Tharja (Dropped)

World: Fire Emblem Awakening-1
Actual Age: A Mystery
Apparent Age: Early Twenties
Quote: "Death comes for all of us eventually. Why invite it early, fighting for a cause I don't believe in?"
Role: Dark Shadow
Species: Human(Approximation)
Theme Song:
Voice Actor: Stephanie Sheh


Tharja is a dour Dark Mage that hails from the Theocracy of Plegia. She cares little for the unholy crusades of her country, and instead chooses to occupy her dark thoughts with different obsessions than arduously displaying patriotism and blind loyalty to the Fell Dragon Grima. Tharja is a master of curses and hexes which leads her to always being on the look out for new potential guinea pigs to experiment upon with her Dark Magic. Skilled in the use of magical tomes, Tharja wields powerful magic in battle, but lacks any real answer to those that pressure and engage her in close combat. Often cold and aloof, this Plegian Dark Mage has trouble socializing and expressing herself without threatening to curse or hex someone. However, she shows a completely different side of herself when she finds a worthwhile someone to obsess over and stalk. Woe to whomever that is for they have gained a new dark shadow by the name of Tharja.


Elemental Tomes: Using magical tomes to conjure fire, lightning, and other elements in battle.

    While she is a Dark Mage, Tharja has the ability to read and wield tomes of elemental magic that regular mages tend to use in battle. This allows her to conjure fire, thunder, frost, and other elements respectively in battle. These elements would manifest in either a singular larger blast, or would appear in an array of smaller attacks to cover a larger area. While skilled in the use of this school of magic, this is not her speciality. Her ability to wield such elemental magic would pale in comparison to that of a mage that specializes in conjuration. Instead, this aptitude merely provides Tharja with some variety in attacks for her to use in battle against her would-be foes.
Dark Magic: Conjuring Dark Energy and shaping it into physical form to assault an opponent.

    Dark Mages are also able to use specialized tomes to conjure dark energy into physical form. This often results in supernatural appendages springing forth from her tome to attack her enemies. This may be as simply as a magical slap across the face to a grandiose gauntlet of flailing clawed arms. Tharja is also able to conjure Dark Magic into a beam-like projectile when she does not wish to shape the magic into an exact form.
Hexes and Curses: Applying or removing boons and banes that can have minor to profound effects.

    Wielding Dark Magic may be the most commonly attributed power to a Dark Mage, but hexes and curses are Tharja's personal favorite and speciality among the Dark Arts. She has an unnatural one's session over this kind of magic and devotes a great deal of her time to researching and experimenting with hexes and curses. Her ability to curse and cast hexes on others even supersedes her abilities in other aspects of Dark Magic. These curses and hexes are somewhat paradoxically used in generally beneficial and benevolent ways despite the malevolent sounding nature of such magic. Tharja will cast a hex to ward off insects, cool down fevers, and other assorted tasks to differing level of success. Tharja can also attempt to curse a person or object with a wide assortment of typically unpleasant effects. This can be as general as a 'bad luck' curse to a specific curse that someone has to sneeze every time they tell a lie. The effects can be quite comical as well as serious, but are generally not the life-threatening kind of curses. Tharja does possess a great deal of skill in lifting curses and hexes which is one of the most common reasons for one to seek out her assistance.
Divination< Edge >: Tells people their fortunes, and can scry the general location of an individual.
Fortune telling is a minor hobby of Tharja's that falls under the larger umbrella of magical divination. But her real talent is useing the scales of a Manakete (a type of humanoid creature that can turn into a dragon) to divine the location of an individual. The scales of a Manakete are a rare resource which greatly limits Tharja's ability to accurately tell the location of someone. But, she can offer a fortune telling reading at much less of a cost with the trade off of it being just as accurate as most fortunes.


Obsessive: Every breath you take, I'll be watching you~

    Tharja is normally a cold and aloof character that has trouble socializing with others. But occasionally, she will develop a single-minded obsession with a specific individual. This may start as a proclaimed preference for their company that eventually turns into a full-blown obsession. She becomes enraptured with the individual to the point of her attention being likened to that of a stalker. The best bet of that individual is to do their best to avoid Tharja's many curses and hexes, and just hope that one day she moves on to obsess over someone else instead. Tharja can prove to be rather capricious in this state, and someone attempting to dissuade her from pursuing her obsession could quite easily become her new one. Failing that, she will be quite protective of her current obsession and will defend them from a (close) distance.
Loves Her Work: Gets overly excited over the prospect of new guinea pigs to experiment on.

    Hexes and curses are things that Tharja loves dearly. But for her to be truly a master of either, she requires constant practice on willing (and not-so-willing) individuals to act as guinea pigs in her experiments. Practice makes perfect, and Tharja will assuredly then relentlessly curse and hex her brave yet foolish guinea pigs over and over again. And yet, Tharja will defend her beloved magic experiments with nearly the same fanatical devotion she shows towards someone she is obsessed with. And yet, a prospective "volunteer" should think carefully before they agree to participate in one of her curse experiments, or ask Tharja to cast a hex. The drawbacks may indeed outweigh the benefits in this case!
Disloyal: Doesn't care about changing sides mid-battle

    She is rarely a true believer in a cause, and she often will follow her own personal interests and goals instead of the more lofty goals of the group that she is currently fighting for. And if she is fighting for a cause that she does not believe in, she has no qualms in switching sides mid-battle and taking up arms against her former comrades.

Recent Scenes

ID Title Date
78 Trouble in Chicago Apr 15 2018
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