will it last against the much broader expanse of the World Tree?

The answer is simply: Not nearly as well. Since he lacks a magic book to tell him all about the forces in the multitudinous worlds to form the foundation of his strategies, he can be thrown off balance by any number of unforeseen events of the types that heroes are all too common in providing.
ICONOCLAST: The gods are false. Why would he show them any reverence?
To Lezard, a god is nothing more than a being who has had the will or luck to gain access to immense power. Commensurate with his plan, he intends to prove this fact by becoming a 'god' himself, through whatever means are necessary to gain the stature required to achieve his goals. Those gods who are actively harmful to their followers or remain distant particularly prick his cynical nature, but even beneficent gods would do little to convince him otherwise. He will tolerate deities and the servants thereof who work alongside him, he will even be polite if it is in his best interests, but he will never, ever bow down.
IF TO SERVE THIS PURPOSE I SHALL BE DESPISED: Holy Weak - Setting yourself against the reigning pantheon has drawbacks.
Lezard Valeth has trafficked in dark power for some time, and his actions and behaviors are an abomination to the gods. Though he can use holy magics with no problems, his defenses against such are much lower, having a greater effect upon him than other types. He is conscious of this fact, which is another justification for his irritability towards existing pantheons. When selecting targets, he often seeks to remove such sources first. A church being defiled or the local templars being killed can often be a sign that Lezard might be in the area. He takes a particular joy in destroying or corrupting the tools of the Gods to his own ends, either removing them or perverting them to his own dark needs as he sees fit.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
130 A Slothful Apparation May 28 2018
126 The World of Titans May 25 2018
124 Those Dagon Tourists May 24 2018
92 Cult of the New Beginning Apr 27 2018
73 We Definitely Started the Fire Aug 30 2018
See All 5 Scenes


This character has no cutscenes yet.